Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 41 Table of contents

On the way to Courage City, Prakaka detailed the current situation of the capital for Violet and the others.


In simple terms, a storm was brewing.


Although on the surface, all four gates had been under strict martial law for more than half a month, with everyone entering or leaving undergoing rigorous screening… in reality, this was just a show for the public. Those who truly had the qualifications to participate in this game had the ability to easily bring their forces into the city.


Now, the Courage City was a mix of all sorts, with many new faces visible both openly and in secret. Just the various organizations and foreign powers that Lilya’s faction had discovered, infiltrating the capital, numbered at least seven or eight.


Among them were those who had directly reached agreements with a certain prince or his noble followers, coming to lend their support, and others who saw the chaotic situation in the Courage City and wanted to take advantage of the confusion.


But undoubtedly, those willing to participate at such a time were not simple characters.


“Hehe, of course, compared to Miss Violet, they are all just big fish, and this one…”


As Prakaka walked, he discreetly turned his head and glanced at the dragon lady with a cold expression next to the black-haired girl. He couldn’t help but shiver.


It was naturally his first time meeting Xiao Guang.


Beastmen have a particularly keen sense of aura, and Prakaka, as a character who existed a hundred years ago, was naturally well-versed. 


Although he had never encountered a real dragon, he was familiar with beastman royalty and half-dragon individuals. That somewhat similar but more profound and terrifying aura, even though Xiao Guang had suppressed most of it, still gave the legendary-level Prakaka a chilling feeling, as if the hairs on a rat were standing on end.


Associating with Violet’s miraculous power, and considering someone so powerful and with an aura similar to that of a dragon following her, what could it be…


The answer was almost self-evident.


Thinking about this, the rat-man instinctively moved a bit away, like a wild animal instinctively avoiding a natural enemy.


“Stop flattering and get to the point, Prakaka. I remember you mentioned before that you were working with the Eternal Throne. It should be the second prince, Ben Melchior, right? Did your old colleagues also infiltrate, and how many Eternal Throne members are there? How many Thrones have come?”


“Oh, oh! Of course, I’ve got that information. I’m quite familiar with the organization’s operations, so I’ve been responsible for this aspect of the investigation. If nothing goes wrong, there should be about three hundred immortals in Courage City now. Thrones with strong power are not easy to find, but there should be at least one or more…”


The former 【Eternal Throne】 gentleman shamelessly spilled the organization’s secrets.


Violet wasn’t worried about Prakaka having any sinister motives. When she resurrected this old rat, considering its identity and history, she also applied an Eighth-tier Sanctus Spell.


If she sensed any signs of betrayal, the priestess could simply trigger the skill. Even if separated by mountains and rivers, she could immediately kill Prakaka, and not even resurrection magic could save him.


Moreover, when they approached a certain distance, Violet could sense the existence of the magical carrier and unilaterally convey simple messages to it.


Previously, she used this method to inform Prakaka about Miss Lilya, his boss.


Violet didn’t believe that offering a little favor to this old rat would permanently keep it loyal. Dealing with someone who fears death and values life above all else, holding Prakaka’s life in her hands was the simplest and most effective means.


In addition, “Eternal Beings” is the term used to categorize members of the Eternal Throne. There are four levels within the organization: “Immortals,” “Eternal Beings,” “Ascendants,” and “Thrones.”


Three hundred Eternal Beings, roughly equivalent to three hundred experts of at least Mithril-tier strength, plus at least one legendary Throne, already represented an extremely formidable force.


It’s worth noting that the undead of the 【Eternal Throne】 are much harder to kill than normal people. Generally, only those who surpass by a large rank can ensure a stable victory.


It seems that Ben Melchior has spared no expense, going all out to secure his position. It’s just unclear what benefits he promised to these fanatics to make them obedient.




“The lower-tier strength is enough, but having only one Throne seems insufficient, doesn’t it?”


Violet was somewhat surprised.


After all, the Courage City is not like other places, especially in such a critical period. Most of the high-end forces from all over the kingdom, both above and below ground, will converge here, not to mention the possibility of foreign forces intervening.


Just one legendary figure is unlikely to have enough suppressing power.


“What you said makes sense. Actually, I also feel something is off. According to common sense, in a large kingdom like the Human United Kingdom, there should be at least two Thrones active. However, these arrangements can be mobilized at any time, and I can’t be sure which Thrones are currently here.”


“It’s possible that there is indeed more than one person, but the opponent is very powerful, so I can’t pinpoint them. In that case, it’s estimated to be at least one of the top three, that is, transcendent level.”


Transcendent level… hmm.


Unexpectedly, within an underground organization, there were so many experts. Truly, it was a well-established force that had existed for centuries.


However, this could also be related to the fact that the undead had no lifespan limitations, as long as they weren’t killed, they could continue to exist indefinitely.


In this way, the group chatted about various things along the way. Led by the somewhat nervous rat-man due to the presence of a certain dragon lady, Violet arrived at the eastern gate of the Courage City.


As martial law had been in effect for over half a month, the kingdom’s residents who understood the situation were unlikely to willingly frequent the capital at this time. At the east gate, there were only a few caravans with two or three cats and adventurers returning from completing missions, waiting in line for inspection.


Prakaka pulled the hood tightly over his head, concealing the features typical of a beastman. After confirming the status of a certain magical item hanging around his neck, he activated invisibility and approached alone.


He reached a military officer who seemed to be in his thirties, using stern eyes to scrutinize the passersby. Taking advantage of the officer’s lack of awareness, Prakaka suddenly slipped something into the officer’s hand.




The officer’s face changed slightly, but it seemed that he realized something in an instant and quickly returned to normal. After a brief pause, he glanced at something in the palm of his hand and then scanned the surroundings.


Soon, the man’s attention fell on Violet, Xiao Guang, and Nicholas, who stood alone. He approached with large strides, wearing an expression of impatience and familiarity, and mockingly scolded Nicholas, who seemed to be the leader.


“Why did it take so long! Come on, quickly go inside. It’s a critical time now. Wandering around the city gate, be careful of getting caught by unfamiliar guys!”


Without giving him time to react, the officer immediately pushed and shoved Mr. Vicious Wolf through the city gate. Violet, understanding the situation, pulled her bewildered pet along and hurried inside. The guards, under the command of their officer, did not intervene.


Inside the city, behind the partially opened massive gate, the priestess could still hear the officer’s artificially loud reprimands and angry shouts.


“What? You say you didn’t check? Check my ass! They are all old acquaintances in the city. Can I possibly mistake them? You don’t recognize them? Of course, with so many people in the city, could a newbie like you recognize everyone? Stop jabbering nonsense! I said it’s fine, so it’s fine!”




Violet tilted her head.


“Why do it like this? As long as Nicholas’s identity is verified, he should be able to enter the city normally, right?”


Maintaining invisibility since entering the royal city, but among the three, only Prakaka, who was invisible to a certain Mr. Vicious Wolf, quietly explained on the side.


“Miss Violet, there are countless spies, both openly and covertly, infiltrating around this city gate. Now that the capital is under martial law, entry and exit require strict registration. The longer the stay, the more eyes may see you.”


“You always stayed with Princess Lilya in the Western Frontier, displaying extraordinary strength. Many interested parties have already investigated you. Many nobles or their subordinates have seen your portraits. Only this rapid way of entering the city can minimize the impact.”




To be honest, Violet had asked Prakaka to meet them only because she couldn’t figure out the current situation, and with Nicholas being a wanted criminal, she wanted to avoid blindly rushing in and getting involved in some strange trouble.


However, although Prakaka didn’t explicitly say it, judging from his cautious actions, the current situation in the Courage City might be more tense than imagined. It seemed to be on the verge of eruption, and any external force entering would only intensify the power of this bomb approaching its limit.


It looks like there will be a world-shaking chaos immediately after the ritual ends. Hoo, interesting~

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