SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
Chapter 375 Table of contents


“Wait a moment. What on earth is going on?”

Black Dragon Master asked in dismay. The dormitory was already in an uproar due to Raviel’s visit.

For my friends, who were enjoying a peaceful evening after work, this was indeed an untimely disturbance.

“Could it be that something major has happened in the Empire? Like a rebellion or an ambush. That’s why suddenly….”

“A rebellion and an ambush both happened, and on top of that, there was a poisoning. Master of the Black Dragon.”

“What!? Really!?”

“And fortunately, all three incidents were resolved recently. Now, I am here for a different matter concerning Gong-ja.”

Raviel naturally sat down on the sofa and looked at me.

With eyes that seemed to demand an explanation.

Although she didn’t show it outwardly, , I could tell from the sound of her heartbeat and breathing that Raviel was quite uneasy.

“As for the ‘different matter,’ even I don’t know the details. I am the one who wants to ask ‘What exactly is going on?’ Gong-ja. You who would be more reluctant to see my life taken once than to see yours severed a thousand times. Why did you make [such a request]? I can’t help but be curious.”

Before I knew it, not only Raviel but also all my colleagues were looking at me. Raviel demanded an explanation, and the colleagues wanted one too.


I took a deep breath.

This was the beginning of the strategy meeting.

“Yes, Raviel……. If it were something that could be resolved by me dying a thousand times, I would never have asked you for such a request.”


“I would have risked never meeting Raviel again forever.”

The eyes of everyone in the common living room were piercing through my face.

“In 24 hours from now, I will be in danger of being permanently sealed.”

Silence fell.

People’s reaction speeds varied, but naturally, Raviel was the first to understand. She pulled out her fan and propped her chin with it, muttering, “……I see, so that’s what it was.”


Next to grasp the essence of my words, surprisingly or unsurprisingly, was the Crusader, Patricia.

Patricia crossed her arms and stared intently this way.

“Indeed. The enemy who came up with the most effective tactic against Kim Gong-ja has appeared. ‘In 24 hours,’ does that mean you have just regressed a day?”


“If someone is somewhat aware of your abilities, and if that person is sufficiently powerful and mighty, it’s inevitable that you would face such a predicament eventually. Don’t worry, Kim Gong-ja.”

Patricia’s words helped the other colleagues gradually start to guess the situation. Count nodded with an “Ah-ha,” and Black Dragon Master sighed with a “Aaaah…”

Since I had revealed to these colleagues that I was a regressor, they understood quickly. Only Venomous Snake looked around cluelessly.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on? Why do you all look like you understand? I don’t get it at all.”

“It’s simple, Liao Fan. Kim Gong-ja does not die no matter how many times he is killed; rather, he grows stronger with each death. Thus, the only solution is to seal him away without regard for the means.”

Patricia explained as if it were nothing significant.

“Isolating him so that no one else can help, and blocking him from taking his own life, effectively paralyzing him for a long duration.”

“Ah……. Oh. Yes. I see what you mean. But how did you understand what Gong-ja was talking about so quickly?”

“Because it was a tactic included in the plans I had devised to eliminate Kim Gong-ja. It’s a strategy I’ve concocted myself, so how could I not know?”

“Uh. …Huh? Eh? What did you say?”

“Ignore it. It’s a story that’s no longer important.”

Patricia shook her head once and then looked at me.

“So, Gong-ja. Who is it? Who tried to seal you away? Just thinking about it is easy, but to actually execute it is extremely difficult. Is there such a formidable enemy?”

I nodded.

“Yes. The person is named Constellation Killer.”

An explanation about who Constellation Killer was continued for a while.



Throughout my explanation, my colleagues’ expressions grew serious. Even the worst fashion combo of gym clothes and three-striped slippers couldn’t fully mask their grave looks.

That’s because my elimination would essentially mean the collapse of the entire Lion World.

It might sound arrogant, but realistically, my existence is too crucial for Lion World. It’s overly central.

First. The five major guilds have settled past grievances and collaborated around me.

Second. The Aegim Empire worships [Goddess of Protection] as a deity, and the [Goddess of Protection] calls me the hero and follows me. Thanks to this authority, I can intervene in the Aegim Empire.

Third. The same goes for Raviel’s empire. Effectively, the strategic marriage between Raviel and me ensures smooth communication between both worlds.

Fourth. There’s even no need to mention Uburka’s world where he was born.

I am the pillar of the Lion World.

The harmony between numerous different races and worlds solely depends on my life.

It must not collapse, nor can its disappearance be permitted.

“……Truly, it’s a convoluted fate.”

Raviel broke the heavy silence.

“The Constellation Killer we are discussing is my ancient ancestor. Our family was originally commoners, but we quickly rose to the core of power after receiving the favor of the hero who saved the nation. And Constellation Killer left the family with the Wish Sword before he departed.”

Wish Sword.

The very sword Raviel had thrust into her own heart while facing the mirror.

“I used the Wish Sword and became a Constellation for a while. Because I became a Constellation, my world was recorded in the apocalypse. Because it was recorded, Gong-ja, I was able to meet you.”

“Yes, Raviel……. Fate is indeed strange, I always feel that.”

And Kim Yul was the reason the director started the orphanage, and thanks to the director, I became who I am today. Isn’t it a cause and effect that transcends strangeness and borders on the bizarre?

“Yes. I understand the strange fate.”

Anastasia, who had been frowning the entire time, spoke up.

“What are you planning to do now?”

“Naturally, I plan to pay him back.”

With that one sentence, the night was over for us.

We sat around a table in the living room, and the subordinates needed for the operation were summoned. The Count called forth [The Cat that Bit a Gold Coin]. The enemy we were about to face was a natural predator of Constellations. It was best to seek advice from a Constellation’s mouth.

“Constellation Killer……. Meow. To be frank, it’s difficult.”

In response to the question ‘What should we do to eliminate Constellation Killer?’, the calico cat waved its tail.

“Constellation Killer has officially cleared up to the 90th floor as a hunter. And hunters who have cleared up to the 90th floor are basically given their own sanctuaries.”

“I know. It’s like the grand library sanctuary, isn’t it? We just need to break into that sanctuary, don’t we?”

“Meow. That’s true but……”

The cats made a subtle expression. They exchanged glances with each other and then cautiously observed my reaction.

“That’s where the problem arises. Screaming Sky~nim. No hunter to date, even Constellations themselves, has set foot in Constellation Killer’s sanctuary. No. There are hardly any Constellations who even possess minimal information about Constellation Killer’s sanctuary.”


“The essence of Constellation Killer’s sanctuary is [Concealment].”


“Woof, more precisely, it’s closer to [Ignorance]. As you know, Screaming Sky~nim, Constellation Killer tosses away his memories more easily than a used tissue. Whether it’s about his own life, what kind of person he is, or why he needs to go around killing Constellations, no one knows, and probably Constellation Killer himself doesn’t know well either.”


“Therefore, Ignorance is truly the essence of Constellation Killer. Woof. We do not know where he is. Even if he were right in front of us, we wouldn’t know who he is. Even if we have the place he’s at right before our eyes, it will probably be impossible to go there.”

I sighed deeply.

Nobody recognized that child, and nothing has changed since Kim Yul sat by the classroom window.


I looked down at the snake coiled around my wrist.


“You know the coordinates of Constellation Killer’s sanctuary, don’t you?”

The Snake flicked its tongue.

[‘The Eye Living in the Labyrinth’ boasts that there is no sanctuary whose coordinates it does not know!]

The cats sitting on the table perked up their ears.

“Ah, indeed. If it’s Hishmith Kritz, we can probably know the coordinates. Ignorance is not knowing the truth, and secrecy is concealing the truth. Both share the commonality of the truth being ignored, meow. And Hishmith Kritz is a Constellation that reveals the truth. ……or so to speak.”

[‘The Cat that Bit a Gold Coin’ look at you with newfound interest.]

“With Hishmith Kritz, there’s hardly any world we can’t roughly go to. We can buy anything if we are there. Woof. Really, you’ve only collected the most useful Constellations, Screaming Sky~nim. It’s totally overpowered.”

“Can we go if we just have the coordinates?”

I ignored the cats’ sighs and asked.

The Snake confidently flicked its tongue more vigorously but then slightly bowed its head.

[‘The Eye Living in the Labyrinth’ denies that.]

[‘The Eye Living in the Labyrinth’ compares it to seeing a military facility right in front of you but says breaking security to infiltrate it is a completely different issue.]

[‘The Eye Living in the Labyrinth’ confesses that it only knows that such a place exists, not how to get in there.]

As expected.

Constellation Killer didn’t hide a secret, but erased the memories that could become secrets altogether.

The Snake could sense ‘that something was there’ but couldn’t reveal ‘what that something was.’


I turned my head.

‘What even Constellation Killer discarded and lost, I have by my side.’

Across the table.

There sat the subordinates who had gathered here in response to the summons.

Among them, I called the name of the man who would be key in this operation.

“Kim Yul ssi.”


“You probably have the authority to enter Constellation Killer’s sanctuary.”

Kim Yul, the [Origin] of Constellation Killer, silently looked at me.

That’s right.

I don’t know how robust the security system of Constellation Killer’s sanctuary was. Even if I knew, there was no guarantee it could be breached.

However, it was too clear who the person that security would automatically let pass was.

“Our strategy is simple. Hishmith Kritz will disclose the coordinates, and Kim Yul ssi will cross over using those coordinates. Kim Yul ssi, please establish a bridge for us. Then, an attack team including myself will immediately rush over.”

“Understood, Family Head.”

“If the enemy cowardly attacks with 13 bodies, then we will counter even more cowardly with greater numbers. You don’t need to wait long until we arrive. One moment. Please hold out alone for just one moment.”

While Kim Yul was nodding briefly, [The Cat that Bit a Gold Coin] urgently opened its mouth.

“Wait, just a minute. Please wait, Screaming Sky~nim. First…… I understand that this person has access rights. But Constellation Killer’s sanctuary is a place with a hierarchy of at least the 90th floor!”

“Is that so?”

“Meow! Of course! There are conditions to gain access to such a place.”

The cat stretched out its toes while exposing pink jelly..

“First. In cases where one’s own sanctuary is provided to the Tower. It’s like how [The One with Tasty Ankles] connected his world to 20th floor, just as I have connected my to the 70th floors.”

“Who is [The One with Tasty Ankles]?”

“He is also known as Hamustra.”

“Why are he called that……”

“Is that really important now?! Please focus on the story!”

It feels extremely important. To the extent that, at this moment, it seems like nothing else is important.

Everyone wore expressions of intense concern, but the cat continued explaining regardless.

“Second. The case where one’s own sanctuary is connected. Like the 60th floors. Usually, subordinate worlds are connected, but there are cases where one’s own world is directly linked. [The One with Tasty Knees] is such a case.”

“And who is that…….”

“Also called Mutia.”

Tasty, is it?

Are Mutia’s knees tasty…?

“If the first is akin to a service duty to the tower, the second is closer to a business method for accumulating power as a Constellation.”

“They seem similar…….”

“Well, they actually are similar. As for this, Screaming Sky~nim will know more details when you actually reach the 90th floor…… However, these two methods share a common aspect in a different sense. They imply that one can set their own access rights to the sanctuary.”

I nodded.

“Any other methods?”

“Third is the administrator of the entire tower. For example, the pillars themselves provide access routes. [The One Who Tasts like Delicious Liquor] was caught by you using this method.”

Hishmith Kritz let out a screech. The cat continued speaking while smacking its lips towards Hishmith Kritz.

“Other than that, well, You have to be in the comparable status. Screaming Sky~nim, you would qualify, but that human would not.”

I chuckled.

In short, ‘Kim Yul has the authority to go to Constellation Killer’s sanctuary, but not the qualifications to go to the 90th-floor.’

Conversely, ‘I have the qualifications to go to a 90th-floor, but not the authority to go to Constellation Killer’s sanctuary.’

One could say that each of us is missing one necessary requirement.

“It’s okay.”

But put another way, it meant that we could compensate for what the other lacked.

And Kim Yul and I were already bound together.

We were in a relationship where we could call each other informally.

“Kim Yul ssi is my apostle. My hands and feet. So, he can go not as [Hunter] but as [Apostle of the Constellation named Screaming Sky].”

“Huh? ……Ahhh, Aha! Indeed!”

The calico cat looked back and forth between me and Kim Yul and then opened its mouth.

“If he truly is an apostle, it’s possible! If the Constellation permits, an apostle can possess the same qualifications as the Constellation itself.”

Kim Yul regained his memories because of me and was revived by me. Now that I have been completed as a Constellation, it is fitting to call Kim Yul my apostle.

Not just Kim Yul. Estelle, Sylvia, the Four Demon Lords, and the believers of the Infernal Heavens. All who received life from me are now equally my apostles.

Therefore, this operation has become possible.

“Kim Yul ssi will cross over first, as my apostle, as our vanguard.”

Just as [The Ox that Harvests Ruins] had once led its apostle, The Lady of the Golden Silk, to invade Raviel’s world—.

This time, I will lead Kim Yul to invade the sanctuary of Constellation Killer.

“And as soon as you arrive, please call for me. Summon me. Then, I will rush over immediately with my apostles and followers all at once.”

All the pieces of the puzzle were in place.

With [The Eye Living in the Labyrinth], we know the coordinates. With Kim Yul, we can enter the sanctuary. Since I am Kim Yul’s Constellation, I can respond to his call. Others, being my apostles or followers, can cross over with me.

Everything we have achieved from the 10th to the 80th floor made this operation possible.

“Meow. Understood. At least from our perspective, there are no problems!”

[The Cat that Bit a Gold Coin] also guaranteed the success of the operation.

So now all that was left was to execute the plan, but……

“Apostles? Followers?”

Black Dragon Master muttered bewilderedly.

“Wait a minute. I wasn’t called out when Gong-ja was breaking through the heavenly floors! I’m neither an apostle nor a follower or anything!”

“Then you can stay home and watch the house.”

Count fanned herself leisurely.

“Just so you know, I’ve become follower of Gong-ja. Being recognized in the heavenly floors as a follower was synonymous with becoming a follower of Gong-ja.”

“Hmm. Then the first person to become a follower was me.”

Crusader leisurely fanned not herself but the Count.

“Thinking about it, Anastasia wasn’t called as a Judge, huh? Is that so. She didn’t meet the qualifications… That’s regrettable.”

“Ah. She often brags about how she was the first to become friends with Gong-ja and whatnot, but in the end, true camaraderie is proven in places like this, isn’t it?”

“Ahaha. I am, for now, a follower of my master too!”

One by one, Crusader, Venomous Snake, and Heretic Questioner spoke.


Surrounded by the group, the Black Dragon Master suddenly glared at me with eyes blazing with some emotion.

And as if she felt betrayed by me, she exclaimed,

“I, I’ll convert!”

But weren’t you an atheist.


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