The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations (light Nov…
Chapter 28 Table of contents

“What did you just say?”


Belinda felt dizzy.


She had watched Ghislain since he was young, but at some point, he had become someone she could no longer understand.


‘He’s crazy. It’s not about becoming a bigger person or anything—he’s just gone mad.’


With a blank expression on her face, Belinda turned to Gillian, who was standing next to Ghislain and began to nag him.


“Gillian! You say something, too!”


Gillian, who also felt the same desire to stop this, finally spoke up.


“My lord, how about stopping here? Belinda is right. The remaining money is still a considerable sum. If you at least save that, you can use it for other things in the future.”


Despite Gillian’s attempt to dissuade him, Ghislain shook his head.


“I suppose some explanation is necessary. Let’s bring Kaor here as well.”


Once Kaor joined them, Ghislain began to explain his thoughts.


“As you all know, we’re nearly out of funds and haven’t even started yet. At this rate, we won’t last much longer, so I’m thinking we should focus on quickly generating some revenue.”


The three of them wore expressions of complete disbelief.


Pioneering was about securing areas where no one had yet set foot.


There was no way to know what might be found or how it could bring profit.


Unable to hold back any longer, Belinda stepped forward again.


“Just call it off right now. If we use up all the remaining money, we’ll really be left with nothing. We’re bound to get caught once we enter the forest anyway. We might even be kicked out of the estate.”


More than a hundred mercenaries were lingering around the estate. It was apparent the vassals would be on edge.


And with so many workers gathered, it was clear that everyone would be looking on with suspicion.


Belinda had made an excuse, saying they were building a new training ground and a villa for the Grand Duke. But the moment Ghislain stepped into the Forest of Beasts, that lie would inevitably fall apart.


Both Gillian and Kaor spoke up as well, each making their case.


“If you’re determined to proceed, we will follow, my lord… but it’s unrealistic. In the end, the lord will surely punish you.”


“We’re getting paid to fight, so it doesn’t matter to us, but if you think about the people who’ll die, no amount of money will be enough. Well, I suppose you’ll become more famous—known as the reckless fool of a lord who did something stupid. Hah!”


Everyone was giving Ghislain’s plan a negative evaluation.


Even the previous lords of Ferdium had all given up on this task, so there was no way an individual could succeed with just 20,000 gold.


Ghislain nodded deeply as if he understood their thoughts.


“You all make valid points. Naturally, I also think it would be impossible to pioneer in such a way. It will likely fail.”


“Then why do you keep insisting on this?”


“Because I’m not going to do it that way.”


“What did you just say?”


Belinda, flustered, asked again. Instead of answering, Ghislain unfolded a map.


“Look, the Forest of Beasts is here, and we’ll be entering from this side.”


Following Ghislain’s gestures, the three began carefully examining the map.


The Forest of Beasts was only roughly marked on the map, showing its general size.


Ghislain took out a pen and, starting from the edge of the Forest of Beasts, drew a line straight through before suddenly veering sharply to the side.


“This should be about right. We’ll ignore everything else and clear a path like this. That’s the first objective.”




“Instead of securing the entire area, we’ll secure the fastest route to the target.”


“Didn’t you say you were going to pioneer the land?”


“Conventional pioneering is impossible. The plan was to secure the resources to generate money quickly from the start. This place just happens to be the closest to our estate.”


“Do you even know what’s there?”


Ghislain smirked at Belinda’s question.


“Something that’ll make a ton of money.”




Everyone was too shocked to speak.


To them, it seemed like Ghislain was randomly picking a spot on the map and insisting there was something valuable there.


Gillian, trying to maintain some composure, asked, “My lord, what exactly is there that makes you so confident it’s valuable? And how do you know about it?”


At that, Ghislain smiled awkwardly as if he was in a difficult position.


“Well, it’s top-secret information only I know.”


“And how did you come by that information? No one has ever entered the forest and lived to tell about it!”


Belinda slammed her hand on the table, raising her voice. Gillian and Kaor nodded in agreement.


Ghislain thought for a moment before speaking with a severe expression.


“Alright, don’t be too surprised, and listen carefully. The truth is… I died once and came back to life…”


“Stop joking around! This is a serious matter! How do you know this information?”


“No, really…”


“My lord! People’s lives are on the line here!”




At Belinda’s outburst, Ghislain tightly shut his mouth.


He had genuinely tried to tell them the truth this time, but as expected, no one believed him. He was starting to feel a little lonely.


At this rate, he had no choice but to make something up.


“I heard a rumor. There’s supposed to be something extremely valuable here.”




Belinda’s eyes flared with anger as she glared at Ghislain. Gillian stood dumbfounded while Kaor, head lowered, couldn’t stop snickering.


The Forest of Beasts was shrouded in mystery, with only rumors to go by.


One of the most common stories was about rare medicinal herbs hidden within the forest, fueling many tales of potential riches.


Those rumors drove some explorers to enter the forest despite knowing the dangers.


But no one had ever imagined that Ghislain would be the type to believe such reckless gossip.


Kaor couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer and burst out.


“Our employer is truly insane. I didn’t think there was anyone crazier than us, but here he is. Hah!”


To defy the lord’s orders and squander what little money they had, all based on some vague rumor—only a madman would even attempt such a thing.


Despite the reactions of those around him, Ghislain continued speaking, undeterred.


“One day, we’ll need to drive out the monsters and fully utilize the resources in that forest. But now’s not the time for that. Doing so would take too long. We need money right away, which is why we’re going in to make it as quickly as possible.”


Belinda, barely managing to suppress her rising anger, trembled as she asked again.


“So, according to this ‘rumor,’ there’s ‘something’ here, right?”


“That’s right. We’ll first gather the most profitable resources here, then use the money to expand the territory further. It’s a plan to make money work for us. Simple, right? Hahaha.”


Belinda had to resist the overwhelming urge to punch the bright smile off his face. Gillian could only sigh deeply with a grim expression.


Kaor, on the other hand, didn’t care much as long as he got paid and had some fun.


Looking around at his bewildered subordinates, Ghislain spoke firmly.


“You might not understand now, but this is something that has to be done. If any problems arise, I’ll take full responsibility.”


Seeing the determined look in his eyes, both Belinda and Gillian found themselves unable to argue further.


“Trust me and follow my lead. If everyone does their best, we’ll definitely succeed.”


Belinda, resigned and drained, muttered under her breath.


“I really hope this is your last rebellious phase. You’re not exactly at that age anymore.”


“I don’t know if those rumors are true… but since you’ve made up your mind, my lord, I’ll do my best to assist you,” Gillian said, his face showing resolve. Kaor, meanwhile, continued to chuckle.


“Watching the heir of the estate end up in prison could be amusing. But please, make sure to settle my final payment before that happens.”


Everyone seemed to have half given up except for Ghislain, who smiled inwardly.


‘If everything goes according to plan, a massive fortune will come in.’


Ghislain had targeted the location closest to the edge of the forest, which held the most easily liquidated resources.


It wasn’t some baseless rumor—this was information he had learned in his previous life, though he couldn’t explain the source.


‘The Delfine Duchy discovered the resource in my past life.’


After overthrowing the kingdom and establishing a new dynasty, the Delfine Duchy began a massive pioneering operation in the Forest of Beasts, using the former kingdom’s full strength.


Ghislain bore a grudge against the Delfine Duchy and had also started investigating the forest.


He had wanted to know why they were investing so much effort into the forest and whether there was anything he could use to obstruct or harm them.


‘Even the Duchy didn’t know about the resources at first. They must have entered the forest for a different purpose.’


Although he never uncovered that original purpose, he did manage to obtain a map and journal detailing the locations of critical resources within the forest.


He had memorized the information in his previous life but couldn’t use it. Now, he finally had the chance.


‘Thanks for all the hard work collecting that information. I’ll be sure to put it to good use.’


In his past life, the Delfine Duchy had amassed a great fortune by developing the forest.


In this life, Ghislain intended to claim those resources for himself.


That wealth would provide the power he needed to thwart the conspiracies surrounding Ferdium.


“Well then, let’s get started.”


At Ghislain’s words, everyone returned to their tasks.


Gillian managed the mercenaries near the estate, conducting simple drills to keep them occupied and prevent them from interfering with each other.


Belinda directed the workers, focusing on constructing the camp.


Although they were preparing under Ghislain’s orders, none of them felt at ease.


Belinda, in particular, was so consumed by worry that she spent sleepless nights, her dark circles growing more pronounced beneath her eyes.


“If the rumors are true, who knows what kind of monsters will appear. If he dies in there… he’ll be called an idiot even after death.”


The truth was, every time people criticized Ghislain, it made her angry and broke her heart.


To her, he was nothing but adorable, though others didn’t seem to see it the same way.


After hearing so many insults about him, she occasionally (just occasionally) wondered if she had failed to educate him as his tutor properly.


But if he went to such a dangerous place and lost his life… she wouldn’t be able to face the late Countess Ferdium, who had entrusted Ghislain to her care.


“If there’s any sign of danger, I’ll have to drag him out forcibly.”


Belinda pulled out all the poisons she had collected over time and sifted through them.


“Let’s see… which one should I use to knock him out without killing him?”


Since Ghislain’s skills seemed to have improved compared to before, she had to choose wisely.


Belinda meticulously selected a poison and delicately applied it to her dagger.


If things got dire, she planned to stab him from behind and escape while carrying him.


Despite everyone’s concerns, Ghislain never wavered in his decision.


Even someone as typically confident and relaxed as Ghislain couldn’t let go of his tension this time.


The Forest of Beasts was perilous. Even the mighty Delfine Duchy had failed multiple times in his previous life.


With his current strength, success was nearly impossible.


The only thing he could rely on was his past life knowledge and experience.


He had reviewed the plan countless times, assessing every possibility, and had chosen the fastest, safest, and most reliable route.


‘But information is just information… Reality is full of unpredictable variables.’


Even so, this was the best option if he wanted to save the estate.


Every other method required more time, and time was something they didn’t have.


The Delfine Duchy had already begun to move. If they responded too slowly, they would all be dead.


He had to act quickly, even if it meant risking his life.


‘I will succeed… I have to, for the sake of the estate and the family.’


As Ghislain continuously revised and reviewed his plan, time passed quickly.


Once Belinda and Gillian had completed their preparations, they sought him out.


In truth, they had intended to persuade him one last time, but the moment they saw Ghislain’s face, the words got stuck in their throats.


Gone was his usual playful expression.


His face was cold, almost chilling as if he had made up his mind to face death.


Seeing this, they resigned themselves to simply reporting on the situation and their progress.


“My lord… The camp is now ready to the point where we can manage basic lodging and meals. But I don’t think we can delay any further.”


“The mercenaries’ training is also complete. The estate’s vassals have started mobilizing soldiers to pressure us.”




Ghislain paused in thought.


It would have been better to prepare more thoroughly, but this was the limit. If he weren’t the Grand Duke’s heir, they wouldn’t have lasted even this long.


With a bitter smile, he slowly rose from his seat.


“You’re right; we can’t afford to wait any longer.”


Time was always the one thing he lacked.


If this plan succeeded, he would finally gain the time he desperately needed.


Letting out a long breath, Ghislain spoke firmly.


“Gather the mercenaries.”


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