I Became the Drug-Addicted Childhood Friend
Chapter 1 Table of contents

[7 hours 43 minutes]

There’s still plenty of time. Just to be safe, I packed some pills and painkillers.

Honestly, I wish I could bring the injection solution with me, but I don’t have a proper bag for it.

Anyway, I’m all set to go out now.

All that’s left is to actually step outside.

I try not to think about my worn-out clothes and the bandage wrapped around my arm.
I rummaged through my wardrobe, but there wasn’t much to choose from.
A couple of simple shirts, and everything else looks like rags.
Is it my fault I’m poor?
Not much I can do about that.
I just told myself it’s a casual look, and that made it feel a bit better.

“Alright, time to meet the protagonist.”

We’re supposed to be childhood friends, but the protagonist hasn’t come to see me at all.
At this rate, he’ll only show up at my funeral.
Guess I’ll have to go to him first.

In the novel, the protagonist didn’t see Yoo Seo-Ah again until she was half-dead.
That’s what happens when you don’t keep in touch for so long.

Anyway, I’m in a pretty good mood right now.
Am I excited to meet him?

With that thought in mind, I reached for the doorknob.

[Warning: External stimuli can reduce your remaining time.]

A warning message appeared.


External stimuli shorten the time I can stay clear-headed.
The drug’s effects wear off faster.
In other words, my good mood won’t last long.

[Warning: External stimuli can reduce your remaining time.]

Even though I’ve packed pills and painkillers, seeing that message made me hesitate.

“But I still have to go.”

I need to meet him.
I can’t avoid it this time.

I’m low on money and can’t afford more meds unless I borrow some.
The protagonist has plenty of cash.
He’s kind-hearted, so I’m sure he’ll lend me some.
I hope.

I can’t just call him either.
Yoo Seo-Ah’s too poor to own a luxury like a phone.
And even if she had one, she probably would’ve sold it.
These meds are ridiculously expensive.

There’s no one else to turn to.
My parents are dead.
There are no adults around to help.
This world is nothing like the one I used to live in.
Life here is harsh.

So, where’s the protagonist?

He’s at the Awakener Academy.

Even without a phone, I can track him down because of that.
In every story, the protagonist always has some kind of special power.
Here, they’re called Awakeners.

Monsters have started to appear, and the Awakeners are the ones who fight them.
Gates open, dungeons appear...
The protagonist fights monsters and bad guys alike.

It’s the typical fantasy novel world.

For the record, Yoo Seo-Ah’s parents died in an Awakener-related accident.
The protagonist also lost his parents to monsters when he was young.
He had adults around, but none of them cared enough to really look after him.

That’s why the two of them became childhood friends.
They bonded over their shared tragedy.
But after his Awakening, the protagonist was whisked away to the academy.
You could say he was dragged off to it.

That’s how the law works here.
Awakener? Straight to the training academy.

He used to live in the same rough environment as Yoo Seo-Ah, but now he’s living in the academy dorms.

He used to come visit Yoo Seo-Ah once a week, but it’s been a long time since his last visit.
Well, he is the protagonist, so I guess he’s busy.

The protagonist has no idea how much worse Yoo Seo-Ah’s condition has gotten.
She’s been hiding it from him all this time.

In the novel, Yoo Seo-Ah died because the protagonist stopped paying attention to her.
I’m only still alive because I’m not her.
This is what happens when people neglect their childhood friends.
Who leaves their sick friend alone to have fun at the academy?

[7 hours 23 minutes]

I’m lucky to have this timer showing me when to take my meds.
The Yoo Seo-Ah in the novel didn’t have that, so she died quickly.

If you take too many meds, they become poison.
Sure, taking more makes you happier, but still...
For now, I’m taking them in moderation, so it’s fine.
The fact that I’m smiling naturally must mean I’m healthy and in good shape.

“Ah... I wish I could go to the academy too.”

I just want to catch a break.
But forget the academy—I don’t even go to a normal school.
Public education is a broken concept in this world.

The wealth gap is huge.
That’s why there are slums in the middle of the city, with plenty of empty houses scattered around.
Well, at least that means I have a place to live.

With these thoughts running through my head, I kept walking toward the academy.
The place is massive, so it’ll be visible soon.
Thankfully, it’s within walking distance.

“Hmm. Unauthorized visitors aren’t allowed inside.”

I was stopped at the entrance.
The guard blocked my way.

“I’m here to see a friend.”

“Did you contact them in advance?”


“Hmm, then I’m afraid I can’t let you in.”


Turns out, there were more obstacles than I expected.
It would’ve been nice if I at least had the protagonist’s phone number.

[3 hours 40 minutes]

It was a long walk.
I’d been walking for three or four hours now.
I didn’t have enough money for public transportation either.

There was no way I could walk all the way back home.
In fact, I probably wouldn’t even make it if I tried.

If I could borrow some money from the protagonist, I’d take a taxi back.
As I stood there, disappointed, the guard spoke up again.

“If you have a name, I can send a message. No promises, but I’ll let them know someone’s looking for them.”

Thankfully, it wasn’t over yet.
The guard was kinder than I expected.
It might take some time, but it seems like I’ll be able to meet him after all.

“Oh, thank you! His name is Han Si-Hoo. Tell him Yoo Seo-Ah is here to see him.”

I gave him the protagonist’s name.

“Han Si-Hoo? Isn’t he that famous kid? I heard he’s a middle schooler who beat one of the high schoolers.”


It’s still early in the story, but it seems like he’s already making a name for himself.
If I were the protagonist, I could probably do that too.

“If you were just a journalist or something, I wouldn’t have even bothered. I’m only making an exception this time.”

The guard is really nice.
I noticed his gaze lingering on the bandage wrapped around my arm.
I casually moved my arm behind my back.
Do I look that pitiful, dressed in rags?
I’m perfectly happy on the inside, though.
People really shouldn’t judge others based on appearances.


“No problem. Just leave your contact info, and it’ll take some time.”

“Um... I don’t have any contact information. Can I just wait here?”


The guard let me sit in the waiting area.

I sat there, watching the academy students walk by.
Since I was by the entrance, I didn’t see many, but the campus was huge.
Some students used strange teleportation magic, while others carried spears on their backs.
A woman who looked like a professor floated a glowing orb beside her.

This world is straight out of a novel.

It’s a shame I’m powerless.
I wonder if any of those people could cure Yoo Seo-Ah’s illness.

Probably not.

Healing Awakeners can only do so much.
They can reattach severed limbs, but they can’t even cure the common cold.
It’s a weird system.

“If I had powers, I’d be attending the academy right now.”

“Yeah, yeah. The world’s an unfair place.”

The guard chimed in from beside me.


The protagonist has been defeating bad guys with his powers since he was a kid, but Yoo Seo-Ah?
She’s never accomplished anything.

Well, actually, she did... right before she died.
But she wasn’t on the protagonist’s side at the time.

Suddenly, I feel like dying.

Why did I have to end up as this character, in this messed-up novel?
Honestly, life would be better without the meds.
Even if I manage to borrow some money and get more drugs, then what?
I’ll just keep taking meds, waiting for money, buying more drugs...

Do the drugs even cure my illness?

Why wasn’t I made the protagonist?
If I had to be an extra, couldn’t I at least have gotten a better role?
Yoo Seo-Ah, of all people.
I feel like I’m losing my mind.
Something’s seriously wrong with me.

[2 hours 11 minutes]

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pill.
I popped it into my mouth and swallowed it dry.
It was hard to get down without water.

[2 hours 30 minutes]

I feel better already.

Sometimes, even when I still have time left, the effects wear off like this.
I’ve got to stay clear-headed.
This makes me realize how important my health is.

When things get risky, I just take more pills, and everything feels better.
That’s how it’s always been.

“-I managed to reach him a few minutes ago. Han Si-Hoo said he’ll come here himself. Just wait a little longer.”

As I waited, I finally heard some good news.


“They’ll probably take you to a designated meeting area. I think.”


“You seem pretty happy. You were looking gloomy earlier.”

“Yeah. It’s been a while since we last met.”

I didn’t realize it showed on my face how eager I was to meet the protagonist.

“Here’s a temporary pass. Show it if anyone asks.”


It was a lanyard with a badge, like something a corporate worker would wear.
Anyway, I just want to get this over with and collect the money for my meds.

[1 hour 56 minutes]

I’ll ask for taxi fare while I’m at it.
Even though I brought some emergency pills, it would take too long to walk home.
It’s far enough to make my legs hurt.
Not that they hurt now, but maybe that’s why the meds are wearing off faster.

At the academy, students get a ton of support funds.
They can even make money by killing monsters.
There are special government-led missions they can complete for cash, or they might get rare items during field practice.

And let’s not forget, this is the protagonist we’re talking about.
Who knows how much money he’s got?

Yoo Seo-Ah and Han Si-Hoo have been friends since they were little.

He’ll lend me some money, no problem.
He wouldn’t refuse, especially if it’s for my health.
Even if the meds are expensive.


I started laughing.
It feels good to laugh.
Thinking about getting money from the protagonist just makes me even happier.

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