I Became an Evolving Lizard in a Martial Arts Nov…
Chapter 43 Table of contents

Tang So-yeong?

How did she get here?

No, that’s not the important part.

What matters is that someone from the Tang family is touching Nephila Jurassica’s body. And that she’s asking for an inner core.

She can be saved.


I quickly tore into the Dilophosaurus’ body.

As I ripped through with my claws, I spotted a large inner core, glowing a mix of purple and green.

[Advanced Inner Core (Green)]

Clamping the core in my mouth, I sprinted over to Tang So-yeong.

My level had increased after defeating the Dilophosaurus, and my injuries had fully healed.



I urgently handed the inner core to Tang So-yeong.

Without even looking at me, she took the core. She expertly split it in half and placed a portion into Nephila Jurassica’s mouth.


She pressed a series of acupoints on Nephila’s body using her hands and needles.


I watched Nephila, filled with worry.

The bleeding had stopped, but her condition still seemed grave.

After a few more acupuncture points, Tang So-yeong glanced at me and nodded.

That must mean I could come closer now.

Her chest rose and fell, though faintly. She was breathing.


She was alive.

She hadn’t died.


A warm tear fell from my eye.

Nephila Jurassica saw it.

She looked at me, smiling gently just like before.

Her delicate hand wiped away my tear.

The difference this time was that her hand didn’t fall away helplessly.


I met Nephila’s gaze.

Eight red eyes stared back at me.

…Wait, eight?

There had only been two before.

And the soft touch against my cheek had changed too.

It now felt sharp and hard, like a cold blade pressing against my skin.



I’m happy you’re alive, but…

You’re starting to make me feel a little uneasy.




Let go of me for now!

“It’s a relief. I managed to reverse the damage she did by overexerting herself,” Tang So-yeong said.

Thanks to her, Nephila Jurassica survived.

Of course, it was a shame, a huge loss actually, that her once beautiful face had changed so much. But saving her life was what mattered most.

Still, how had Tang So-yeong returned here?

She had been poisoned by the Dilophosaurus earlier.

“I was really surprised. I had no idea I had been poisoned. I thought I had figured out all of Dilopo’s poison, but it must have been hiding some of its power...”

She clicked her tongue, clearly impressed by the Dilophosaurus’ cunning.

If Tang So-yeong had fully understood its strength beforehand, she would have given me more warnings.

Or, the Tang family wouldn’t have entrusted her with managing the Dilophosaurus at all. Her abilities were impressive, but her combat skills were nothing extraordinary.

“Thanks to you, I survived. I was heartbroken at the thought of running away and leaving you behind, but this spider here ended up helping me.”


“She gave me herbs that acted as an antidote. Most spiders wouldn’t know something like that, but it seems this one was with our Tang family at some point.”

Apparently, Nephila Jurassica had encountered Tang So-yeong while I was fighting.

She gave her the antidote and hurried back to me, while Tang So-yeong waited for the poison to be neutralized before arriving here.

I glanced over at Nephila Jurassica.

She was tugging on my tail with her long legs, while Tus and Pus hung onto it, watching her.

Normally, she would be screeching and flailing, but now, she had a determined expression on her face.

Was there something only spiders could understand? Or was she thinking about something else after everything that happened?

In any case, I was glad everyone was safe.

If even one of us had been missing, the outcome would have been different.

We saved everyone.

No one was lost.

“…Losing the Dilopo was painful, but what’s done is done,” Tang So-yeong added.

Well, I guess we did lose one thing.

“Open your mouth,” Tang So-yeong suddenly ordered.

What was this now?

I wasn’t some child...


I opened my mouth wide.

At that moment, Tang So-yeong placed something in my mouth.

Was she giving me medicine?

That familiar bitter taste...

…This is an inner core!


We don’t even have enough for Nephila!

I was about to spit it out when she stopped me.

“Please, just take it. I already gave half to the spider miss. Any more, and it would be harmful.”


Well, if you say so...

…Wait, no.


I pointed my tail at the Dilophosaurus’ corpse.

Wasn’t she going to recover the inner core from the creature she had been managing?

“I’m fine. Please, you should take it. You defeated the beast, after all—it’s only fair.”

If she insists.

If you thought I was going to refuse a second time, you’d be wrong.


That familiar taste.

It had been a while since I’d had an inner core.

Warmth spread through my body.

“…And right now, you’re the one who needs that inner core the most.”

The more inner cores, the better.

“I’ll keep an eye on the spider miss’ condition. It will take some time, so in the meantime, you should handle your own tasks,” Tang So-yeong added, her gaze shifting back to Nephila Jurassica.

No longer in human form, she was now fully a spider again.

I wondered briefly if Tang So-yeong could really treat her, but then realized it was a pointless worry.

Tang So-yeong knew more about treating animals than humans, after all.



“Feeling better now?” Tang So-yeong asked.

I had no idea why a martial artist was giving acupuncture to a spider, but I decided to let it go.

I knew exactly what I had to do.

The constant notifications.

And finally, the maximum level had been reached.

【Crocodile King Lizard LV20(+)】

Defeating the Dilophosaurus had brought me to level 20.

That symbol next to the level.

It was time to evolve.

Dragging the Dilophosaurus’ carcass, I returned to my collapsed lair.

[You are surrounded by a sacred aura.]

I could feel the power of the inner core I had just consumed.

This wasn’t a typical inner core.

[Evolution is possible.]

Was it the color? I could feel the raw strength of the Dilophosaurus coursing through me.

[Would you like to evolve?]

Of course!

The 【Crocodile King Lizard】 can evolve into:

  1. 【Gharial】
  2. 【Reticulated Python】
  3. 【Komodo Dragon】

No strange choices like Thylacines or Dimetrodons this time.

All three were options I could understand.

I was a little surprised that the Komodo Dragon wasn’t a special evolution, but then again, evolving from a Crocodile King Lizard, Komodo seemed like the right step.


A species of crocodile that grows between 3 to 6 meters in length and weighs around 160 kilograms. It has a long, narrow snout and slender teeth. Gharials are social animals and communicate with each other using unique vocalizations.

The Gharial.

A solid choice right from the start.

Its size was impressive.

It was more than twice the weight and length of the average piranha caiman.

Choosing this would make life easier.

But there was a major downside.

Gharials were ugly.

So ugly that calling them crocodiles was almost an insult.


【Reticulated Python】

The longest snake in existence, reaching up to 9 meters and weighing around 100 kilograms. This snake uses its overwhelming size and muscle strength to slowly constrict its prey. There are records of larger specimens consuming crocodiles and Malayan bears.

The largest snake in existence.

Of course, still smaller than a Titanoboa.

The Reticulated Python was an excellent choice in terms of raw power.

The problem?

I’d be turning into a snake.

Losing my legs.

I wouldn’t be able to use techniques like Small Dragon Ascending to the Heavens or Dragon Claw.

Regrettably, you’re out too.

【Komodo Dragon】

The largest lizard in existence, growing up to 3.6 meters in length and weighing as much as 160 kilograms. A powerful predator, it uses its serrated teeth to hunt with brutal efficiency. Though it specializes in long-term battles using venom and bacteria in its saliva, most of its prey succumbs before the poison even takes effect.

This is it.

This is the right lizard.

A lizard that could weigh 160 kilograms?

Of course, that was the upper limit; the average was closer to 80 kilograms.

Even at that size, it would solve all my problems.

No need to look further.

Even if a special evolution option appeared, nothing could be better than the Komodo Dragon.

[You have fulfilled the conditions for a special evolution.]

Still, I should check it out.

[Achievement unlocked: You’ve impressed the Allosaurus!]


[You’ve achieved an incredible feat.]

This was a message I had never seen before.

[As a reward, a hidden evolution option has been revealed.]

A hidden option?

Something felt strange.

This wasn’t just a special evolution.

A completely different term had appeared.

With a pounding heart, I stared at the screen.

The 【Crocodile King Lizard】 can evolve into:

  1. 【Gharial】
  2. 【Reticulated Python】
  3. 【Komodo Dragon】
  4. 【Gomodo】 (Acquired: 「Dragon Scales」「Releasing Strength to Move Mountains」「Nine Yin White Bone Claw」, Consumed: Advanced Inner Core (Green) Fragment)

Wait a second.

What is that long title?

And why is Gomodo here?

Was Tang So-yeong not just spouting nonsense?

Is the Gomodo real? Not Komodo?

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