Lin had just begun his uneasy coexistence with Linasien when an emergency meeting was called in Lowellina.
Once all the commanders gathered and Lucy's companions, Tigria and Arsil, had arrived, Airan finally spoke.
"Reinhold has deposed Princess Linasien and appointed Princess Gyanal as the Crown Princess," he announced, folding his fan with a frustrated expression.
"A mere knight meddling in royal affairs as he pleases. I have also received intelligence that he acted unilaterally in Lin’s capture," he added.
At the mention of Reinhold, Arsil clenched her fists. He was the man who had deceived and manipulated her with a single word. In the end, even Linasien had fallen to his schemes. Among those who could never forgive Reinhold, Arsil, the saintess, was one of the most deeply affected victims, along with Lucy.
"Our goal is to secure Crown Princess Gyanal and Lin, the porter, and eliminate Reinhold," declared Airan.
Viscon offered his opinion. "Your Grace, it remains uncertain whether Crown Princess Gyanal truly has the Emperor’s blood. Simply eliminating Reinhold may not stabilize the political situation."