Seoul Object Story
Chapter 227 Table of contents

The stream running through the narrow valley sparkled with a golden glow in the late afternoon sun, its warmth touching everything with a tranquil light. Yet, despite the peaceful setting, two men dashed away, their faces drained of color, as if fleeing from some unseen terror.

“Dammit, dammit, dammit!”

The man cursed under his breath, racing toward the car where he and his subordinate had parked earlier.

“We should’ve left that Golden Reaper behind!”

He shouted in frustration. Though the Object Management Association might be a mess, classifying the Golden Reaper as a high-risk object wasn’t without reason.

Smiling innocently one moment, then wiping someone out the next. They should’ve known better than to trust something just because it seemed friendly. And to top it off, a flash of light, and then someone just… vanished?

The Golden Reaper having such an ability was unheard of, but even that wasn’t the worst part.

After the Golden Reaper disappeared like a ghost from a horror movie, it was the realization that Viper was gone that left him shaken. If it got out that Viper disappeared right after meeting them, their organization would surely retaliate.

No matter what, he had to escape—to China, to Japan, anywhere but here.

“Are we sure this was the Golden Reaper’s doing?”


The subordinate’s question snapped him back to reality, though it seemed absurd given the circumstances.

“Does that even matter right now?” he barked, climbing into the car. But his subordinate didn’t follow, standing firm with a hardened look.

“Go on ahead, sir. I’m going back to check on the Golden Reaper!”

The man was about to yell at him for talking nonsense but caught the glint of resolve in his subordinate’s eyes and relented.

“Fine, do what you want.”

He sped off alone, leaving his subordinate behind.

In the courtyard of Sehee Research Lab, fluffy marshmallows lay scattered around, forming a soft bed for the Mini Reapers lounging on them.

The small pillow-like creatures were actually fragments of white Ogres, scattered throughout the yard as makeshift cushions.

Normally, the Mini Reapers would be playing in the Gray Reaper’s containment chamber, but they had fled to the courtyard, exchanging nervous thoughts with one another.

“Mom is scary!”

That chilling gaze, sweeping over them with the eyes of death, had driven them to seek refuge.

“Something’s wrong with Mom!”

The Mini Reapers couldn’t understand the Gray Reaper’s recent behavior. Periodically, Mom would stare at herself with those eerie eyes, as if trying to pierce her own reflection.

It was as if she were poised to stab herself in the mirror, or watching the Mini Reapers through the reflection with an ominous intensity.

For the little ones, it was terrifying to watch.

Moreover, the Blue Reaper and the Golden Reaper, who had gone to spy on her, reported that Mom had gone mad, grinning wildly while tearing at her own flesh.

“So scary!”

They rolled around in the marshmallow garden, holding onto the round Ogres as they tumbled, trying to distract themselves from the fear.

But as time passed, the Mini Reapers began to miss Mom and wanted to return to the containment chamber. Even if she ignored them, just being near her had always made them happy.

Finally, reaching their limit of boredom, the Mini Reapers started rolling around the courtyard, bouncing off each other in their haste.

Among them, the Orange Reaper suddenly rose and began floating away.

“Is he going to check on Mom?”

The Golden Reapers stopped tumbling, watching the Orange Reaper with a mixture of awe and expectation.

But instead of heading toward the containment chamber, he floated over to a large white Ogre that was resting nearby.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, the Orange Reaper poked the Ogre’s side with his orange hand.


The Ogre, looking weary, glanced at him, and the Orange Reaper gestured toward the containment chamber.

“You, go check it out.”

The Ogre let out a sorrowful groan, knowing that a trip to the Gray Reaper would mean certain torment. But he had no choice, as refusing would only lead to being chased down by the Orange Reaper.

In the now-empty containment chamber, even the Golden Reaper’s pudding factory had fallen silent, leaving an air of desolation.

I stood in front of the mirror, examining the Halo I’d found within my body.

As I had done within the labyrinth’s illusions, I tried to reach inside myself, attempting to grasp the Halo.

But no matter how hard I tried, it slipped away, as if it were an illusion.


I pulled my hand back and looked into the mirror, watching the ring of light around the embers spin steadily, tauntingly, as if to say it was beyond my reach.

Frustrated, I grasped at the air and tore at the space around my chest. The pain was excruciating, the kind that made me instantly regret it.

Molten embers dripped from the wound, and even with all that agony, I couldn’t touch the Halo.


The pain was overwhelming, and the futility of it all made me laugh bitterly.


At that moment, the Blue Reaper, who had been watching from the shadows, fainted in shock. The Golden Reaper quickly covered its eyes and dragged it out of the room.

The rumors among the Mini Reapers would no doubt spread, but a few days of attention would be enough to make them forget.

“Forget it!”

I gave up on extracting the Halo. Besides, it was better to leave it where it was. As long as I could use its ability to see destruction conditions without feeling pain, there was no need to mess with it.

With the power of the Halo, it seemed like a good trade-off.

So, I moved on to my next experiment.

Trying to absorb another Halo!

If I could swallow another Halo, I could use its abilities without discomfort, just like with the “Eye” that let me see destruction conditions.

I tried summoning a Halo and eating it, shoving it into my chest, and even wearing it like a necklace.

None of my ridiculous attempts worked. The Halo simply wouldn’t go in, no matter what I tried.


As I slumped to the floor in disappointment, I heard a peculiar noise.

“Kyu… kyu!”

Peeking out from under a blanket, a white Ogre watched me with a smirk, like he’d been stifling laughter at my antics.

The moment he realized I’d noticed, he slapped a hand over his mouth, but it was too late.

Heh, you’re too late!

With a gleeful grin, I approached him, channeling all my pent-up frustration from the failed experiment.

“Let’s see if this Ogre can handle the Halo.”

Grinning, I placed the Halo atop the Ogre’s head.


The poor Ogre couldn’t even let out a squeak before turning to ash in a pained expression.

Too bad, another failed experiment.

As I pondered over the Ogre’s demise, I noticed the Mini Reapers peeking out from hiding, eyes wide with fear.

The moment I turned, they scattered in all directions.

I didn’t even do anything, and they ran away?

Amused, I grabbed the Halo and chased after the Mini Reapers.


Feeling their panic surge, I let a small smile tug at my lips.

Deep beneath the earth, there was a massive cavern, its walls, floor, and ceiling sculpted like a masterpiece painted by a fiery hand.

The vivid red jade, like flames, blended with green jade as turbulent as a stormy sea, creating an awe-inspiring sight.

But this breathtaking place was now tainted with the thick scent of blood.

At the center of the cave lay a natural bowl-like depression, filled with bodies, including that of the man who had tried to escape abroad.

He had been one of those who met with Viper.

The corpses were mangled and unnatural, blood pouring from them as if they’d been squeezed dry.

As the blood pooled into the cracks of the jade floor, it formed a sinister pattern between the green jade, a disturbing omen.

“At last, at last!”

From the shadows, a man made of green jade emerged, his face twisted with a fervent grin.

“The era of that despicable god is over, and now, a new god from endless chaos shall arise!”

As he shouted, a red light began to pulse from the pool of blood.

“Rise now.”

The man prostrated himself as red shapes clawed their way from the blood, grotesque and unnatural, yet the jade man watched them with a gleeful smile.

The late afternoon sun cast a warm golden glow over the narrow stream running through the valley. Two men, faces pale with fear, sprinted away as if fleeing from some unseen danger.

“Damn, damn, damn!”

The man cursed as he and his subordinate dashed toward their parked car.

“We should’ve left that Golden Reaper behind!”

He shouted, his voice full of frustration. No matter how much criticism the Korean Object Association received, there was a reason the Golden Reaper was classified as a dangerous high-level object.

To smile so innocently and then, in a flash, to wipe someone out—this was why objects like the Golden Reaper could never be trusted. Even if it could communicate or seemed friendly, it was always a threat.

To suddenly burst into a flash of light and erase someone from existence? No one had ever mentioned the Golden Reaper had powers like that.

But, as terrifying as that was, the real problem wasn’t the Golden Reaper.

The Golden Reaper had vanished like a ghost from a horror movie, right after making someone disappear.

The bigger issue was the fact that Viper had disappeared. If word got out that he vanished right after meeting them, the organization wouldn’t let them get away with it. Even if Viper had been somewhat of an outsider, an organization that didn’t retaliate would be a laughingstock.

They had to escape—to China, Japan, anywhere.

“Are we sure it was the Golden Reaper’s doing?”


The subordinate’s question seemed absurd under the circumstances.

“Does it even matter right now?” he barked, scrambling into the car. But the subordinate didn’t follow, instead remaining outside with a hardened expression.

“Go on ahead, sir. I’m going back to check on the Golden Reaper!”

The man almost shouted at him to stop talking nonsense, but the look in his subordinate’s eyes made him pause.

“Fine, do what you want.”

And with that, he sped off alone, leaving his subordinate behind.

Back in Sehee Research Lab’s courtyard, soft marshmallows scattered across the ground created a cozy nest where countless Mini Reapers lay resting.

These small, pillow-like creatures were actually tiny fragments of white Ogres.

Normally, the Mini Reapers would be playing in the Gray Reaper’s containment chamber, but they had fled to the courtyard, exchanging fearful thoughts with one another.

“Mom is scary!”

They’d been driven here by that terrifying, deathly gaze.

“Something’s wrong with Mom!”

The Mini Reapers were most disturbed by their mom’s behavior. Periodically, Mom would stare at herself with her eyes of death, and to the Mini Reapers, this looked incredibly ominous.

It was as if she were brandishing a sharp knife at her own reflection in the mirror or staring at them through the glass with a sinister look.

Watching this was terrifying for the little ones.

And, according to the Blue Reaper and the Golden Reaper, who had gone to spy on her, Mom was completely unhinged now, grinning wildly while ripping at her own flesh.

“So scary!”

They rolled around the marshmallow garden, hugging the round Ogres as they tumbled, trying to distract themselves from their fear.

But as time passed, the Mini Reapers began to miss Mom and wanted to return to the containment chamber. Even if she usually ignored them, just being near her had always made them happy.

Finally, reaching their limit of boredom, the Mini Reapers started rolling around the courtyard, bouncing off each other in their haste.

Among them, the Orange Reaper suddenly rose and began floating away.

“Is he going to check on Mom?”

The Golden Reapers stopped tumbling, watching the Orange Reaper with a mixture of awe and expectation.

But instead of heading toward the containment chamber, he floated over to a large white Ogre that was resting nearby.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, the Orange Reaper poked the Ogre’s side with his orange hand.


The Ogre, looking weary, glanced at him, and the Orange Reaper gestured toward the containment chamber.

“You, go check it out.”

The Ogre let out a sorrowful groan, knowing that a trip to the Gray Reaper would mean certain torment. But he had no choice, as refusing would only lead to being chased down by the Orange Reaper.

In the now-empty containment chamber, even the Golden Reaper’s pudding factory had fallen silent, leaving an air of desolation.

I stood in front of the mirror, examining the Halo I’d found within my body.

As I had done within the labyrinth’s illusions, I tried to reach inside myself, attempting to grasp the Halo.

But no matter how hard I tried, it slipped away, as if it were an illusion.


I pulled my hand back and looked into the mirror, watching the ring of light around the embers spin steadily, tauntingly, as if to say it was beyond my reach.

Frustrated, I grasped at the air and tore at the space around my chest. The pain was excruciating, the kind that made me instantly regret it.

Molten embers dripped from the wound, and even with all that agony, I couldn’t touch the Halo.


The pain was overwhelming, and the futility of it all made me laugh bitterly.

At that moment, the Blue Reaper, who had been watching from the shadows, fainted in shock. The Golden Reaper quickly covered its eyes and dragged it out of the room.

The rumors among the Mini Reapers would no doubt spread, but a few days of attention would be enough to make them forget.

“Forget it!”

I gave up on extracting the Halo. Besides, it was better to leave it where it was. As long as I could use its ability to see destruction conditions without feeling pain, there was no need to mess with it.

With the power of the Halo, it seemed like a good trade-off.

So, I moved on to my next experiment.

Trying to absorb another Halo!

If I could swallow another Halo, I could use its abilities without discomfort, just like with the “Eye” that let me see destruction conditions.

I tried summoning a Halo and eating it, shoving it into my chest, and even wearing it like a necklace.

None of my ridiculous attempts worked. The Halo simply wouldn’t go in, no matter what I tried.


As I slumped to the floor in disappointment, I heard a peculiar noise.

“Kyu… kyu!”

Peeking out from under a blanket, a white Ogre watched me with a smirk, like he’d been stifling laughter at my antics.

The moment he realized I’d noticed, he slapped a hand over his mouth, but it was too late.

Heh, you’re too late!

With a gleeful grin, I approached him, channeling all my pent-up frustration from the failed experiment.

“Let’s see if this Ogre can handle the Halo.”

Grinning, I placed the Halo atop the Ogre’s head.


The poor Ogre couldn’t even let out a squeak before turning to ash in a pained expression.

Too bad, another failed experiment.

As I pondered over the Ogre’s demise, I noticed the Mini Reapers peeking out from hiding, eyes wide with fear.

The moment I turned, they scattered in all directions.

I didn’t even do anything, and they ran away?

Amused, I grabbed the Halo and chased after the Mini Reapers.


Feeling their panic surge, I let a small smile tug at my lips.

Deep beneath the earth, there was a massive cavern, its walls, floor, and ceiling sculpted like a masterpiece painted by a fiery hand.

The vivid red jade, like flames, blended with green jade as turbulent as a stormy sea, creating an awe-inspiring sight.

But this breathtaking place was now tainted with the thick scent of blood.

At the center of the cave lay a natural bowl-like depression, filled with bodies, including that of the man who had tried to escape abroad.

He had been one of those who met with Viper.

The corpses were mangled and unnatural, blood pouring from them as if they’d been squeezed dry.

As the blood pooled into the cracks of the jade floor, it formed a sinister pattern between the green jade, a disturbing omen.

“At last, at last!”

From the shadows, a man made of green jade emerged, his face twisted with a fervent grin.

“The era of that despicable god is over, and now, a new god from endless chaos shall arise!”

As he shouted, a red light began to pulse from the pool of blood.

“Rise now.”

The man prostrated himself as red shapes clawed their way from the blood, grotesque and unnatural, yet the jade man watched them with a gleeful smile.


TL notes:

Thank you for reading! If you’d like to see more chapters and support my translations, you can contribute at ❤️ ❤️. Every little bit helps, and I truly appreciate your support!


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