SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
Chapter 360 Table of contents


I diligently explained why “Hi, nice to meet ya” is not the latest form of greeting.

So, I had a time explaining to the tower’s master about “Hi, nice to meet ya,” and neither I nor the Tower Master knew that such a time would come in my life… Anyway, nobody knows. Who could know??

“I knew, Death King. Did you think I did it because I didn’t know? It was a joke thrown out of consideration, thinking you might be nervous.”

“Ahaha. It was really, truly a super high-quality nice joke, Department head~nim.”

“I’m not the Department head~nim, but the Tower Master.” (ED: Another Korean joke when someone makes an unfunny joke 부장님 is used similar to OK BOOMER)

Then, narrowing her eyes, the Tower Master said,

“Since an objection has been raised, it must be addressed.”

Her violet eyes glanced over me and the wizard.

“Death King and The Wand Of Ages, please step forward.”


The wizard walked forward, holding the staff in front of me.

In the grand conference hall, where the king used to sit and look over the assembly. The throne. The Tower Master was sitting at the bottom of the chair’s legs, lightly leaning her head against the armrest of the throne.

And [The Wand Of Ages] and I were facing each other with the throne between us.

“The proposer is The Sky That Gathers Screams. The agenda is the no-confidence in The Wand Of Ages. Is this correct?”

“Yes, it is.”

I nodded.

Holding her chin, the Tower Master hummed,

“Not a [Objection] or a [Proposal] but a [No Confidence] vote.”

A smile like an inverted crescent moon was drawn on her lips.

“Very well!”

The Tower Master said in a cheerful tone.

Before I could hesitate, the Tower Master’s words continued.

“First, the pillars should not take this situation unpleasantly.”

Looking around at the pillars, the Tower Master continued,

“I know there are many here who do not favor the Death King.”

The pillars remained silent, but the Tower Master continued as if she knew their inner thoughts well.



“To dares challenge the pillars’ work when you’re just a mere newborn constellation that has stepped a boot onto the sky.”

“Moreover, a vote of no-confidence!”

“I’ve disliked it since he started playing with the rules.”

“We praised him as good, and he finally crosses the line.”

Even now, when I could understand the voices, the Tower Master’s words sounded like the hissing of a snake.

“We have placed limitations on what we do.”

“Even though we have the power to do as we wish, we are restraining ourselves.”

“That alone should be considered a grace from us.”

“Not knowing that.”


“Taking care of your unrelated world, and even creating conditions for you to shine, Death King. Is this how you repay us?”

The pillars did not move. There was not a single movement in their facial muscles.

However, the Tower Master’s voice roamed around those pillars, squirming like a tendon beneath a layer of skin.

“And most of all.”

“How dare.”

“How dare you challenge the Tower Master to a duel.”

“Before even reaching the 50th floor.”

“Before even obtaining the name of a constellation.”


“Seems like a green one—”

With a sound like a popping balloon, the drowsy air scattered.

The Tower Master clapped her hands.


The Tower Master looked around at the pillars once more and continued,

“I know there are those among you who think this.”


“Please, don’t.”

The Tower Master’s voice was as clear and pure as crystal freshly wrought from the earth.

“Because, everyone. The kind of [arrogant], [proud], and [bad-seed] behavior that the Death King is displaying right now, are precisely the actions I myself had been doing until I stood in this position.”

And it was transparent.

“Raising a vote of no-confidence is not just a simple protest or suggestion. Crying out that what you’re doing is fundamentally wrong and can’t be resolved by making small adjustments. This very act is what I did in all sorts of ways before I built the tower, and what made me a top-notch lunatic. The pillars gathered here, of all people, should know that.”

“I know, but.”

For the first time, someone spoke up.

It was The One Who Wrote The Beginning.

“The Tower Master and the Death King are not the same.”

The One Who Wrote The Beginning spoke in a quiet but certain voice.

“The Tower Master didn’t just stop at screaming that something was wrong. She proposed a better [alternative]. She didn’t just stop at raising a vote of no-confidence. She said she would [replace] and then did so.”

The One Who Wrote The Beginning looked at me. His eyes were without warmth.

“Pointing fingers is easy. Criticizing is not hard. Saying something is wrong is convenient. Mocking is fun, and condemning is always a pleasure.”


“And many people just stop there. They don’t try to go further. They neither propose a concrete alternative nor say they will do better, nor do they want to take on the responsibility that comes with it. I understand and accept, but well. Wouldn’t it be natural to view that as an unfair attitude?”

“That’s an unfair statement towards the Death King.”

The Tower Master immediately said.

The One Who Wrote The Beginning hesitated. The Tower Master looked at him, resting her chin on her hand.

“Everyone here knows the journey the Death King has walked so far.”


“The Death King has collected the endless autumn rain and bloomed peonies in the eternal frost. He melted the plating of hearts, and helped a doll who had lost herself find herself again. And he accepted each criticism and condemnation aimed at himself instead of dodging them.”

The Tower Master concluded quietly.

“So, it’s unfair to evaluate the Death King like that. I wanted to make that clear.”


“But on the other hand.”

The Tower Master turned to me.

“This is also the crux of the issue. Death King.”

I did not open my mouth. I just listened quietly.

The Tower Master continued.

“Let me remind you of a fact you already know, Death King. Declaring no-confidence in someone never ends as a comfortable objection. It means you have to directly replace that someone and take over all the tasks they were responsible for.”


Finally, I spoke.

“Of course.”


Bang! Once again, the Tower Master clapped her hands.

“Now that the premise is clear, the next steps are simple.”

The Tower Master spread her arms.

“As you’ve always done, Death King. Prove yourself.”


The Tower Master declared the rules to us.

“If the Death King can prove he has the skill and willpower required, the vote of no-confidence in The Wand Of Ages will be approved. The Wand Of Ages will step down from his position as a pillar. That means, the Death King will take over the role of The Wand Of Ages, managing the [netherworld] of this tower.”

“On the other hand, if he fails. He must be prepared to face the consequences accordingly.”

The Tower Master did not specify what those consequences would be.

She only added with her characteristic smile.

“At least, it goes without saying that you would no longer be qualified to challenge me.”

I clenched my fist tightly.

“I understand.”


The Tower Master’s smile deepened. This time, the smile was directed at the wizard.

“What about you, The Wand Of Ages?”

“……No problem.”

The Wand Of Ages answered. Like a branch of autumn reaching cautiously to hold onto its red leaves.

The pillars, excluding us, sat in a circle at a distance. Though the crowd was smaller, this place was no different from a Colosseum.

And the stake in this duel was no less significant than in any gladiatorial arena.

[The current status of the majority vote is announced.]

[Death King 0 votes, Abstain 2 votes, The Wand Of Ages 3 votes.]

As expected, the start was not in my favor.

Up to now, I have committed numerous acts of defiance. Even if the Tower Master said to disregard it, it couldn’t have been without effect. Furthermore, The Wand Of Ages had been a colleague as a pillar for a long time.

But looking at it from another perspective, there are still 2 abstentions. That means 2 of the pillars are taking a reserved stance. This situation isn’t unpleasant for me.

“I should start by saying how profoundly disappointed I am with this situation.”

The wizard was the first to speak.

“Death King. I have favored you. As an administrator, I’ve maintained the line while giving you as much consideration as the rules would allow. And this is how my consideration is repaid? I tried to support you, a constellation who appeared after the Sword Emperor. I could have been your patron. Removing me from my pillar position is like cutting off your own fingers.”


“It’s not too late.”

The wizard discussed my interests. He reminded me of what he had done for me and what he could further offer, questioning how much he could help me with his position and power.

It was the simplest yet most powerful form of persuasion since the dawn of time.

“Right. It may have been my mistake to appoint Yoo Soo-ha as the judge. Your criticism is valid. I acknowledge it and apologize. But even pillars can make mistakes. To condemn me for a single error, what arrogance is this?”

Next, the wizard emphasized his humanity. While seemingly taking a step back, he criticized my side for forcing him to do so.

This too was an effective attack. The wizard well knew this duel was ultimately decided by majority vote. Persuading me was less important than persuading the pillars.

“Assuming you manage to pull me down.”

The wizard sighed lightly and continued.

“Since the tower was established, there have been many discussions on what to do with the [netherworld]. And among those, my opinion was accepted, so I took charge of the design from the 70th to the 79th floor.”

The history of the tower.

“Don’t think this is the first time a vote of no confidence against a pillar has occurred. Since the tower’s establishment, many constellations have coveted the position of a pillar. As a pillar in charge of the most sensitive issues, I have faced many attacks. But.”

Despite all, the wizard, who still held his position, lightly bit the end of his staff with his lips.

As if holding a pipe in his mouth.

“In the end, the exact problem that The One Who Wrote The Beginning spoke of blocked them.”


“It’s easy to say I’m wrong. Anyone can make a critique. But what about responsibility? Do you have an alternative to replace my heavens?”

Lastly, the wizard discussed why he must win. It was about him being competent and me being incompetent. Though it was merely a relative issue, it could be decided by majority vote because it was relative.

“I am making souls happy. It’s the happiness they wished for, the happiness they wanted to enjoy, and the happiness I can give. If you cannot give them as much as I do, Death King. You can never defeat me.”

A logic sharp as a knife cut at me from three directions.

It wasn’t an attack that would end if just one was blocked; all three directions had to be deflected before my body could be whole again.

“Shall we hear the answer?”


I gently rubbed the handkerchief with my index finger.

Right. If you’re going to dig someone else’s grave, you should smooth out your own grave’s site first. And I always keep a few graves dug in my heart.

“You are right in saying you have favored me, Wizard ssi.”

No rush.

Start with the easiest sword to deflect.

“Did you say I’m the constellation that appeared for the first time since the Sword Emperor? And that you intended to support me? But why did you want to support me in the first place? Surely it wasn’t because of personal fondness, just wanting to push me forward for that reason alone.”


“You don’t even think highly of the Sword Emperor. You consider him a troublemaker.”

I saw your reaction after clearing the True Heaven World.

「You, the unparalleled troublemakers of the world!」

「Sword Emperor. There’s a reason you failed to conquer the Sky Piercing Extreme Point.」

It was certainly not a friendly reaction.

“In other words, you don’t blindly support someone just because they’re a hunter challenging the 100th floor. You believed I had something unique to offer, didn’t you?”


“You must have your hidden reasons. You supported me for a reason. Whether it’s related to the Tower Master or the secrets of the 100th floor, I don’t know. But you were using me for your own purposes, not for my benefit.”

“Does everyone think of me as materialistic?”

The wizard’s expression remained calm.

My words didn’t seem to bother or itch him at all.

I looked towards Baron Gu Won-ha.

[Death King 0 votes, Abstain 2 votes, The Wand Of Ages 3 votes]

The vote status was magically inscribed above the Baron’s head. There had been no change in the score.

I regrouped my stance.

“No. And I’m not condemning you just because you made a mistake.”

“Regrettably, that’s how it appears to me.”

“A mistake is something done wrong unintentionally. But what if it was intentional? What if you knew but neglected it? If you clearly knew it would happen, and it was obvious it would happen, but you merely watched. Is that still a mistake?”

“As if I deliberately chose the wrong judge.”

“Is Yoo Soo-ha the first?”


“Is Yoo Soo-ha really the first and only mistake you’ve made?”


For the first time, the wizard hesitated.

“You decide which heaven layer hunters are assigned to when they die. You judge. And you made a misjudgment thinking Yoo Soo-ha would want heaven. Luckily, I was able to detect this mistake and point it out. But were other hunters given such an opportunity?”


“No one can notice your mistakes. No one could point them out. So, it seems like the only mistake, merely a mistake. Can you imagine how many mistakes have been hidden all this time?”

I felt the pillars looking at me.

I didn’t even need to amplify my senses with aura. Their gazes clung to my face, stinging. But I did not stop.

“While I was breaking through floors 71 to 76, there were a total of 6 heavens. Out of those 6 times, you made a mistake once. Yes. Maybe this time was just a coincidence. But what if there was a mistake once in every 60 times? Even once in 600 times? If there have always been souls sent to the wrong heavens because of your misjudgments, because of mistakes, what then?”


“Still, would you call that a mistake?”


The wizard’s grip on his staff tightened.

“……There must be. There are. There will be. But so what? I’m doing my best, Death King. Can you judge better than me? Can you decide who belongs in which heaven, who will be happy where, better than I, The Wand Of Ages, can?”

You can’t.

It was a question filled with conviction.

Up to now, The Wand Of Ages must have judged countless souls. Through numerous judgment errors and trials, it would have reached its current state. It must have built up its own experience, know-how, and tips with infinite time and countless tears.

I cannot deny that.

“Yes. I cannot know better than you.”

But that’s just me.

“So, let’s ask directly.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The dead. Those who have died and come before you waiting for judgment. Why not ask them directly?”

That’s the only answer.

“Hunters came to the tower by their own decision. It’s their right to decide where they want to go. If you make judgments on your own without asking them, the same mistakes will inevitably continue. Ask them where they want to go.”

“……Ha. Ask them, you say?”

The wizard let out a scoff. Clearly, it was a tone of rebuke towards me.

“Fine. Go ahead and ask them yourself! If you can ask, that is!”


When the wizard tapped the floor with his staff, white ripples appeared in the air.

And from beneath the ripples, black fingers emerged.


It was a human hand.

No, to be precise, it was a shadow flickering in the shape of a human.

-Guu, Uuuuuu.


Fingers, palms, wrists, all were dyed in black. There was no light or shadow, only darkness. Black swirling noises were the only things defining their existence.

The vast assembly hall was instantly covered with hundreds of noises.


Baron Gu Won-ha clapped her hands lightly.

Clatter, clank, clank!

Chains surged from the ground. The chains quickly bound each of the noises.


-Grr… Grrrrr…

Bound by the chains, the noises growled ferociously. They seemed like they would pounce on us the moment they were released from their chains.

“Look! This is what you call souls, the words of those who died in the tower!”

The wizard shouted.

“Only the emotions from their living days remain, knowing nothing but screams. They are not wounded; they are nothing but rags with nothing left but wounds! These are lives that have ended, broken stones! Essentially, no different from that!”


“Go ahead and ask. Ask for me. Where do they want to go? Having been abandoned by the world once and then again, where do they think they will finally be satisfied? Death King. It would be really nice if you could ask them for me.”

The wizard seemed to be mocking someone,

Not just me, presumably.

“They have no memory. They’re dead. They don’t know why they were hurt, but the cause is gone, and only the wounds torment them. No, the torment itself is what they are. The only answer you can get from them is a scream of ‘it hurts.’ It may not even be an answer. You can’t call the noise made by crumbling rocks an answer. I wonder, what can I—, what can we ask them?”


From the magical ripples the wizard had spread, a faint image appeared.

It was a moving picture.

“I can only watch.”

Images played from all around.

The abridged lives of the noises before they were consumed by the dark whirlpool.

Faces and smiles they had before being devoured by the dark swirl were reenacted in the images.

“I have to carefully examine and then make a judgment. That’s all. Everything. Right. Just watching isn’t enough to know. There are times I don’t know. But what more can I do? Other than [watching], what else can we do here.”


So that was it.

I slowly looked around.


-Ugh, Uuuuuu…!

The noises couldn’t meet my eyes. They had no gaze. They could no longer look at or reflect anything. Only deaths that could be looked at from the outside or be broken. Countless deaths.



“There is.”

Above all, something familiar to me.

“There is more we can do here.”

We still have something more to do.

I turned my face to look at The Wand Of Ages.


“There is more we can do beyond just watching and observing their lives, Wizard ssi. There still is.”

“What could possibly be left to do?”

The wizard wore a look of incomprehension.

But to me, everything was clear.

What I can do. What I want to do. What kind of Constellation I could become if I ever became one, everything suddenly became clear.

“In the end, a person will act according to what they have always done.”

With that clarity, I acted.


Walking slowly, I stood in front of the dead and spread my arms.

“Kill me.”

Before the wizard could understand my words.

The dead bit into my neck.

[You have died.]

The Wand Of Ages’ eyes widened in shock, reading the situation in slow motion. Before the wizard could fully grasp the meaning of my action, had someone among the pillars understood my intentions?

A voice resonated.

[The current status of the majority vote is announced.]

[Death King 1 vote, Abstain 1 vote, The Wand Of Ages 3 votes.]

And then.

[Penalty severity is Supreme.]

[The Human Road.]

[Reproducing the trauma of the enemy that killed you.]

Let’s do more than just watch.


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