Life is Easier If You’re Handsome
Chapter 45 Table of contents

After the successful end of the High Dream Special Concert,
the internet was practically overflowing with talk about it, as if to prove its success.


After his bold remarks at the fan meeting,
Kim Dong-hoo claimed the top spot in real-time search rankings. His effortlessly charming lines and dazzling looks created a synergy that was beyond imagination.


The buzz led people to eagerly anticipate Kim Dong-hoo’s next work.

His debut in High Dream, which hit a viewership rating of 30.2%, served as a catalyst. The question on everyone’s mind: where will that explosive energy head next?

Meanwhile, amidst all this anticipation,


There were two writers vying for the chance to cast Kim Dong-hoo in their projects.


Writer Yeo Su-jung, preparing for a historical drama Solar Eclipse,
and Writer Kwon Jae-ho, whose child actor was injured on the set of The Swordsman Baek Dong-su, were both at odds.

‘How did things end up like this?’

Writer Lee Min-ha recalled the chaotic chain of events.

‘After watching High Dream, Su-jung was moved and wanted to reach out to Dong-hoo…’
Then Jae-ho showed up, worried about the frequent injuries in historical dramas.

Both visited her home for different reasons but happened to run into each other there,
‘And as always, they bickered like they wanted to strangle each other…’
Then, suddenly, Jae-ho’s young actor got seriously hurt.

“Let’s all calm down. I’ve already relayed the message, so let’s not argue.”
“What? Really? He replied?”
“Unnie, did he respond to me too?”
“If you two don’t settle down, I’m not saying another word.”

Min-ha’s words locked both writers’ mouths shut,
and smiling at the rare moment of peace, she spoke again.

“Kim Dong-hoo said he needs to see the scripts himself, so just wait a bit.”
“Can’t you tell him it’s urgent for me? I’m in a tight spot because of my actor’s injury!”
“Unnie, don’t believe her! She doesn’t even have a replacement yet. I know they’re scouting people everywhere.”
“What, just cast anyone? We need to be selective, you idiot!”
“Idiot?! Did you just call me an idiot? I know the actor might return once they recover!”
“Oh, do you even realize how it feels to shrink back after an injury?”

Jae-ho was practically losing his mind over the situation.

‘I really need Kim Dong-hoo.’

Filming had to continue, and with the actor injured,
Jae-ho was practically jumping out of his skin.

Even after scouring everywhere,
the production team was unable to find a suitable young actor for a historical drama.

Not just any historical drama,
but one requiring martial arts, particularly swordsmanship.
Finding someone qualified was a nightmare, so they planned to train someone quickly.

‘And if I have to train someone from scratch, it should be the most handsome and popular one.’

If only Kim Dong-hoo would accept,
then they’d drop all other candidates and cast him in a heartbeat.

‘But how do I even teach Kim Dong-hoo swordsmanship?’

Desperation was setting in.
Was there a handsome young actor with sword skills?


Jae-ho’s deep sigh made Su-jung glance at him.
His situation was indeed dire.

Still, that was his problem.

‘My Solar Eclipse project’s success is on the line too.’

No writer in the world would compromise their career.


Watching the writers’ sighs and struggles,
Min-ha mused to herself,

‘I’m sorry, but you two are perfect for each other.’

It was a thought she’d never voice out loud.


“The weather’s nice.”

The morning after the High Dream Special Concert.
My life felt more peaceful than ever.

Except for the school banner that was still flapping at the gate.
I couldn’t remember a time I felt this happy in a while.

‘I wonder how Ye-rim managed to debut as a model.’

I found myself thinking more about those around me.


“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Did I stare too hard?
Ye-rim’s cheeks flushed as she met my gaze.

“How did this little bed-wetter…”
“Hey! I told you not to say that! Seriously, that nickname stuck to me alone even though you were there too!”

Ye-rim sprang up and poked Min-hyuk, who ducked his head in shame.

“I, I was just immature back then.”
“I didn’t say anything; it was Ye-rim, right, Kang-sik?”
“Uh, uh, yeah, right.”
“Let’s get back to our notebook game. Where was I?”
“Dong-hoo rolled a one six times in a row, and now his planet is about to explode.”
“...Please, let me buy in-game items.”

The notebook game,
really drove people crazy.

Just as we were laughing and taking a break,

Dong-hoo, there are two historical drama scripts for you. Can I bring them after school?
It’d be great to check them together in the van if you’re up for it.
If you’re busy, we can review them later.

Seok-ho’s message appeared.

‘Two historical drama scripts, huh.’

One must be The Swordsman Baek Dong-su.
What’s the other?

No need to overthink it.

<Yes, I’ll do that.>

I’d just review it directly.


After school.

I spotted Seok-ho’s van parked behind the school.

As if he sensed my presence, Seok-ho opened the van door the moment we made eye contact.
Moments like this made me think managers have some sort of sixth sense.

“Wow, your school guard was strict. Almost couldn’t get in without proving I knew you.”
“Yeah, I had to pull the parent card to park here. No wonder you don’t get unwanted visitors.”

So that’s how it is.

‘Someone’s really looking out for me.’

Keeping intruders out must be tough.
‘I should send a gift later.’

Just as I was thinking that, Seok-ho seemed to read my mind.

“If you’re grateful, you should send something. Maybe a nice gift like ginseng.”
He chuckled, starting the engine.

“The script near the window is for The Swordsman Baek Dong-su, and the white one is Solar Eclipse.”

The team was urgently looking for someone for The Swordsman Baek Dong-su
since the role needed sword training.

From his explanation, I could roughly piece together the situation.

‘This aligns with what I saw in that future message.’

I’d leave Solar Eclipse for later,
and for now, I’d take a closer look at The Swordsman Baek Dong-su script.

Quite fitting that, right after learning kendo from a master, I’d receive a script that required swordplay.

The Swordsman Baek Dong-su, Rating B (Under Revision)

A B rating in revision, just like High Dream,
there was potential to break the 30% rating again.

‘I’m excited.’

I’d be playing,

‘The childhood rival of swordsman Baek Dong-su, Ja-un.’

Immersing myself,
I dived into the script.



The killing star destined to take lives.
It was a fate his father knew when he tried to end his life.

But could he really bring himself to kill his own child?

The mother fought desperately,
and the child, blessed by the heavens, survived at the cost of his mother’s life.

Years passed, and the child grew into a young man.

“Father, did you really kill her?”

The boy learned his father had killed his mother.

“…You’re Cheonsalseong. Born to kill.”

“You did all this over some ridiculous superstition?”

“Superstition? You call it superstition?”

His father chuckled,
looking at the scene before him, speaking in disbelief.

“Look at yourself, raising a sword against your father. Is this really just superstition?”

Young Ja-un.
His first steps toward becoming an assassin,

were just beginning.


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