These Demons Do it for Free
Chapter 8 Table of contents

It was after today's training had wrapped up.

For some reason, Rei didn’t immediately disappear like she usually did. Instead, she approached me.

"Got a minute? Actually, make some time."

"For what?"

Rei grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, heading toward a more secluded area as if this wasn’t something she wanted to discuss publicly.

Was this it?

Was she finally going to take out her frustrations over what happened yesterday?

"You’ve got something to say to me, don’t you?"

"Something to say?"

Rei leaned against the wall with a powerful movement, her hand slamming down beside me.

My left side was completely blocked.

It would be hard to break through her physical reinforcement head-on. The only exit I had left was to the right.

While subtly gathering magic for a possible escape, I asked calmly, "What exactly do I have to say?"

"Don’t act like you don’t know."

Her tone was becoming harsher. What was usually her standard indifferent voice now had an edge of accusation to it.

'I’ll release the magic in one blast to create an opening and slip out.'

Preparing myself for a counterattack in case Rei made a move, I spoke up.

"Rei. Look, I know things got tense, but—"

"You made a bet, didn’t you?"

"Uh... yeah?"

"And you insulted us in the process."

"Yeah... I did, huh?"

"…? What’s with that reaction? You’re flustered. Were you planning to just brush this off?"

Even with her hood covering her face, I could feel the intensity of her stare.

"I’ve never learned to just let insults slide. It doesn’t matter whether I was there to hear it or not. The important thing is that someone insulted me, and I found out about it."

Ah. So Leaf must have told her about the conversation I had with Alejandra. I had noticed the two whispering together earlier.

"You... don’t know how to use physical reinforcement, right?"


"Follow me."

Rei took me to the training hall.

Not the one I usually used, but the area where Rei typically trained. It wasn’t much more than a building with some partitions set up like a grid.

"What do you think is the most important factor in winning that bet?"


"Exactly. So what do you need to match that?"

"Physical reinforcement, or maybe learning acceleration magic."

If it’s the latter, I’d need to adjust Seir’s magic, which would take time.

So naturally, the answer is...

"I need to learn physical reinforcement, don’t I?"


There was no room for refusal. Rei’s determination was clear without her needing to say much.

Not that I would’ve turned it down anyway.

Rei and I stood facing each other in the training hall.

"Focus on your bones. Think of storing magic in your bones, then spread it through your muscles like a support system."


"Every part of the body can act as a conduit for magic, but bones have one of the highest capacities. Unlike your internal organs, they’re spread throughout your body, so you can reinforce any part of yourself instantly."

Rei explained the advantages of bone-based physical reinforcement, saying it was like having an extra layer of defense.

"Try it."


Just like focusing magic into my hand... but into my bones.



"Are you insane? Why are you using demonic magic for training? You think you have an unlimited lifespan or something?"

Rei knocked me on the forehead, snapping me out of my concentration.

She really had it out for demon sorcerers, didn’t she? Every time there’s something to do with demons, she gets all riled up.

"Do it again. This time, use your own magic."

"I can’t."


"I only know how to use demonic magic."



Rei let out a disbelieving chuckle.

Yeah, I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s the truth.

I can only use demonic magic.

"It’s not draining your lifespan, is it?"

"No, the price isn’t my life."

"Then just go ahead and do it. You’ve been using it plenty anyway, so I’m sure you can manage."

Resigned, Rei stepped back and motioned for me to try again.

"Alright, give it another shot."

"Got it."

Instead of focusing magic into my hands, I concentrated it into my bones. Maybe it was all the practice with manipulating magic every day, but it wasn’t too hard.

Besides, I had a decent understanding of the human skeletal structure.

Bones aren’t just hard tissues; they include cartilage, joints, periosteum, bone marrow...

I didn’t know all 206 bones in the human body by heart, but my rough knowledge of the skeleton helped me visualize and channel magic into them.

"What’s next?"


"I’ve charged my bones with magic. What’s the next step? Do I spread it into my muscles?"

"Already...? Oh, right. But be careful, because muscles and bones are..."

"Connected by tendons, so I should send it through those?"

"Right... yeah."

I understood the gist.

First, channel magic into the bones. Then, spread it through the tendons to the muscles, forming a magic barrier just beneath the skin to enhance physical functions.

This is... exhilarating.

I felt like I could lift 600 pounds and finally wear Under Armour with pride.

"Heh? Feeling stronger already?"

Did it show on my face?

"Let’s test it out, then."

Rei spoke confidently as she lifted a heavy table from the corner of the training hall.

It looked like the kind of table you’d use to eat or read a magic book during breaks, and I remembered it being pretty hefty.

Seeing her easily move it reminded me just how strong Rei was.


She placed the table in front of me and rested her elbow on it.

"You know how to arm-wrestle, right?"

"...Of course."

I guess she wanted to test raw strength rather than have a full-blown sparring match.

I grasped her hand, feeling both the rough calluses and a strange softness beneath them.

"Give it everything you’ve got."

Rei’s voice was full of confidence.

She probably didn’t think she could lose to someone using physical reinforcement for the first time.

'But I’m not going to go down that easily.'

"Ready, go!"

At her signal, I spread magic through my entire arm, pulling with all my strength.

'What the...? She’s not even budging!'

This wasn’t working. No way I was going to lose like this!

'Focus more on physical reinforcement...'

I dove inward, sinking my consciousness into my body.

Deeper, into my skin, muscles, and bones.

The goal was to spread magic as evenly as possible, down to every single cell.



Her hand was moving.

Rei’s hand was starting to go down.

But before her hand hit the table, her arm froze in place, as if it were made of stone.

"That’s enough. I’m impressed. You’re sure this is your first time? Your reinforcement is..."

"It’s not over."

Not yet.

If I could channel magic through my palm and fingers, why not through the back of my hand?

'Instead of shooting magic out, push it...'

I changed the mental image. Rather than imagining bullets being fired, I envisioned boosters.

Not shooting, but pushing.


Magic surged from the back of my hand, overpowering Rei’s reinforced arm, and her hand slammed onto the table.

"What the...?"

And that was it.

Rei stared at her hand on the table, utterly dumbfounded.

"I won, didn’t I?"

I let go of her hand and stood up, massaging my arm, which felt like it had cramped up. Using both physical reinforcement and magic discharge had put a strain on my body.

While I tended to my arm, Rei snapped out of her daze, practically shouting in disbelief.

"Hey, hey! That’s cheating! This doesn’t count! Let’s go again, right now!"

"I won fair and square. Who told you to let your guard down?"

Rei kept protesting loudly, but I was already thinking about something else.

'What if I used my bones like a barrel to fire magic bullets? Reducing the surface area could increase the output.'

"Sorry, I’ve got something to test out. Let’s do arm wrestling another time."

Whenever that next time might be.

On the fifth day of training, after we had finished for the day as usual:

"I’m sooorryyy..."

Leaf Yusgleamt, crushed.

Team "Commoners" (that’s us). Combat Skills Training, Sparring Record: 2 wins, 1 loss.

We had been on track for a perfect 3-0 record, but ended up losing the final match.

And it was Leaf who had taken the loss, so now she was bowing her head as if she’d committed some grave sin.

It was surprising, but this was our team’s first loss so far.

"It’s really not a big deal. Don’t stress over it. Your opponent was tough."

"But still..."

"Forget it. Better to back out early than to fight like that guy over there."

"Are you talking about me?"

"Of course I am. Who else but you fights like they’re on a suicide mission?"


There really wasn’t anyone else, was there?

Seeing Leaf nodding in agreement just confirmed it.

"Anyway, I know you’ve got some tricks up your sleeve, but take it easy. Whatever deal you’ve got going, don’t think that demon’s always going to be on your side."

What’s this? Rei, worrying about me?

Had she finally embraced the team spirit?

Turns out exercising together and forming a common enemy really does bring people closer.

Alejandra... I’m finally starting to see your grand plan—or maybe not.

But regardless, we were growing closer as a team through training together.

"Are you worried about me? I’m touched."

I smiled sincerely as I spoke, and Rei exploded with a loud yell.

"...Shut up!"


She slammed the table with enough force that it startled me. She moved so fast, it was almost automatic.

Like a cat jumping in fear at the sight of a cucumber.

Suddenly, Rei pushed her chair back and stood up, her fists clenched as if trembling with frustration. Without another word, she stormed out of the room.

I stood there, dumbfounded, watching her leave before finally speaking.

"What... did I say something wrong?"

"I don’t think it was that..."


What was it?

What did I do wrong?

"...Maybe it’s my face?"

I glanced at Leaf, hoping for an answer, but she remained silent.

Rei stormed out of the room and walked aimlessly, her steps frantic and unsteady, as if she were trying to escape something.

'Dammit... What am I doing? I’m already getting soft...!'


Who was worrying about who?

Rei’s face flushed with heat, equal parts embarrassment and self-reproach.

A heavy weight settled on her chest, squeezing her heart with feelings of shame.

She couldn’t afford to grow close to these people.

'I don’t have time for this.'

The guilt weighed heavily on Rei’s mind, reminding her of her real priorities.

There was something she had to do. She didn’t have time to waste getting chummy with people.

And yet...

'It’s because of what he said.'

Just one simple sentence.

How could those words have such an impact?


Her fist crashed into a training dummy, shattering the protective enchantment and sinking deep into the wood. She left her fist embedded there, exhaling a long sigh.

"...This is as far as it goes. We were only ever using each other."

Teaching him physical reinforcement, learning about demon magic—that was all their relationship was.

There was no need for anything more.

Getting attached would only be a burden.

Not just for her, but for those around her as well.

She knew that.

Staying close to them was self-deception.

"Once the test is over... then we go our separate ways."

When the time comes, they’ll part ways.

Back to being strangers, unaware of each other's existence.

As she thought this, the suffocating feeling in her chest grew too much to bear, and she pulled back her hood.

In the empty training hall, with no one around to see, Rei’s face was revealed.

Her platinum blonde hair and deep silver-gray eyes shone under the dim light, and her rounded, wolf-like ears twitched slightly atop her head.

Her face, still young and not yet fully matured, was etched with the weight of regret.

Whether it was regret from her past or from the present was still unclear.

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