I Became an Evolving Lizard in a Martial Arts Nov…
Chapter 52 Table of contents

It seemed Baek Yeon-Yeong really liked the gift Nephila Jurassica had given her.

She kept fiddling with it, placing it atop my head.


Nephila made a very sad expression.


Tus and Pus looked the same.

You all are impressive.

Even though you bicker all the time, in a dangerous moment, you gave up something so precious without hesitation.

Some humans would kick others away and run, but you’re better than them.

Though the fact that the precious item is my shed skin is a bit concerning, what does that matter?

What’s important is the sentiment.

Baek Yeon-Yeong wasn’t touched by the shed skin itself, but by the hearts of the spiders that offered it to her.

“It’s a shame I didn’t get to see it when you were even smaller than this.”

She really was touched by their sentiment, right?

The tense atmosphere had lightened considerably.

Though Tang Soyeong still showed signs of fear, it was clear Baek Yeon-Yeong had no intention of punishing her immediately.

A conversation had started now.

It was an odd scene, like a chick talking to a crocodile.

I felt a bit sorry for Tang Soyeong, who trembled in fear at every word and action of Baek Yeon-Yeong.

Hang in there, Tang Soyeong.

You can do this.

In support, I decided to actively assist her.

“Gek gek.”

I added small sounds of encouragement whenever Tang Soyeong spoke.

That should add credibility to her words.

It wouldn’t make a huge difference, but it’s better than nothing.


“D-Dae-hyeop, please…”

Look at that.

She’s so moved by my help that she’s on the verge of tears.


It’s nothing, really.

Tang Soyeong began recounting everything, from the reason she came to the Ten Thousand Mountains to her encounter with the handsome Crocodile King Lizard.

In summary:

Tang Soyeong had been sent to the Ten Thousand Mountains by the Tang Clan, after hearing rumors that many spirit creatures lived here. The goal was to help a spirit creature called a Dalopo grow. She also hoped to recover poisonous insects that had been stolen by the Demon Cult.

“And you think you’ll achieve something with just a poison dragon? Not even a throwaway card, tsk.”

Baek Yeon-Yeong clicked her tongue.

She was right.

That Dilophosaurus I fought was a monstrous creature that could handle internal energy, but it’s unrealistic to think it could take on all the dinosaurs here.

If she encounters even a degraded version of an Ankylosaurus, her head would be crushed.

“…Dalopo found me and attacked our base.”

The story shifted to my battle with the Dilophosaurus.

Tang Soyeong explained how Dalopo had used sleep venom to sneak up on them.

I, who was resistant to venom, had stood my ground alone.

Even though Tang Soyeong hadn’t seen it herself, Nephila Jurassica had thrown herself into danger to protect me.

Finally, she spoke of how I crushed its head using Gooeum Baekgoljo.

“That’s right. This spider did that?”


Baek Yeon-Yeong’s gaze landed on Nephila Jurassica.

Of course, she would be intrigued.

Nephila was a spider that had evolved into an Arachne.

A super lucky Human-Faced Spider.

Though she had reverted to her previous form.

“So, you were planning to return to Sichuan because this creature’s condition had worsened?”

“Yes, yes!”

Tang Soyeong’s face brightened as she realized Baek Yeon-Yeong had understood her explanation.

According to Tang Soyeong, the spider had saved my life, and as a result, its condition deteriorated.

Therefore, to save the spider, she needed to return to Sichuan, where the facilities and materials for treatment were available.

Baek Yeon-Yeong seemed to acknowledge this reasoning.

“I don’t mind if you return to Sichuan. I’m not pleased you tried to take something of mine, but based on the story, I see no need to kill you.”

Tang Soyeong sighed in relief.

“But, I can’t allow you to take Hee with you.”

Baek Yeon-Yeong gripped the back of my neck tightly.

It felt like a big cat carrying its cub.

I felt drowsy.


I let out a belated, startled sound.

Wait, what did she just say?

“Hee cannot leave the Ten Thousand Mountains.”

Am I being kidnapped?

“But… but…”

Tang Soyeong’s voice trembled as she protested.

“Without Dae-hyeop…”

“If Hee isn’t with you, do you think you’ll be in danger?”

“Not just me… but the spider lady as well…”

Tang Soyeong was right.

From what I’d seen, without me, she would cry her heart out. Nephila Jurassica might even tie her up in webs and drag her off somewhere.

“Isn’t that a selfish way of thinking? Do you really not understand what could happen if Hee goes to the central plains right now?”

Baek Yeon-Yeong scolded her.

“Even low-ranking warriors have set foot in the Demon Cult’s Ten Thousand Mountains. The monks from Shaolin are eagerly hunting for spirit creatures. The central plains are in chaos. They’re desperate to secure any spirit creatures they can.”

Her sharp blue eyes stared down at Tang Soyeong.

“And Hee? He’d leave here and go all the way to Sichuan? The result is obvious, isn’t it?”

What would people think if they saw me?

A giant lizard.

A lizard that uses martial arts and has consumed many elixirs.

I would literally be a walking treasure.

Being roasted as lizard kebab wouldn’t be far off.

Tang Soyeong lowered her head.

It wasn’t as if she wanted to exploit me for her own gain.

She probably thought that somehow, together, we could overcome any hardship.

But she had hit the wall of reality.

After bowing her head for a long while, Tang Soyeong reached out and gently touched my cheek.

Baek Yeon-Yeong frowned slightly in displeasure but didn’t stop her.

“…Dae-hyeop, I’m sorry. I’ll figure out a way to treat Spider Lady myself.”

So, does that mean she’s planning to leave the Ten Thousand Mountains with the spiders?


That won’t do.

Sure, it’s true that if I go outside, there’s a chance I’ll be hunted down. But if Tang Soyeong leaves without me, she’ll be eaten by some dinosaur before she even reaches the outside world.

A person shouldn’t abandon another person.

Of course, I’m a lizard, but still, I can’t abandon her.

How can I abandon a disciple who treats me like a divine beast?


I actively expressed my opinion to Baek Yeon-Yeong.

I didn’t know if she’d understand, but at least she’d know I was against the current situation.

“Daughter of the Tang Clan, how long will it take to treat the spider?”

“At least a month… maybe more.”

“And the treatment method?”

“We need to remove the remaining venom from her body and inject another type of venom to heal her inner core. If we leave it as it is, the same symptoms will appear again. We’ll have to induce rebirth, so the exact time frame is uncertain…”

Tang Soyeong’s voice brightened a bit.

Baek Yeon-Yeong’s words sounded as though she was willing to help treat the spider.

“Rebirth, huh? Well, you did bring a spirit creature here, so dealing with them must be your specialty.”

Baek Yeon-Yeong climbed down from my back.

“Come to the Heavenly Demon Sect.”

Did I hear that right?

There were two major problems with what she just said.

One, Tang Soyeong was from the Tang Clan.

“Yes, yes?”

And the other, Tang Soyeong didn’t believe in the Heavenly Demon Sect, but rather in the Gaegae Faith.


Both Tang Soyeong and I were shocked.

“Why are you so surprised? Did you really think I meant for you to join the sect?”


“We have the equipment and materials needed to treat the spider in the Heavenly Demon Sect. There are also people who know how to handle spirit creatures. Of course, when it comes to venom, you Tang Clan members are the experts, so I’ll leave the treatment to you.”

It was a good offer.

Of course, as someone from the Tang Clan, Tang Soyeong would have to endure a lot of tension, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about being killed immediately.


As expected from my master.

Her personality may be a bit odd, but she’s come up with such a great solution.

“You don’t dislike it, do you?”

“N-No! I like it!”

The destination had changed.

Instead of Sichuan, it was now the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The Heavenly Demon Sect… Just hearing the name gave me chills.

I wasn’t sure how high up Baek Yeon-Yeong was within the sect, but she didn’t seem to be low-ranking.

And I was her direct disciple.

“Gek gek.”

Should I try to assert some dominance?

I was daydreaming about this when…


Baek Yeon-Yeong’s blue eyes gazed at me.

“You cannot enter the Heavenly Demon Sect.”

But you’re raising me!

You were just sitting on my back!

“It’s too early.”

I tried to protest, but her eyes seemed unusually sad.

“It’s not your time yet.”

I instinctively realized that this wasn’t something I could solve by whining.

There must be some circumstances within the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Perhaps even there, people were after spirit creatures like me.

It was a bit disappointing, but what can you do?

I can wait.

A month, she said?

And since she mentioned rebirth, it’s possible that Nephila might evolve again.

It’s worth waiting for.

In the meantime, I’ll hang out with Tus and Pus.


Tus and Pus exchanged glances, then scurried over to me.


You two understand everything too, don’t you?

We won’t be seeing Nephila or Tang Soyeong for a while.

Let’s get along while it’s just us.

“Gek gek.”

Tus gently bit my tail.

Pus softly pressed her rear against my claws.

…What are they doing?


After a moment of this, the spiders hugged my tail and claws tightly.

Then they slowly crawled back toward Tang Soyeong.

They kept glancing back at me, their expressions determined.




Tang Soyeong and the spiders began communicating.

What were they talking about?

Wait, is this even considered a conversation?


Baek Yeon-Yeong also observed the spiders with interest.

“…I understand. Okay.”

Tang Soyeong turned to me.

“The little spider ladies say they won’t be accompanying you any longer, Dae-hyeop.”


These spiders.

After all I’ve done for you.

I know Baek Yeon-Yeong is beautiful, but still.

You’re just going to abandon me and stick with her?

“…They said that after seeing the big spider lady, they realized how weak and incompetent they are.”

So that’s what it was.

“They want to protect you, like the big spider lady did.”

Apparently, Tang Soyeong had been talking to Tus and Pus for a while.

She had promised that if they came with her to Sichuan, they could evolve into Human-Faced Spiders.

In other words, she offered to help them take the next step in their evolution.

Tus and Pus remembered that.

And they accepted her offer.

They wanted to grow stronger.

To protect me.

…How strong can you even get?

But I couldn’t stop them.

I could feel the sincerity in their emotions.


I turned around.

Many have left in such a short time.

But this isn’t a permanent farewell.

It’s just a temporary parting before we meet again.

It’s something to celebrate, really.



Unable to completely hide my sadness, I didn’t look toward where Tang Soyeong and the spiders were.

I pretended it didn’t bother me at all.

I pretended I wasn’t the least bit sad.

“We also have to adjust the size.”

…What is she talking about now?

I’ll just ignore it for now.

I won’t let anything break my mood.


Tus and Pus.

And Nephila Jurassica let out their cries.


I didn’t look back until the very end and simply raised my hand in farewell.

Let’s meet again soon.

I hope all three of you have evolved into Arachne by then.



It’s really goodbye for now.

“I’m sorry to interrupt the mood, but we won’t be leaving right away. I still have a few things to teach my clumsy disciple.”

…I immediately activated my dash.

I looked around for a hole to crawl into. A lizard-sized one would do.

Give me back my emotional moment!

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