30 Years after Reincarnation, it turns out to be …
Chapter 47 Table of contents

A strange silence hung over the swordsmanship training grounds.

"Uh-hmm…" "Um…" "What… what is this?"

They wanted to say something, even just a greeting, but finding the right words was difficult now. These were the cadets who had returned after a grueling 29-day absence. In the swordsmanship department, camaraderie was more of a fleeting sentiment, but seeing familiar faces after so long sparked a hint of familiarity. Normally, they'd exchange a few words or polite greetings, but the sight before them made it hard to even think of what to say.

After all…

'Why are they wearing bearskins?' 'They look like they caught those themselves…' 'Their bodies are so much bigger… What on earth did they go through?'

Eighteen cadets, each wearing bearskins. They were once fragile beings, affectionately dubbed "sprout cadets."

If 29 days ago they were just another group of ordinary cadets, now they were anything but ordinary. The most noticeable change was their expressions—sharpened, no longer displaying the faintest hint of weakness, exuding an aura that seemed capable of slicing through the air.

Yet more captivating than their expressions were their physiques, which had grown at least threefold.


Their academy uniforms looked as if they might burst at the seams. It wasn't a case of putting on weight; their muscles and bones had expanded, giving them a refined, agile build rather than just bulky mass. Their imposing presence, the way they held themselves—everything about them spoke of warriors, or rather, of fighters ready to enter battle.

And then…

"Lady Levi Folt? Is that really you?" asked Lady Luno, eyes wide, as she looked Levi Folt up and down.

"It’s me, Lady Luno. How have you been?" Levi replied.

"I… I’ve been well, but you’ve changed so much, Lady Folt."

Lady Luno’s eyes scanned Levi Folt from head to toe. It was rude, something a noblewoman was not supposed to do, yet she couldn’t help herself. It was hard to believe that someone could change so much in such a short time.

The other ladies felt the same way.

"Goodness, your hands have grown so rough!" "Oh, those calluses…! You should get them treated immediately!" "But why does your skin still look so smooth and lovely? Lady Irene as well…."

Levi Folt had always been a petite girl compared to her peers. Not fragile, per se, but certainly more slender. But not anymore.

Though still slim, her body had developed a toned, resilient look that defied any sense of fragility. Her height had also increased.

She had grown from about 150 cm to nearly 160 cm. Ten centimeters in less than a month—could that even happen?

‘How did this little chick turn into a swan so suddenly?’

In terms of their instructor's words, the "little chick" had transformed into a swan. There was a maturity about her now, an aura that made the other ladies glance at her with blushing admiration.

A woman’s beauty often inspired admiration even in other women.

"Your gazes… are a little overwhelming," Levi muttered, a bit embarrassed. She still retained her shyness, though she seemed much more assured now.

Compared to her fellow cadets, she was humble. "Compared to my seniors, I’m nothing," she added.


"We officially established a mentor-student relationship four days ago. I’m the youngest and most inexperienced, so I became the junior member."

"I see… And, forgive me for asking, but why are they wearing those ghastly hides?"

"Ah, those." Levi let out a dry laugh as though she had expected the question. The other cadets and even the "chicks" looked on, listening intently as she explained.

"They’re from magical creatures we encountered on the way back."

"Magical creatures!?"

"Yes, they seemed to be mutants. You know how it goes sometimes, right? Animals that consume monster flesh undergo mutations."

"Oh my…."

They knew well enough. When humans or animals consumed unrefined monster flesh or blood, it was akin to ingesting poison. Most died instantly. But occasionally, creatures with robust life forces survived, transforming into monstrous beings, full of violence and ferocity.

So, to encounter such creatures…

"The creatures seemed poised to head for a nearby village, so our instructor ordered my seniors to take them down."

"And the instructor? Didn’t he join the fight?"

Levi nodded, "You know how strict he is. Even Lord Roen and the other skilled fighters were made to stand by."

So… she was saying that these frail cadets had fought and defeated these creatures on their own?

"Yes. There were exactly eighteen creatures, and since there were eighteen of us, the numbers worked out perfectly. Our clothes and gear got shredded in the process, so we had no choice but to wear bearskins back. They’re not trying to intimidate anyone."

"Then why are they still wearing them with their uniforms now?"

"Our armor was destroyed too. The bearskins are thick and sturdy enough to substitute as armor."


"Is there something else you’re curious about?"

"No, no, nothing at all."

Yes, this girl had definitely changed. She seemed strange now, a little off-kilter.

"If you’re curious, those hides are exceptionally sturdy," Ihan interjected as he arrived.

"In fact, they’re twice as tough as the standard academy-issued armor. Even the Craft Guild can’t make gear of this quality."


The instructor, having returned from a meeting with the academy head over the "bearskin issue," continued his explanation.

"Those of you who are nobles should know. You’re aware of how much premium armor costs?"

"It’s quite expensive."

"Exactly. Even you admit it’s expensive. Do you think it’s easy for them to obtain good armor given their status?"


"Good. I hope you understand now."

The explanation satisfied them, and they were amazed to realize the hides were of such high quality.

But simultaneously…

‘Then, doesn’t this mean they took down monsters as strong as premium armor?’

‘They fought them one-on-one? How?’

‘Those creatures must have been at least mid-tier in strength….’

The realization that these "chicks" had fought and won against such creatures was astounding. It was evident they had grown stronger, but to think they could now go toe-to-toe with mid-tier monsters was unbelievable.

It was truly a remarkable achievement for such a short period.

‘Should I have tagged along after all?’

‘I’m envious.’

Those who had remained behind for various reasons felt pangs of jealousy and admiration, seeing how much their peers had progressed.


"Ah, but don’t wear the hides during class. You’re back now; no need for all that."

"We’re fine with it, instructor."

"It’s not about you; it’s uncomfortable for others to look at. Take them off."

"...Are you defying me?"

"Ack! No, sir! We’ll remove them right away!"

Such is the power of education. At the sound of his low voice, their rebellious thoughts melted away, and they immediately stripped off the bearskins.

And then…


"Huh? Why don’t they have hair?"

"Were they always bald?"

The "chicks"—now bald—teared up.

They never wanted others, especially the girls, to see them like this.

As their eyes grew wet, Ihan hurried to explain.

"Ahem, it’s just a minor side effect. Those who didn’t train in aura techniques lost their hair after learning the technique. It’s not permanent; it’ll grow back soon enough."

"Then, what about Lady Folt…?"

"I taught her more gently, so she was fine. The others had a more 'direct' method, and this was the result. Just a minor misstep—next time, I’ll be more careful. Haha…."


"...Don’t apologize. At least let us hate you freely."

The bald cadets sobbed, while others looked on with sympathy.

And others…

‘Thank goodness I didn’t go with them.’

They couldn’t help but feel relief, glad they had stayed behind.


The swordsmanship department dismissed early that day. The big war game was tomorrow, and they needed to be in peak condition. Some might end up too worn out from tonight’s activities, but he hoped they’d pace themselves.

After all…

‘They’ve been forced into abstinence for a whole month….’

The training had been brutal, even harsher than a temple stay, and their suppressed desires would likely spill out. He’d allow them some indulgence, but if any showed up exhausted tomorrow, they’d face severe repercussions.

‘I’m definitely not doing this out of jealousy.’

He’d clarify that point, in case anyone questioned his motivations. It wasn’t some petty envy fueling his resolve.

…though perhaps there was one percent of resentment mixed in.

"Lucky bastards…."

Ihan ground his teeth, mentally vowing not to go easy on them if they lost tomorrow. He was about to go find his aide to help with some administrative tasks when—


"...Lady Maid?"

Leira Winter, the maid, came running with her nasal voice brimming with excitement.

‘…And now she’ll…’


And, as expected, she fell flat on her face, delivering a flawless slapstick moment.

That fall alone was impressive enough to make him wince.

"Are you alright?"

"Hehe, yes, I’m fine. It didn’t hurt."

"It’s impossible for that not to hurt."


"…Never mind."

Our sturdy maid was unscathed. Remarkable. Truly, a wonder.

‘What even is she?’

Even after all this time, he couldn’t understand her. She was, in some ways, more mystifying than those who had reincarnated or time-traveled.

Hiding his bewilderment, Ihan asked why she had sought him out so urgently when he’d be seeing her soon at home anyway.

"What’s the matter?"

"It’s about the princess! She’s coming!"

"I know."

"You knew!?"

"I found out from the headmaster."

It was news he had learned from the headmaster, who had summoned him over the bearskin incident.

Yes, Isis, that sister of his, was visiting the academy to watch the war game. It struck Ihan as typical of a royal with too much time on her hands, but he was used to her whimsical behavior.

‘Well, let her come. Why should I care?’

For the academy staff and cadets, her arrival was like a three-star general visiting their base. But for Ihan, it was simply a bothersome acquaintance dropping by. He had no intention of getting involved.

‘I’ll just stay hidden.’

After all, it was the cadets who’d be fighting, not him.

"But there’s more! The Duke’s coming too!"


"Duke Galahad is coming! He said he wanted to watch the war game."


He felt like he’d misheard.

He was about to ask for clarification when—

"Oh, and it’s not just the Duke! Grand Duke Lionel is coming too! I heard it clearly at the palace today!"


"They’re saying important guests will be coming, so even His Majesty might make an appearance! Hehe, there’s going to be so many people!"


Ihan could only stare, wide-eyed, repeatedly asking, as if in a daze.



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