SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
Chapter 382 Table of contents


Please take charge of managing this garden.

The first to react to my words were neither the director nor Kim Yul ssi. It was Estelle who had just dodged Sylvia’s hammer, who exclaimed in surprise.

“Family Head-nim, that’s impossible!”

I looked at Estelle. My family’s advisor immediately offered advice.

“First, there are prior tasks assigned to Family’s Shadow. Didn’t the Corner Librarian want Family’s Shadow to not seek other employment? Moreover, Family’s Shadow has been absent frequently lately, causing dissatisfaction for the Corner Librarian. Completely relocating Family’s Shadow’s residence might send the wrong signal to the Corner Librarian.”

Sylvia was surprised at these words.

“What is this? Why are you talking like an advisor?”

“Because I am an advisor. You are the Grand Chamberlain, so you handle cleaning, cooking, and tea making.”

“If cleaning the family is the Grand Chamberlain’s job, then cleaning you up should be the first thing I should do…”

“The first thing you should do is to purify yourself. Shall I swallow you up?”

Before they could start measuring their killing intent against each other again, I quickly spoke.

“The advisor’s words are worth considering. Someone I know well once said that when a Constellation harbors poison, all sorts of bizarre things happen.”

Bae Hu-ryeong crossed his arms behind me and snorted through his nose. Estelle, unable to see him, propped her chin and sighed.

“Yes, strictly speaking, the Corner Librarian is no longer a Constellation, but…”

“He’s still one of those who needs caution and care. It’s not just about preventing risks, but he’s also someone I need to take responsibility for. You’re right.”

I nodded.

“Let’s deal with that next. What’s the next issue?”

“…For Family Clan’s Shadow, maybe not, but for your elder, it might be too much of a burden.”

Her tone was cautious.

The director agreed with this as well.

“Can I do it?”

With a voice laden with suppressed emotion, the director spoke.

“Gong-ja. I am weak. I can’t use martial arts techniques, whether it’s aura or qi, and I can’t use magic either. The only knife I know how to handle is a kitchen knife.”

“Actually, even that, you didn’t handle very well.”

I said.

The director smiled slightly, then continued with a lighter voice.

“Right. Blades have always been difficult for me to handle. The flat side of a spoon is about the limit I can handle without burden.”

“The rice you mixed and the apples you sliced were delicious.”

“Thank you. …But the skills needed to protect your house aren’t those, are they?”

The director’s voice sank again.

It was not difficult to recognize that this pressing stone was a feeling of powerlessness.

‘The director has witnessed how violence works.’

The first flower planted in this world a friend who couldn’t be protected by him.

Also, as the master of this world, I was once a child who needed to be protected by the director. There were many enemies targeting me. Not to mention Constellations or pillars, even without counting hunters from other worlds, a significant number of media on the 1st floor of the tower were joining hands to strike at me down.

As I once discussed with Anastasia, it is a necessary thing. If there is one thing I agree with the Tower Master about, it is that there are many people in the world who need someone to point fingers at.

The Tower Master has become such a target, willingly and out of necessity.

However, the pillars and the constellations would find it painful to see such a Tower Master.

A similar thing must be happening to the director as well. Even if you have the mindset to live up to your responsibilities, can a parent’s heart be so straightforward when they must read critical articles about you every morning?

I decided to start with what needed to be said first.

“Director. I’m fine.”

The director’s expression relaxed slightly.

I continued.

“And it’s okay that you can’t wield a sword. What I expect from you isn’t violence.”

Quite the opposite.

I hope that the director always keeps a distance from it.

“I will ensure that you never need to wield a sword.”

I put my words into action.

I looked at Kim Yul first.

“Kim Yul ssi.”

Kim Yul was also looking at me. Ever since he had cut himself, the world reflected in his eyes had become clearer.

I spoke towards the world reflected in his eyes.

“Can you protect the director, and this garden?”

“I’ll do my best.”

Kim Yul immediately responded.

Looking down at the Lily of the valley he had been, and towards the friend standing beyond that Lily of the valley, Kim Yul declared.

“I will protect what needs to be protected.”


I accepted his words… and drew the Holy sword.


The Holy sword of the goddess, which I had held and never let go since acquiring it in the Aegim Empire, I planted right in the middle of the garden.

Light burst forth.

[The Goddess of Protection manifests!]

The Goddess of Protection, Shiny, revealed herself.

Wings made of light unfolded. Like rusted sunsets wrapped by the wind, they tinged the entire garden a crimson hue.


The flowers were withered, but they were still flowers. Though red light dominated, the world originally full of flowers lacked no color from beginning to end.

However, the brightness was poor. All the petals were faded, washed out, or thinly floating. Light filled such places. Petals coated in a white radiance became distinct one by one. The flowers existed in this world, not by sparkling but by flickering.

“Yes, Hero-nim.”

“I would like to entrust you with managing this garden as well. It would be good if you could help Kim Yul ssi.”

Pointing to the figure she had once summoned and wielded, I continued.

“Would that be alright?”

The Goddess of Protection, Shiny, looked at her former partner who had once torn her into five seals. As when Lefanta Aegim was first mentioned, there was no resentment in her gaze.


But there was worry and concern.

That gaze, carrying both emotions, swept over Kim Yul and then turned towards me.

“Will you be alright?”

I smiled bitterly.

“It will be regrettable.”

“Yes, you will need to find a new sword. The sword you have in mind…”

“I have one. But it’s not just about the sword.”

I bowed my head.

“Thank you for being with me all this time.”

Shiny smiled. Her smile was bright and light.

“Such grand words. It’s not as if we’re parting forever.”

“Well, that’s true, but.”

“Then it’s okay. I am, after all, a protector.”

The Goddess of Protection truly, fittingly spread her wings and said.

“I will be protecting your home.”

Shiny then slowly turned towards Kim Yul. The light from her gradually closing wings was no longer casting a wide spread across the world but was now solely focused on Kim Yul.

“I ask anew, please take care of me. Former Hero.”

Like a rookie actor suddenly spotlighted for the first time, Kim Yul faltered. A complex expression rippled across his face before settling.

“It’s rather I who should say that.”

Just as the director and Kim Yul, Kim Yul and Shiny were bound to have a long conversation. Shiny and the director would also likely have much to discuss.

However, that was something that could be done at another time, not just in this moment.

I turned to Estelle.

“Advisor. I want to entrust you with the security of this place too.”

Estelle, who had been looking at the manifested Shiny and Kim Yul with a complex expression, hesitated and then looked at me.


“Why? Didn’t you want to be a gardener? If it’s in a garden you’re protecting, you could be stronger than—”

“I’ve thought about it again, and it seems like it was quite an embarrassing idea.”

Thus, the world’s light novel readership decreased by one. Like a Pomeranian shaking off water from its fur, Estelle shook her head to rid herself of any lingering traces of being a Venomous Snake.

“I am… in many ways, not quite right for these two.”

“That’s exactly why.”

“I suppose that makes sense from your perspective, Family Head-nim. But please consider my position too.”

The former devil king, who had once been an enemy of the empire established by Lefanta Aegim and destroyed the world protected by the Goddess of Protection, was desperate. Not even a cat refusing to get into a bathtub would squirm more than this.



Estelle hesitated. She sighed. She shrugged her shoulders. Eventually, she let her arms hang down.

“…If you would order me instead, it might be easier for me to accept.”


“Understood… Yes. Gardener. Upon thinking it over again, it doesn’t seem so embarrassing after all… I have a village I used to look after, so I will need to take plenty of vacations, but, um, there needs to be an advisor at the family’s main residence anyway… Well, anyway.”

Estelle took a deep breath. She then bowed her head towards Shiny and Kim Yul.

“Please take good care of me.”


Shiny flapped her wings as she greeted her warmly. Truly, she is a sparkling goddess.

The reason Lefanta Aegim didn’t kill Shiny when he began walking the path of Constellation Killer was surely not just because of old gratitude. Perhaps that’s why, Kim Yul also nodded once to welcome Estelle.

Their welcome seemed to make Estelle even more awkward, writhing like a snake placed on a snowfield. She had found her prey.

“Come join us.”

Sylvia, who had been looking at Estelle with a villainess-like smile, was taken aback.

“Eek. Me too? This… place where it feels like my SAN points will be chipped away in real-time proportional to my stay?” (ED: SAN points is short for Sanity Points a gaming term)

“Then where else should the Grand Chamberlain be if not guarding the family’s mansion?”

“Uh… I have a significant duty to prepare tea for the Lady of the Silver Lily…”

“Shall I ask for your opinion? Brewing tea for her. Cleaning this garden. Which do you think the Lady of the Silver Lily would prefer more? To put it simply, which feels more like you’re being screwed over?”

“Damn it….”

Sylvia sighed.

Estelle raised her greatsword to her shoulder and lifted her chin proudly.

“Still, you were named after a flower, weren’t you? Then wouldn’t it be fitting for you to be in a garden?”

Sylvia grunted. Then she muttered through gritted teeth.

“……That’s an old story.”

“Even more fitting since it’s withered now. Come.”

“Damn it…….”

Sylvia finally surrendered. Shuffling her feet, she stood beside Estelle and truly looked like one of the flowers that had sprung up in this world.


Only then did I turn back to the director.

“As you can see, others will be taking up the swords.”


“Everyone here needs help.”

It wasn’t just the flowers I was referring to.

Apart from Shiny, Kim Yul, Estelle, Sylvia, and all the people from the Death King Family who would come here, everyone needed help. Shadows deepen as much as the depth of the wounds, and only those who are hurt by the world can deeply engrave the doctrine of shadows within themselves.

“I hope you can help.”

I said, as the young master of Infernal Heavens.

“That is something the director can do well.”

The director’s silence was brief.

His answer, too, was not lengthy, resembling his friend.

“I’ll do my best.”

With that, everything was in place.

[Delegates are being assigned to your world.]

Quietly, the verdict rang out.

[The 89th floor is cleared!]

This place is,

Where rusted sunsets drape over the red sea.

Where the petals, tired of luring bees,

and the leaves, never having such talents in the first place,

Fall asleep drooping their leaves.

The land guarded by the Goddess of Protection and the Devil King of Fall Rain.

The garden cultivated by my mentor and his friend.

The resting place where my family will reside.

[From now on, the Garden of Withered Flowers is the Sanctuary of The Sky That Gathers Screams.]

[May luck be with you all.]

And thus, the path to the 90th floor was laid out in my world.


As always, there is a epilogue to this story.

“No no no no! Isn’t this too much!”

The Corner Librarian flapped his sleeves like a butterfly flapping its wings.

“I strongly oppose! Absolutely oppose! If Kim Yul leaves, who will look after the books! I must go too! I will definitely go!”

“My goodness! The Librarian is flapping about!”

“Move! This time I’m going to be at the front!”

Beside the frantic Corner Librarian were the stalkers, including the Assistant Writer from the 50th floor, creating a ruckus. What a mess.

As if trying to add another Shiba Inu to the chaos, the manager of Cafe Planetarium, the Medicine King, yelled.

“Ah, if you’re going to make a scene, go outside! There’s a limit to disturbing the business!”

“I’m sorry…”

“You see, this is why young people these days just can’t… Oh my. How similar they are to me when I was young…”

“But I’ve said it multiple times. There’s not a single person here younger than you. Maybe it’s time you updated that information in your head?”

Thus, the stalkers of the Librarian started growling at the Medicine King. This too was a daily occurrence here.

The Corner Librarian pushed through the stalkers and looked at me with a sorrowful gaze.

“Look at this. Look at this miserable state. Do you see what you’ve done to me?”

“Strictly speaking, it’s something you brought upon yourself.”

Hamustra was one of the few who could hear my informal speech. It seemed unlikely that he would enjoy being treated similarly to Yoo Soo-ha by me, but Hamustra seemed a bit relieved as he averted his gaze and grumbled.

“Hmm. Well, that’s true. But even so, taking Kim Yul away is going too far…”

“Don’t worry.”

I stirred Hamustra’s Frappuccino and handed it to him.

“Strictly speaking, you don’t want to employ Kim Yul as a librarian. You just want to be with him.”

“Well, that’s true, but… um, hmm? Aha, indeed. Even I as one of the gardeners in that garden—”

“No, that’s not happening.”

I wouldn’t even let Raviel in for fear the flowers would be reduced to mere exhibits. There’s no way I’d let this voyeuristic patient into my sanctuary.


“I’m planning to link a path to my sanctuary in this library too.”

I briefly conveyed the framework I had in mind. As a seasoned Constellation who had played around with the levels in the tower, the Corner Librarian immediately understood.

“So… you mean to turn this place into a sort of staff cafeteria?”

“More precisely, a lounge.”

In essence, it was similar to fitting out a building.

In that construction, my sanctuary would become a garden arranged on the rooftop. Floors like the 20th, originally where I resided, and the 22nd, where Estelle’s paradise and my mentor’s grave were located, would become the floors leading up to that rooftop.

A tower within the tower.

Thus, this planetarium, where the Corner Librarian resides, would function as a lounge where gardeners and visitors can rest their minds and bodies.

“Uhm… well, if that’s the case. I’ll get to see his face at least once a day.”

“Yeah. Not bad, right?”

“If I said I had no complaints, I’d be lying… but I understand.”

The Corner Librarian, glancing at the fox wrapped around my neck with a somewhat jealous eye, sighed.

While silently sucking on the frappuccino through a straw, Hamustra, who had been quiet, suddenly asked with that kind of feeling.

“Why exactly are you climbing the tower?”

It was a sudden question.

“To be honest, it’s something I’ve been wondering about since I heard you reached the 80th floor.”


“Kim Gong-ja. You have proven everything you needed to prove. As a complete Constellation, you have corrected nearly all the injustices in your tower to your liking.”

The Corner Librarian leaned his chin on his palms and stared at me thoughtfully.

“Do you know what a Constellation in such a position usually does?”

“They don’t take on more challenges?”

“Exactly. From this point, they focus solely on gathering followers safely, increasing their divine power, and collecting items. If they see another world that looks easy to conquer, they might launch a raid.”

The Corner Librarian stirred his frappuccino with a straw.

“Then, when they feel there’s no more content to run around or they no longer want to live in a rented room, they set out to get their own place. That happens as they move from the 81st to the 90th floor and create their sanctuaries.”


“That’s it. The difference between a five-star Constellation and a regular one is just that. Just that… But having one’s own home isn’t the only way to live, right?”

The sounds of the Corner Librarian’s followers and the Medicine King arguing continued. Hamustra glanced at them, then looked back at me.

“Even if you were to spend about 20 million years wearing a tracksuit, dipping french fries in a shake, and licking your fingers clean, no one would have said anything. Yet, you choose to challenge yourself. I hear because of that, you nearly died—or rather, faced something worse than death. Was it worth the risk?”

Perhaps it was a natural question.

The Corner Librarian peered deeply into my eyes and asked.

“To become a pillar?”

“Where did you hear that from…?”

“There are still many ties left, so I hear about world’s affairs roughly. It’s a bothersome thing… but anyway, is that why? Or.”

The implication of doing it for the Tower Master was something the Corner Librarian also kept to himself.

I said.

“From your perspective, wouldn’t not climbing the tower be unlike me?”

“From the perspective of someone selling a character, it’s good for you to climb the tower. But fandom and reality are different.”

After speaking calmly, the Corner Librarian went “Ah,” and then placed both hands on his cheeks.

“Hmm. Of course, if you here said, [‘I decided to climb the tower… just to please you, my fan!’] I would be so thrilled I’d faint—”

“I made a promise to someone.”

The Corner Librarian hesitated.

I spoke towards him.

“To climb the tower.”


“Since you’ve read my book carefully, you should know with whom I made that promise.”

I got up from my seat.

The Corner Librarian stared at me blankly, then suddenly his eyes widened. His gaze was directed towards a man who could never be seen by him but who undoubtedly existed by my side.


Murmuring as if sighing, Hamustra repeated.

“Indeed, so that’s how it was.”

That’s right.

“Well then.”

I turned around.

The belt from which Shiny was absent felt empty with only a dagger tied to it, the one I had from the beginning, and it felt all the more unburdened.

“Shall we go.”


The man who had taught me how to wield a sword since the time I only had that blue-taped wrapped dagger answered my words.

-Let’s go.

The next step would be on the 90th floor.

Only 10 floors to the very top.

And, 9 floors remained to the floor where the Sword Emperor had failed.


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