Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 1 Ch. 52 Table of contents

“It’s a bit troublesome…”


Miss Violet scratched her head in distress.


Why did things turn out like this?


Originally, it was just a simple matter of catching a few fish, defeating a few small monsters, and maybe finding some interesting equipment in the process. But why has it turned into the situation it is now?


“Have mercy!”


As she looked at the trembling mouse-folk lying prostrate before her, Miss Priestess fell into a long silence.


After purifying the two mummies with physical exorcism techniques, Violet had thought that this seemingly more cunning and challenging mouse-folk would fight to the death, pulling out some forbidden and cursed treasures from his pocket, as is often the case in the game.


You see, that’s how the story usually goes in games.


As a precaution, Miss Priestess had prepared to release a high-level defensive spell just in case. However, to her surprise, this guy surrendered directly, not in a fake submission with a hidden treacherous intent but in genuine fear. Violet could sense his extreme fear.


If Miss Violet hadn’t warned him, “If you dare to wet your pants, I’ll turn you into a real dried-up old rat,” the ground would probably be soaked by now.


“Ha… So, are we going to fight or not?”


“I won’t fight, I won’t! I’ve decided to abandon the darkness and join your ranks, serving you faithfully. Just spare my life, please!”


“You, aren’t you supposed to be some member of the 【Eternal Throne】? Why are you so spineless… My head hurts…”


Miss Priest rubbed her temples in annoyance.


If the mouse-folk on the other side had attacked directly, Violet could have easily struck it down without any remorse. However, it was now begging for mercy so humbly, and it felt strange to consider violence.


After all, Violet didn’t have any deep-seated grudge against it; they had just ended up as adversaries by chance. Whether someone was alive or dead didn’t concern her much. In the 【Illusory World】, there were plenty of undead NPCs. To Miss Priest, it was just another form of life. She could even use magic to truly resurrect Prakaka if she wanted to.


The key point was that if Lilya really had to confront those princes, she would inevitably face more members of the 【Eternal Throne】. Although Violet felt that she could easily handle average foes like this mouse-folk, she hadn’t planned to always protect Princess Lilia. If a former 【Eternal Throne】 was willing to provide information and possibly assistance, it might be of great help to the princess since the organization was quite mysterious.


Of course, the condition is that this rat truly wants to submit and that we impose some restrictions on it.


“Never mind, what’s your name?”


“Oh, oh! Prakaka! Your greatness, this little mouse is called Prakaka!”


Sensing a slight change in Violet’s tone, the mouse-folk suddenly became excited and more obsequious, which made Miss Priest feel queasy.


“Your greatness… such nonsense. Prakaka, right? Speak to me properly. First, tell me your role within the 【Eternal Throne】 organization. Also, the two strange creatures with you, and the information about the archer outside, explain it clearly. If you dare to hide anything, hmm~”


The black-haired girl casually rotated the priest’s staff in her hand, causing Prakaka to tremble continuously, as if Violet was holding the detonation button for a nuclear warhead on Earth.


“I dare not, I dare not… I will tell everything, I promise.”


“The 【Eternal Throne】 organization was founded by the first 【Immortal Mage】 eight hundred years ago. Currently, there are twelve “Throne”, all of them are legendary-level powerhouses. I am the seventh “Throne”, Anthony Stevenson is the sixth “Throne”, and there’s also…”


Prakaka nervously described the organization’s structure, the number of members, and provided general information about the twelve “Throne”. He wasn’t a professional spy, so he couldn’t know everything in great detail, but his information was valuable.


Violet at least confirmed one thing: in this stronghold, there were indeed only Prakaka, Anthony, and the two mummies as “Eternal Throne member”, while the others were spread across other countries such as the Austre Empire, Human United Kingdom, Snow Country, and some small nations.


In general, except for some more exclusionary countries, there are traces of 【Eternal Throne】 activity in most regions of the world. The organization’s headquarters is located in a city within the Austre Empire.


Originally, this area was guarded only by Anthony, but a few days ago, the organization received a message stating that this place might be attacked, and even a terrifying enemy beyond the norm might appear. In order to maintain the cooperation with the second prince of the Human United Kingdom, Ben Melchior, who was already active within the Beastman Kingdom’s territory, he and the fourth “Throne” were dispatched to support this area. It was emphasized that the primary objective was to kill a woman with blue hair named Lilya Melchior.


“The second prince, huh…”


Violet noted this information. As for the rest of the details, she would let Lilia inquire about them herself after their current situation was resolved. This mouse-folk definitely knew more than just these details.


It was time to leave.


The reason for using the 【Iron Blood Arena】 was twofold: firstly, Violet was concerned that if they engaged in intense combat, it might affect the army that Lilya had brought with her. Secondly, Violet intentionally created a situation where it seemed like she and her companions were not around, in order to stimulate Lilya’s rapid growth in a crisis.


After all, she was like a half apprentice, so she needed to be nurtured to some extent. Of course, Violet would never let the princess die. Leaving aside the fact that Lilia’s current strength was quite impressive, capable of holding her own against anyone short of legendary-level opponents, she also had the 【Casket of Ascension】 that Violet had given her for protection.


Even if something went wrong, Violet had already released her little dragon, having her watch from the sky. Though she wouldn’t intervene unless it was a life-or-death situation. Besides, there was also resurrection magic. With Violet, a level 110 priest, around, as long as someone didn’t turn to ashes, they could be saved.


That’s why she felt comfortable coming here to fight the small monsters.


“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I can’t voluntarily deactivate this separate space. To get out, either everyone has to be killed except one, or you have to wait for a whole day. So, you understand what I mean, right?”


“W-What! How can that be!? You’re not going to…”


Prakaka’s slightly lifted spirits once again plunged into extreme terror.


Of course, the mouse-folk understood that the lady in front of him couldn’t stay inside for that long. The girl named Lilya appeared to have a close relationship with her and was definitely going to protect her outside.


But if that was the case…


“Have mercy, my lord! I’ve already told you everything. You can’t go back on your word!… Right, I still have a lot of treasures, magical equipment, and such… I’m willing to give you everything if you spare my life!”


Watching Prakaka cry and beg on the ground, still not daring to resist, Violet was sure that, for the time being, it genuinely had no ill intentions. So, she decided not to intimidate it any further.


“Alright, I don’t need your junk. To get out, you’ll have to die, but I promise to resurrect you. Do you understand? Otherwise, with that strong smell of death on you, how can you work for others?”


The mouse-folk was puzzled for a moment, showing a look of doubt.


“Resurrection magic? How can something like that be possible… Oh no, if it’s you, perhaps it really is…”


Thinking of the various extraordinary means the black-haired girl had demonstrated, Prakaka’s confidence in her intentions grew. If it was truly possible to escape the identity of the dead and become a real mouse-folk again, even as a slave subject to servitude, it would be infinitely better than the current muddled existence.


The crucial point was that Prakaka didn’t have a choice now, it was facing certain death, and apart from believing in Violet’s promise, there was no other option.


“Alright, I’ll follow your arrangements. By the way, I heard from Anthony and another Eternal Throne member that the beastmen will also send troops to support this place. By my calculations, they should be arriving soon. If you have any plans, please let me know quickly.”


Prakaka seemed to want to demonstrate its value as much as possible and reminded Miss Priest not to forget this information.


“Hmm, you have a pretty flexible moral compass, switching sides so naturally… Alright, that’s it.”


Violet raised her hand and shot a golden beam from her fingertip, instantly piercing Prakaka’s brain. This was just a basic magical attack, but when cast by a level 110 player against an opponent who offered no resistance, it was more than enough to kill it.


The mouse-folk slumped to the ground, and as the final victor was determined, the arena constructed by black and red began to rapidly dissolve, returning to normal space.


At this moment, Violet suddenly noticed the heap of white cloth that remained after the two mummies had been decapitated. It had shrunk to the size of an adult’s body.


It seemed to be a piece of magical equipment.


“Umm, even though it doesn’t seem like it’s anything good and it’s a bit dirty, as equipment obtained from monster hunting, putting it in my inventory can be considered a final form of respect for them…”


She used her weapon to pick it up casually and activated her detection skill.


【Robe of the Undead】


Four words appeared before Miss Priestess’s eyes.

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