Life is Easier If You’re Handsome
Chapter 40 Table of contents

Lee Jae is very popular.
When he appears, ratings go up;
he brings immense joy to viewers.


'He doesn’t fit in with High Dream.'

At the same time, this could be a double-edged sword for High Dream.

Turning a story about a youth band into a solo classical performance,
it would be strange to anyone watching.

Plus, KBC couldn’t just change things on its own.
The drama was a co-production between the actors' agency and the idol group’s agency.

So, could KBC alone change the story just to boost ratings?
Could they really sideline their own actors and idols?

Who would agree to that?
But at the same time, they couldn’t ignore Lee Jae’s presence entirely.

'If KBC only featured their own actor in a supporting role, it wouldn’t be fair.'

Writer Lee Min-ha had been grappling with this issue for some time.
It started when she first heard Lee Jae’s performance of La Campanella.
Could the existence of Lee Jae truly end with just a supporting role?

Having written countless drama scripts, Lee Min-ha knew.

The character would have to be given more screen time,
as if someone who was supposed to be dead came back to life.

'She must not let herself be swayed by the viewers.'

In the past, she was uncertain, but with time, her resolve had solidified.

The story would not change.
High Dream had to win, and that was what would preserve the title High Dream.

'But Lee Jae would become a lead character too.'

Being a lead means becoming a central character.
But what if she interpreted that central role differently?

'Let’s make them both win.'

She would keep the original actors' screen time and expand Lee Jae’s role.
And then, she would edit out the unnecessary scenes.

Scenes that could be cut,
moments that had been artificially extended to fill time.

If she inserted Lee Jae into those gaps,

It would definitely be challenging.

'But it had to be done.'

To create a higher level of storytelling,

'Because I prefer happy endings.'

Her keyboard clattered as she typed furiously.


Choi Seok-ho had been extremely busy lately.
The days when dust in the office was his only friend were long gone;
now he was tackling a packed schedule with his team.

"You sent Dong-hoo the revised script, right?"
"Yes, and we postponed the meeting as well. I figured it would be best to have it after the additional shoot."
"Good. And he mentioned wanting to attend the last Endless Frontline shoot, so keep that day open for him."
"Will do."

As soon as Endless Frontline wrapped up, it seemed like a break was finally in sight,
but with Dong-hoo's popularity soaring, the schedule just kept filling up.

'Dong-hoo mentioned only wanting to take on the school uniform ad.'

A few more promising ads had come in after that, but he turned them all down.
With school starting again soon, it was wise to take a more relaxed approach to the schedule.

Who knew what his schedule would look like once the school year started?

'Dong-hoo’s health and condition come first, no matter what.'


Choi Seok-ho grabbed his car keys.
Today was another shoot day for High Dream.


A fresh snowfall blanketed the entire art high school in white.
The location for the additional filming felt more welcoming than before.

Maybe it was just familiarity.

Or perhaps...

'Maybe it’s because the story’s changing.'

I glanced at the script in my hand.
I had been moved to tears when I first connected with it.

If things went according to the script, even Lee Jae would be satisfied.
Just as I thought that,

"Dong-hoo, are you going to attend this school too?"

So-jin, who had stopped by the set, asked casually.

"Attend here?"
"Yeah, this art school. A lot of celebrities go here, especially idol trainees. They’re really flexible with attendance."
"Oh... really?"

I glanced around,
finally taking in the name of the high school.

'Daehan Arts High School.'

The name itself exuded pride.
Now that I thought about it, Principal Edward Park had sent me some materials,
but I had been too busy to properly go over them.

'I’ll have to take a closer look later.'

Soon I would be a second-year middle schooler,
and before I knew it, I’d be a third-year, then choosing my high school.

Going to a school that accommodated celebrities
would certainly make things easier for both the school and myself.

"Our agency also thinks it’s not a bad idea that you’re getting more screen time, since higher ratings benefit everyone."
"Yeah, they’re fine with it. They’re not losing any of their own screen time or spotlight, after all."
"You know a lot, huh?"

I responded to So-jin, who had turned a deep shade of red.

Was it the cold?

"W-w-what, you think I looked into it just because of you? Are you crazy, Kim Dong-hoo? I just heard some things and passed them along, that’s all."
"Yeah? Well, it’s good that there’s no friction."
"And my mom’s around, so I could find out even more."
"Even without asking?"


So-jin playfully slapped my shoulder.

"What was that for?"
"Are you seriously asking that because you don’t know?"
"Wouldn’t I only ask if I didn’t?"


Another playful slap.

What was that one for?

"From the way you said 'too,' are you attending here as well?"
"Yeah, my mom thinks this place is the best. You’ll probably end up here too."
"Because my mom and your mom are close?"

Wait, mom? Her choice of words was oddly formal.
Not something worth dwelling on, though.

'It wouldn’t be bad if I ended up here.'

With that thought, I started walking toward the filming set.
Today, there wasn’t any piano playing involved.

Just a few additional scenes.
It felt surreal that this short moment could turn a supporting role into a lead.

'Alright then, let’s go find Lee Jae’s happiness.'


Unlike last week, when the viewer board was on fire,
High Dream’s ratings were steadily rising thanks to Lee Jae’s increased screen time.

It wasn’t an explosive increase, but enough to quench a thirst, perhaps.

The scenes of him talking with the principal and headmaster,
and the painful family background that came to light.

Lee Jae’s character was becoming more fleshed out,
and that was enough.

"Turns out there’s a reason why Jae’s personality is so twisted."

Even with just a little more screen time, Kim Dong-hoo’s acting delivered everything.
In some ways, it was only possible because it was Kim Dong-hoo.

His ability to convey emotion and story in such a short time was remarkable.
Each time, I was left in awe, and his good looks never got old.
His fan café was growing rapidly.

As Ji Eun-bi prepared to watch Episode 12 of High Dream,

Click, click.

She immediately logged into the fan café.

In the past, she might have watched alone and kept her thoughts to herself.
But nowadays, sharing reactions on the board with others was immensely fun.

Especially because,

'Today’s the Mirinae stage.'

Episode 12 would feature another one of Lee Jae’s piano performances.
It was a celebration day, and everyone knew it had to be shared together.


The first stage,

After overcoming every hardship and obstacle,
High Dream finally performed on Mirinae.


They sang of youth, hope, and the belief that if you never give up, you’ll eventually find the light.
Ji Eun-bi unconsciously nodded along with the song.


This was the result of the High Dream members’ grueling practice, something the viewers didn’t know about.

Their fate, which originally wouldn’t have led them to work this hard,
had been transformed by Kim Dong-hoo’s presence.


As soon as High Dream’s performance ended, Lee Jae’s solo stage began.

Then came the piano,

The flower that grew from hatred—Lee Jae’s La Campanella—rocked the world outside the TV.

Could High Dream’s song possibly top this?

Sure, High Dream’s song wasn’t bad,
and it was funny to compare band music to classical.

But from an absolute perspective,
the viewers thought Lee Jae was ahead in every way.

The principal and headmaster’s dumbstruck expressions said it all.
Who wouldn’t be moved watching something like that?

Everyone watched Lee Jae’s solo as if their souls were being absorbed.

La Campanella.

When that seemingly eternal piece ended, everyone snapped back to reality.

"...What should I do?"

Ji Eun-bi muttered worriedly.

After the performance, Lee Jae made a brief bow and left the stage.

Thinking of his parents who wouldn’t attend his performance,
feeling that no one truly wanted him,

He was a picture of loneliness, shedding tears in despair.

That was supposed to be the end.

Just then, the door backstage opened, and light poured in.


Someone approached the curled-up Lee Jae slowly.
Song Chul-soo, a High Dream member, leader, and vocalist, extended a hand.


Lee Jae looked up at Chul-soo and asked,


At the final moment, where did such kindness come from?
Lee Jae, who had never experienced such warmth, was bewildered.

His expression, distorted by tears,
yet still looking at warmth for the first time.

Looking down at him, Chul-soo responded with ease,



At that word, Lee Jae’s expression softened.
Tears he had vowed not to shed poured out as he let go of his resolve to be strong.

Even if he was a genius, he was only seventeen.
Still young and in need of care.

A child who had constantly whipped himself, convinced he needed no one,
was overwhelmed by the first unconditional kindness he had received.


Grabbing onto the warmth desperately,
he clung to Chul-soo’s hand, who pulled him up.

Then suddenly,


Chul-soo finally voiced what he’d wanted to say all along.


Lee Jae smiled brightly.

How long had it been since he smiled like that?

On stage,

In this moment, free from winners and losers,
this new feeling washed over him.

'Not bad.'

In truth, he was overjoyed.

That day, the flower grown from hatred,
bloomed into something radiant.


The drama department was shaking.
Cherry pie was being devoured like waves crashing into the shore.

Energy coursed through his entire body.

Was this what rebirth felt like?

"Zuhahahaha! Now, let me make an announcement!"

Nom, nom, nom.

Cherry pie continued to disappear into his mouth.

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

PD Kim Young-mo watched, teary-eyed, waiting for Director Kim Cheol-do’s next line.

"From now on, it’s the era of KBC dramas!"


With a rating of 23%,

A new chapter in history had begun.



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