I Became an Evolving Lizard in a Martial Arts Nov…
Chapter 26 Table of contents

As soon as I entered, a swarm of insects lunged at me.

It was my mistake.

I should’ve confirmed they were truly dead before coming in.

But it wasn't a serious threat.

After all, they were just insects.

Centipedes, giant ants, millipedes.

I’d hunted them even when I was a Green Basilisk.

There’s no way these creatures could harm me now.

In fact, this was the perfect opportunity to get used to my evolved body.

Three centipedes charged at me head-on.

For a brief moment, I remembered the kind centipede from before, but I had no time for distractions.

Their sharp mandibles aimed for me.


But they couldn’t pierce my scales.


With a sweep of my left hand, I used Dragon Claw Hand to crush all three centipedes into a pulp.


In an instant, I snuffed out three lives.

Even if they were just insects, they must have realized the difference between us.

My overwhelming power and intimidating roar surely crushed their will to fight.

I had established my dominance.

At this point, they shouldn’t charge recklessly.


Despite witnessing their comrades' brutal end, the rest came at me like mindless zombies.

The flow of battle felt wrong.

Even so, it didn’t change the fact that they couldn’t harm me.


I slammed my massive front foot onto the ground, trying to intimidate them.

But the result was far beyond my expectations.


The insects clinging to the ground were lifted into the air as if they were weightless.

Was I really that strong now?

No, it wasn’t just my strength.

These creatures were unnaturally light.

I didn’t miss the opportunity and quickly moved.

I dealt with the two in front using Dragon Claw Hand, then swung my tail to wipe out the ones behind me.


Their bodies shattered all at once.

No, they didn’t just shatter—they crumbled into dust.

Something was off.

But for now, I needed to focus on the enemies in front of me.

A massive millipede was charging at me now.

It was almost the same size as the one that had ambushed me earlier.

The armored onslaught was coming.

Thud, thud!

Before, even a mere scratch from this thing would have been dangerous.

But not anymore.


I didn’t dodge its charge—I took it head-on.


I planted my back legs firmly and braced against the impact. At the same time, I opened my mouth and bit into its neck.


Its armor crumbled like old wood under my jaws.

It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

…Had I taken care of the initial wave?


A centipede lunged at me from the side.


Its attack bounced off my scales, but its severed head continued to move as if trying to bite me.

Something was definitely wrong.

I had crushed these creatures into a pulp.

How were they still moving?

It wasn’t just the centipede.

All the insects I’d personally killed with Dragon Claw Hand were starting to move again.

There was something more at play here.

If I wasn’t mistaken, white mushrooms were attached to their bodies.

That had to be the real enemy.

These insects were already dead.

The mushrooms were controlling them.


I focused my vision and saw thin white threads stretching between their body segments.


I’d found the solution.


I swatted the oncoming giant ant away with my tail.

Simultaneously, I threw myself at the reanimated millipede.


With my weight, I knocked it down as it tried to stand.


I drove my Dragon Claw Hand into its heart.

Even if the mushroom was the real culprit, this should have been enough to immobilize it.

After all, I was also killing the cordyceps fungus inside.

But the millipede didn’t stop.


It got back up, good as new.

The centipedes and giant ants were also regenerating, their bodies reattaching.

And more insects were rushing toward me from the back of the cave.

I’d figured out the enemy’s weakness, but that wasn’t enough to solve the problem.



I crushed them to dust.

But they didn’t die.

I even swallowed some whole.

It seemed to kill them momentarily.

But then, another cordyceps fungus would simply take control of a new host.

At this rate, I’d either have to eat every last insect or die trying.

…Honestly, consuming all of them wasn’t a viable option either.

If the fungi merged into one being, I could end up being controlled instead.

This wasn’t easy.

Really not easy.

And to make matters worse, the stone door had closed, trapping me inside.

I had thought about running away again.

No, that wasn’t an option anymore.

I raised my head and faced the situation head-on.

There were now three giant millipedes, and the number of insects charging at me continued to grow.

It was dangerous.

But I wasn’t afraid.

I had seen Baek Yeon-Yeong.

Compared to her overwhelming presence, these were just child’s play.

What would Baek Yeon-Yeong do in my situation?

Right, she would do this.

I stepped forward.


With each step, I fully planted my weight into the ground.


The small amount of internal energy I had compressed the space around me, bearing down on the insects.

I wasn’t skilled at controlling internal energy yet, so this wouldn’t work on living opponents.

But these were already dead.

The mushrooms controlling them could be crushed by my energy.

The insects froze in place, unable to move.

Of course, I couldn’t move while maintaining this state either.

But that was fine.

Because now I could see more clearly.

At that moment, I noticed something familiar in the distance.

【Entropezite LV7】


The oldest parasitic fungus. It can spread spores over long distances and control dead bodies.

So, that’s the real enemy.

I leaped toward it, shattering the force holding the insects in place.

Instantly, the swarm rushed toward me again, determined to protect their master.

Some bit my tail, while others blocked the path between me and the fungus.



I infused my claws with internal energy.

I focused all my strength and swung with everything I had.


My sharp claws sliced through the insects that blocked my path.

My internal energy-infused strike didn’t stop there.


I crushed the Entropezite against the rock wall.


The insects that had been trying to stop me collapsed simultaneously, falling lifeless to the ground.


Taking out the main body dealt with everything at once.

That was a tricky opponent.

[You have leveled up.]

Only one level after all that?

Well, I guess it’s natural. The higher my evolution, the harder it is to level up.

As a Crocodile King Lizard, I can understand that.

“Gek… kraawr!”

Why do I keep making my old cry? It’s ruining my intimidating presence.

First things first, though—time to eat.

I took a bite of the large cordyceps mushroom.


Not bad.

It had a slightly bitter taste, but it reminded me of grilled mushrooms.

If I could cook this with some meat, I’d be in heaven.

Drip, drip.

Man, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

Wait, shouldn’t this mushroom have some kind of special effect?

Cordyceps should be considered a spiritual medicine, right?


There it is.

[The level of your skill, 「Gourmet LV2」, has increased.]


What the… I thought I was getting something good!

Turns out it’s just because I ate something tasty.

I guess not all spiritual medicines give powers easily.

Oh well, I’ll be content with stealing a bit of energy from the cordyceps.

At least it was delicious, so I’ll forgive it.


After finishing my meal, I stood up to continue exploring.

Walking on two legs is still more comfortable than four.

This place was sealed for a reason.

With the talismans and straw dolls, it was clear there was some kind of curse or ritual here.

Was it meant to contain the cordyceps?

Maybe the martial artists had been scared of its ability to reanimate the dead.

It makes sense. Anyone who wasn’t as sharp as me would be completely thrown off.

…But wasn’t this overkill?

Sure, the cordyceps was large, but it couldn’t control anything bigger than a millipede.

Was there something more?


At that moment, I heard a single droplet of water.

Just one.

But it was so out of place that I immediately pinpointed where it came from.

It was near the center of the small cave.

I opened my eyes wide and examined the area closely.

There was a small stone structure, like an altar.

It was covered in inscriptions I couldn’t read.

And sitting atop the altar was a small bowl.

Inside the bowl, a few drops of a milky-white liquid shimmered.

A cave.

A small amount of milk-like liquid.

No way…

[Pure Heavenly Milk (Black)]

Pure Heavenly Milk!


The legendary elixir said to rival the Thousand-Year Flame Lotus and the Golden Phoenix Fruit.

Even an ordinary person who drinks this can become a martial arts master!

And unlike other spiritual medicines, there’s no risk of your body exploding—this is truly a gift from the heavens!

I must have lived a righteous life to see such a miracle.

But what’s with the “black” part?

It’s slightly milky but has a faint dark hue.


Hmm, it doesn’t smell great.

It kind of smells like oil.

Still, the status window says it’s Pure Heavenly Milk. What could go wrong?

I’d better drink it before someone else steals it.

Quickly, I snatched the bowl.

A normal lizard wouldn’t have been able to drink from such a bowl.

But I’m no ordinary lizard.

Let’s see how it tastes.


I tilted the bowl and licked up the liquid with my tongue.


This taste…


It’s just oil!

No, the status window can’t be lying.

I desperately want to spit it out, but I resist the urge.


I barely managed to swallow it down.



Status window.

I’ve been through so much.

I got chased out of the swamp, got petted relentlessly by Baek Yeon-Yeong, and even learned martial arts.

…Maybe I haven’t suffered enough?

I squinted, keeping my eyes half-open as I awaited the message from the status window.


[You have consumed the Supreme Elixir.]

【Pure Heavenly Milk (Black)】

This liquid is formed from the condensed natural energy of countless years. It is created from the accumulated remains of mystical beasts. Though its effects are weaker than normal Pure Heavenly Milk, it is still considered a supreme elixir.

Effect: Greatly enhances the performance of a random skill.



Please, status window.

Help me out one more time!

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