I Became A Black Merchant In Another World
Chapter 3 Table of contents

The courtesans of Joseon and this world are worlds apart in status.

It’s not simply a matter of being free citizens versus lowborns; many courtesans here come from noble families.

These are women who either missed their short window for marriage or whose families have fallen from grace.

Raised as noblewomen, they possess knowledge, grace, and refined education from birth.

With noble blood and a strong will to live life actively, these women have what it takes to become everyone’s favorite.

Especially here on this continent, where it’s considered a virtue to keep multiple courtesans or even mistresses in addition to one's wife.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Fabio de Medici, the second son of the Medici family. It is truly an honor to be in the presence of such beauty.”

The standard greeting for any noble when meeting a courtesan.

But at this moment, I wasn’t exaggerating a single word.

The person before me had the looks that could rival any Hollywood actress.

‘So this is what they mean by eye candy.’

“Pleased to meet you.”

She spoke politely, but her attitude conveyed a sense of looking down on me. I couldn’t blame her for that.

After all, she was a courtesan of Count Bovong, my father’s lord. In terms of power alone, she was far above me, a mere second son of a barony without a title.

“I’ve been indebted to the former Baron Medici for some time, so I’m glad to finally have a chance to repay that favor.”

She flashed a smile that could easily captivate anyone.

Her smile was like a living photograph, mesmerizing.

No wonder men are so crazy about courtesans.

“And I’ve also been quite interested in you, young master.”

“What might that be about?”

Her gaze landed on the refreshments before us.

A white whipped cream cake and a fragrant cup of tea.

“It’s only a dessert, but it became a sensation the moment it was made. Thanks to that, you’ve become quite well-known in social circles.”

In the 21st century, being a trendsetter, even in Korea, wouldn’t get you a seat in the National Assembly.

But in this era, power fluctuates based on one’s reputation among nobles.

To lead a trend is to overcome a significant hurdle to success.

Who knew that making just one cake would earn me this much recognition?

“I’m grateful for your kind words about someone as inexperienced as me, madam. I came today with a special favor to ask.”

“Yes, feel free to speak. I’ll introduce you to a perfect partner for you.”

In the Tosca Empire, it’s common knowledge that when a noble debuts in society, they attend with a courtesan.

In romance fantasy novels, they bring their legitimate wives.

But in reality, politically arranged marriages are often loveless, so it’s not uncommon for men to bring a courtesan as a partner, even if they’re married, unless it’s a particularly formal occasion.

For a man, it’s simply more convenient to go with a beautiful, well-mannered, and obedient woman.

In the 21st century, it would be impossible to understand someone cheating on their wife, but what can you do?

In a world full of one-eyed people, someone with both eyes straight ahead would be considered abnormal.

“It’s not that. I came to ask for a little help with my business.”

“Do you want me to introduce you to other nobles or merchants?”

The courtesan before me certainly had the ability to introduce me to others.

But if that’s what I needed, I’d have asked my father.

“No, I’m planning to open a café that sells cakes and tea. I’d like you to introduce my café to other courtesans you know and encourage them to visit often. That’s all I need.”

She tilted her head at my request.

“Would that be enough?”

From ancient times to the modern day, beautiful women have wielded an undeniable power.

One wise person once said, ‘Cute is justice.’

So, just as girls’ clothing or items can sell out instantly on social media in the 21st century...

In the Tosca Empire, places where these beautiful women gather will set the trends.

“I’ll provide complimentary cakes and tea to the people you bring to the café. I’ll even give them a piece of cake to take home when they leave.”

It’s hard to directly compare prices between 21st-century Korea and the Tosca Empire.

But to make a rough comparison, a slice of cake here would probably feel like it costs at least 30,000 to 50,000 won.

It’s insane to hand out the equivalent of 100,000 won per customer...

But the return on investment will be more than worth it.

The café will absolutely become the center of trends.

The courtesan of Count Bovong smiled sweetly at my proposal.

“Alright. And in recognition of your dedication, I’ll extend an extra favor. Once your café opens, bring a cake to my tea party every Saturday.”

Though it’s just a tea party, there will be about five to seven guests, so it won’t be a small expense.

But the promotional impact will be more than worth the investment.

Honestly, it feels like a golden opportunity fell into my lap without me even hoping for it.

“Thank you.”

A café is all about the ambiance.

More precisely, it’s a place where people go to enjoy the experience, the atmosphere, and the aesthetic.

People visit cafés to savor the aroma of coffee and the surroundings.

So, to succeed with a café, it has to be visually pleasing and beautiful.

“You can’t work at our café.”

The man who heard this opened his eyes wide in protest.

“No, but just a few months ago, I was the head waiter at Twilight’s Eve. Surely I could be useful here?”

If I were hiring purely based on skill, I would have chosen this man.

Twilight’s Eve is a restaurant that even high-ranking nobles frequent.

The staff there must be highly skilled to meet their demands.

And as head waiter? That’s an impressive résumé.

But our café has something more important than ability.

“I’m not discounting your experience, but the primary requirement for our café’s staff is ‘appearance.’”

Places like cafés or PC rooms can see sales double or triple just by having attractive female staff.

So why wouldn’t the same apply to the nobles here?

And if I’m giving free meals to courtesans to attract them, I can’t hire someone who doesn’t fit the café’s aesthetic.

“Otherwise, why would I be paying triple the wage to hire staff?”

Honestly, it does make me feel a little guilty, given the unfairness I faced when looking for part-time jobs in Korea.

But a guilty conscience doesn’t pay the bills.

It’s not as if I’m betraying anyone, so there’s no reason to feel bad.

The man left with a dejected look.

“Hiring staff based on appearance sure makes for a pleasant view.”

The men in suits looked quite handsome, and the women in maid uniforms brightened up the surroundings.

The furniture, floor, wallpaper, and tableware—all carefully chosen—created a scene that looked like something out of a romance fantasy novel.

“And desserts and tea that women go crazy for? This place is bound to be a trendsetter.”

Once the opening creates a buzz, it’ll be chaos.

Nobles, unfamiliar with the concept of patents, will undoubtedly try to imitate our café.

They’re a bunch who can’t stand not having what others have.

And they’re always ready to do whatever it takes if there’s money to be made.

The grand clock I’d bought to set the café’s ambiance and track time chimed.

“Is it time to open?”

Since the staff training wasn’t quite complete, this opening is only temporary, just a trial run.

The employees, lured by high salaries and rigorously trained, quickly moved to their positions.

The moment we opened, a few women in extravagant dresses arrived at the café.


A male staff member in a suit approached to greet them.

He smiled as he welcomed them, and the women smiled back.

After all, being good-looking is always best.

“I’ll show you to the terrace.”

The man guiding them was actually a regular citizen chosen for his face and height.

Thanks to crash training, his movements had a dignity that rivaled that of a noble’s butler.

Not quite a match, but close.

“What would you like to order?”

After taking their orders, the courtesans began chatting.

They talked about the café, events from yesterday, and which clothes looked good...

And onlookers’ gazes lingered on them as they passed by.

Different expressions, but generally filled with admiration and a touch of envy.

A few noble ladies saw the café sign and were about to step inside.

“I’m sorry, ladies, but we’re not officially open yet. Only special guests pre-approved by Young Master Fabio can enter.”

They looked like they wanted to protest.

But after looking at the staff’s convincing expressions, they nodded in understanding.

“We officially open the day after tomorrow, so please visit us then.”

By the end of the day, it felt like a whole truckload of noble ladies had promised to visit.

Success was practically guaranteed.

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