Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 1 Ch. 54 Table of contents

Tepaya Basin, a section of the outer peaks.


The once lush forest was left in ruins, with ancient and robust tree trunks bearing the marks of pierced arrows, and fallen branches and leaves covering the ground.


In the center of the area with the densest marks, it seemed like a powerful energy shock had just occurred. Many trees had been uprooted and lay in a broken and disorderly fashion, while only the old trees with particularly strong roots had survived.


The scorched earth appeared as if it had been intensely heated by some high-temperature flames, but it abruptly stopped at a certain point.


Like the spread of a shockwave, there was a reverse eruption from the scorch marks, forming a sharp and terrifying arched pit in the ground, as if it had been ruthlessly struck by some tremendous force.


In the center of this sunken ground, there were currently two figures, one standing and one lying down.


“…I’ve won, Anthony Stevenson.”


The woman held a short bow, her expression cold, but there was an imperceptible sorrow hidden deep in her eyes.


She looked down at the fallen old man and the longbow broken in two by his side, but she didn’t take any further action.


“Cough… Ah, yes, you’ve won. 【Flowing Light】… Haha, 【Flowing Light】… What a magnificent 【Flowing Light】.”


The old ranger’s body was in tatters, almost unrecognizable as human. He continued to cough up black liquid, appearing quite fearsome in his condition. However, his expression seemed incredibly content, even excited and joyful.


“Little Flora… No… Miss Crimson Flame Flora, congratulations. You have completely surpassed this old man’s failures and taken the first step into the realm of the divine… In the end, can you tell me how you did it?”


The old man’s attitude was extremely humble, as if he were now the disciple of the young girl before him.


“It’s nothing remarkable… I was just lucky enough to witness the true presence of that realm and had some insight, that’s all.”


Anthony widened his eyes, and his breath suddenly became rapid. “Who is it? Where is that presence?! Is it equivalent to the creator of the Crimson Lotus Six Forms, a true god, actually descending into the mortal world?!!!”


Seeing the old man’s eager desire for knowledge, Flora fell silent for a moment and sighed.


“All I can say is that you have already seen her. I’ve said as much.”


“Ah, I see. Haha, I see…”


The old man suddenly relaxed, as if his lifelong pursuit had been fulfilled in an instant, gaining peace and tranquility.


“It’s… the priestess, isn’t it? My feeling at the time wasn’t wrong. It’s just a pity that I can’t go and pay my respects in person. The footsteps of divine power, which I’ve pursued all my life, can actually be realized at this moment…”


“Whether she is a true god or not, I don’t know, but in reality, she’s just like us humans, a being with emotions. At least, that’s what I saw.”


“I see… Perhaps. In any case, the legacy of the Crimson Lotus Archery is now entrusted to you. If it’s Miss Crimson Flame Flora, I’m sure you will be able to…”


The old man’s words were left unfinished, his voice, like his body, turned into dust dancing in the air when a gentle breeze passed, forever dispersing.


With a warm smile.


Ephemeral as a shooting star, elusive as a bubble, that one arrow had completely killed the entity once known as Anthony Stevenson. To say a few more words in the end was already a limit.


“May you find solace before the ancestral spirits and pay your respects to the true gods, teacher…”


Facing the sky, the young girl performed a final disciple’s salute and picked up the broken bow Anthony had once used, strapping it to her back.


Then, Crimson Flame Flora turned and left the place where her mentor’s soul had dissipated.


After quickly collecting some scattered bows and arrows in the vicinity, Flora descended the mountainside from the edge of the basin, where she happened to run into the Human United Kingdom’s forces withdrawing from inside.


Approximately a hundred robed individuals were still scattered and biting at their heels, trying to delay them. Meanwhile, a group of cavalry mounted on unicorns was charging back and forth among them, attempting to tear apart the connection between the two teams and help their forces escape.


In one of the battle groups, around thirty to forty members of the Shadow Guard, dressed in tight-fitting nightwear, were entangled in a fierce battle with a dozen or so vixens dressed in a similar style.


It had to be said that fights between women were incredibly cunning and vicious, specializing in all kinds of dirty tactics. They used poison, threw darts, and even resorted to shameless moves like pulling hair.


Both sides were fighting fiercely, and the clashing of various weapons and the constant sounds of confrontation were deafening. It was clearly a highly dangerous scene.


In a secluded spot not far away, several members of the Shadow Guard weren’t participating in the battle but were gathered together, anxiously discussing something.


“What else is there to say? Let’s fight our way back to rescue Her Highness! Even if all the Shadow Guard die here, Her Highness must not be harmed at all! Isn’t that the purpose of our existence!?”






“Commander, don’t stop us anymore!”


“Enough, all of you, shut up!”


Emily impatiently interrupted the protesting sisters who were chattering and bickering, speaking in a hushed but firm tone.


“Do you think I don’t want to go? But our master’s order is clear: nobody is allowed to leave and then come back for her! Even though I hate to admit it, when facing that legendary fox clan leader, we are all just throwing our lives away, at best delaying the inevitable…”


“Delaying it is enough, isn’t it…?”


“Right! It could give our master a chance to escape!”


“Let’s go back! Let’s go back!”


The commander of the Shadow Guard had a vein throbbing on her forehead. Although these girls were as chatty as canaries, she couldn’t help but acknowledge the validity of their words.


If the Shadow Guard were to return at any cost, they could indeed buy Princess Lilya a significant amount of time for her to escape. However, Her Highness clearly did not agree with this approach, and she must have had an alternative plan.


Damn, if Lady Violet or Lady Crimson Flame were still here at a time like this, it wouldn’t have…


“What’s happening, Your Highness?”




Seeing a sudden figure darting out from the woods, several members of the Shadow Guard immediately reached for their weapons. Only Emily, who recognized the person, was pleasantly surprised. She signaled her companions not to be nervous and then quickly turned her gaze to the red-haired girl who had suddenly appeared by her side.


“Lady Crimson Flame! You’re back. So, does that mean the enemy…”


Crimson Flame lowered her eyelids and nodded expressionlessly.


“Yes, it’s been dealt with. What about Her Highness?”


“That’s great. Please, hurry and save Her Highness! There’s a group of foxes who suddenly appeared…”


Emily quickly explained the situation in the most concise language possible. When she mentioned that Princess Lilya was holding off the suspected legendary fox clan leader alone, even Crimson Flame’s expression changed.


“Nonsense! Does she think she can pick a fight with a legendary figure just because she’s improved a little recently? How can she handle someone of that level?!”


While Crimson Flame didn’t know exactly what Lady Violet had taught the princess, allowing her combat abilities to skyrocket, including her physical attributes, at an astonishing pace, it was important to remember that Lilya had only started her combat training less than half a month ago.


Battles between strong individuals are not as simple as “you cut me, and I shoot you.” Experience, combat skills, and adaptability are all very important, and Lilya is clearly at the beginning of her journey in these aspects.


Not to mention that legendary figures, compared to ordinary life, represent a significant leap in power, with abilities that are almost beyond reason. They typically possess some incredible and unconventional tricks up their sleeves.


Lilya could die.


With this thought, Crimson Flame could hardly conceal her inner anxiety. While she had, to some extent, used Princess Lilya for her own purposes, they were true close friends, and their friendship was not a pretense.


“Where is she now?!”


“Over there! Just keep going straight!”


Emily pointed in a direction inside the basin without hesitation. Crimson Flame didn’t even have time to nod before she disappeared from the view of the girls, propelled by her exceptional agility.


“Please stay safe, Your Highness…”


The commander of the Shadow Guard silently prayed.

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