Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 49 Table of contents

Violet did not move to capture the traitorous maid and the infiltrating Eternal Throne disciple. They were just tools and pawns manipulated by those higher up. The priestess didn’t believe that Ben had made any preparations for a situation where things went awry.


Taking action now would only result in a fight for survival with little gain.


Moreover, Violet had no obligation to help the princess named Menna. If it were Lilya who was poisoned, she might have intervened, but the sixth princess…


After all, the two of them currently had no interaction, having never even seen each other.


Additionally, Violet had another consideration.


The information she heard was only the one-sided account of these two individuals. Unilateral intelligence didn’t necessarily mean that Princess Menna or Lilya were unaware or unprepared. Just like when she first met Lilya, the astute princess might have already prepared countermeasures and was intentionally luring enemies into a trap.


Randomly taking action might disrupt the other side’s plans.


For now, the priestess discreetly placed a tracking mark on the unconscious maid when the two were not paying attention. This might help her locate the Eternal Throne’s stronghold in the capital.


She was determined to personally take care of these people sooner or later.


“Hehe, unexpected gains. It’s time to leave. Since this is Princess Menna’s sleeping quarters, the other room undoubtedly belongs to Lilya.”


Chuckling, the black-haired girl unfolded her white wings, ascended into the sky unnoticed, and disappeared into the night.




The fifth princess of the Human United Kingdom, Lilya, is currently the most sought-after figure in the competition for the throne. In the open and hidden struggles, she, as a woman, has single-handedly suppressed the other three princes.


Perhaps the three princes could unite to pose a challenge to her.


However, the situation is different now. The old king has passed away, and the next king’s succession is imminent. No one would be foolish enough to believe in their competitors at such a critical time.


Everyone is an enemy, and whoever falls would be a benefit to the others. There can only be one ultimate victor. Mutual distrust prevails, making cooperation impossible.


There is only half a month left.


The period of the royal ritual is already halfway through, and the brief calm before the storm has become increasingly heavy, making it difficult to breathe.


Compared to the other princes, Lilya’s pressure can be considered the heaviest because she holds an absolute advantage. The others, driven to helplessness, are bound to abandon their bottom line and use all means, no longer considering the consequences of their actions.


After all, losing means losing the chance forever.


So, as the favored heir who could naturally ascend to the throne after the ritual, Lilya not only has to guard against the mischief of the others but also needs to divert her attention to maintain stability in the capital. She must suppress unrest, apprehend those who take advantage of the chaos, and deal with affairs late into the night every day.


If it weren’t for the significant progress in strength and physical fitness, she might not have been able to endure this level of exhaustion.


But today, the princess was quite pleased.


Her teacher and close friend, the reliable and adorable priestess Violet, finally completed the months-long journey and arrived in the capital city, Courage City, to reunite with her.


Violet threw to her the legendary creature she could freely command, the rat-person assassin named Prakaka. She had just gone to pick her up in the afternoon and brought back a new man, reportedly a swordsmanship teacher and subordinate specifically prepared for her.


But at such times, the princess naturally had no intention or leisure to practice swordsmanship. She ordered her subordinates to prepare accommodation for that person named Nicholas and treat him well. After that, she asked him to stay on standby temporarily.


Although the Sky-level pinnacle might not play a decisive role in this struggle for the throne, it was still a quite useful force. It must be said that Violet’s move had been quite helpful.


However, Prakaka’s statement, “Her Highness does not currently plan to come over. When the time is right, she will meet with you. Please wait patiently,” left Princess Lilya feeling somewhat disappointed. She had been eagerly anticipating their reunion.


Without Violet’s arrival, Lilya couldn’t afford to actively seek her out during this sensitive period. Besides, with Violet’s abilities, if she truly intended to hide, an ordinary person like herself would never be able to find her.


“Sigh… I wonder what Violet is doing right now. She wouldn’t have found some new favorites on the way and neglected me, would she? After all, she’s so beautiful, capable, and reliable. It’s hard not to be charmed at first sight…”


“Girls… well, let’s hope it’s not a man.”


The princess leaned on the desk, sighing while looking at the documents she had been handling halfway. She resembled a secluded young woman who had been abandoned by her husband, showing none of her usual authoritative demeanor as a leader.


However, she was alone in this bedroom, and the soundproofing was excellent. The outside was heavily guarded by shadow guards, and even a legendary-level powerhouse couldn’t easily break in, let alone sneak in silently.


Therefore, this posture was invisible to anyone.


Originally, it should have been like this.


“What? ‘Let’s hope it’s not a man’? Did Lilya develop a crush on someone?”




The crisp female voice suddenly scared the princess, causing her to let out a high-pitched scream as she jumped up from her chair. Her gaze met the silver-blue eyes of the white-robed woman who had appeared on the other side of the desk.


“Wh-who are you!?”


Startled but forgetting any embarrassment, Lilya reached for the hilt of the longsword placed on the table, and the magical power taught and bestowed upon her by Violet surged within her. Air currents swirled around the princess’s delicate figure, lifting the sky-blue silky hair confined by the tiara. Despite the tension, she remained calm and didn’t hastily attack.


“I don’t know who you are or how you got in here, but intruding into the princess’s chambers is a capital offense. Before you do anything, you better think it through.”


This was a very attractive girl, not inferior to the person Lilya had been yearning for. Even though both had black hair and white robes, Lilya was certain that this person was not Violet. She wasn’t entirely sure of the basis for this judgment, but it was an instinctual conviction.


Issuing a flat warning, Lilya had already used a special magical item to inform the legendary adventurer Flora, who was staying in the Mingluan Pavilion to ensure her safety due to the unpredictable situation. Although Prakaka, the rat-man Violet gave her, was also legendary, Lilya, being cautious, didn’t entirely trust it. Violet herself had warned not to put complete trust in it.


In this situation, Lilya didn’t immediately notify Prakaka, opting instead for Flora. The woman who had silently approached her side, making her completely unaware, was undoubtedly not an ordinary person. She might even be a legendary-level expert.


Relying solely on herself against someone legendary was still too challenging. In fact, Lilya had experimented with it before. If Flora used her full power, Lilya wouldn’t be able to defend against even a single arrow, triggering the protection of the 【Casket of Ascension】.


“Ah? Oh, right… *cough cough*!”


The mysterious girl seemed to freeze for a moment, then immediately snapped back, displaying subtle changes in her expression. How should I put it… it gave the Princess a strange sense of familiarity, as if she had encountered this mischievous, half-smiling expression somewhere before.


But Lilya was certain she didn’t know the person before her.


“Hehe, you know, I was hired by a certain boss to take your life, a professional in the business, you know. I advise Princess not to resist in vain, just lie down… *cough*, lie down and wait for death obediently. It’s beneficial for everyone this way.”


As she spoke, this seemingly beautiful and pure girl put on a fake evil smile, like a great demon king.


However… how should I say it? Seeing her like this, for some reason, Lilya couldn’t muster the same level of vigilance she had at the beginning.


She had dealt with hired killers before, some of them even legendary experts, but none of them would waste time chatting leisurely with the target. They wouldn’t even reveal their identity before making a move.


It felt like this woman wasn’t very clever, somehow?

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