The Betrayed Master Betrays In Turn
Chapter 9 Table of contents

Viktor quietly allowed himself to be led away by the guards, but the impact he left behind did not fade easily.

The nobles of Ruth Kingdom, who had spent more time enjoying banquets in the capital than dealing with the war, couldn’t easily shake off the murderous glare Viktor had given them. Some of the weaker nobles, including Nikolai, were so terrified that they even wet themselves, and the stench lingered around where they had gathered.

Despite being only fourteen years old, the King had managed to deliver the responses taught to him by Vladimir Sabinkov. However, it was the older nobles who ended up showing more weakness.

Vladimir couldn’t help but feel a tinge of doubt about the path he had chosen. Regardless of his intentions, once Viktor was handed over, the power of these incompetent nobles would inevitably grow stronger.

*Clap, clap.*

“Let’s wrap this up.”

Vladimir, trying hard not to show his disappointment, clapped his hands to summon the servants, who quickly began to clean up the mess. The nobles who had soiled themselves were discreetly taken away, and the remnants of the scene were cleared.

Approaching the King, who was still trembling, Vladimir whispered the words he needed to say.

“The terms of the negotiation remain... intact. Viktor will be placed in the carriage that brought you... here.”


Erika Baumann, the representative of the Empire's delegation, bowed her head quietly, hiding a smirk.

Before meeting these people in person, she had held Viktor in high regard based on the rumors. She also viewed Ruth Kingdom as a serious rival. The Dragonia Empire couldn’t afford to concentrate all its forces in one place, so they had to handle the Ruth Kingdom with only the troops available near the border.

Even though Ruth Kingdom’s nobles were loosely aligned under the banner of aristocracy, the fact that they had cornered the Empire’s superior numbers in the war had made her cautious.

When she heard that the capital, Zabinzk, was to be the site of the negotiations, Erika had considered the possibility of it being a trap. As a precaution, she minimized the escort for her delegation and limited its members to just herself and General Paul Richter.

But now, after seeing the reality of Ruth Kingdom, all her concerns vanished. The negotiations, which had been carried out with the kingdom in a submissive stance, and the spectacle of the nobles trembling before one man—Viktor—had erased any lingering doubts. 

Of course, Erika had also felt the weight of Viktor's aura, but in the end, it was the kingdom that had handed him over to the Empire.

If the leadership of this country, the ones in charge of its fate, were so pitiful as to show such disgrace in front of foreign envoys, there was little hope for them. Those who were handing Viktor over, unsure of what would happen a year from now, were the ones in power. 

Ruth Kingdom was bound to collapse under its own weight.

‘General Viktor, how did you manage to survive with people like these...’

Erika marveled at how Viktor had endured two years under such leaders. Even just listening to the nonsense spouted by that noble, Nikolai, gave her a sense of the burdens Viktor must have borne.

The supplies meant for Viktor’s forces had likely been delayed or outright stolen. He must have constantly faced opposition simply because of his status as a commoner and had to find ways to mitigate the disastrous orders that came from above.

‘No wonder the Emperor took interest.’

The Emperor had only ordered Viktor to be brought back alive, but Erika hadn’t missed the flicker of curiosity in the Emperor’s eyes when he gave that command. She had thought the rumors about Viktor were just rumors, but there had to be a reason the Emperor had specifically mentioned him by name, even though he was from an enemy nation.

‘It would be wonderful if we could recruit him.’

Viktor’s unwavering gaze was fixed solely on the King, save for the moments he addressed the nobles. His loyalty was clear. 

His skills alone explained why Paul Richter, who had once boasted that the Empire needed no reinforcements, had followed along so quietly after encountering Viktor on the battlefield. Even when Paul had looked at Viktor earlier, his expression held more fear and tension than anger.

Based on what she had seen so far, Viktor was the kind of rare talent that emerged once in a few centuries.

‘And he’s... quite handsome, too.’

Her judgment might have been tinged with personal bias, but Viktor had become someone Erika couldn’t afford to let slip away.

“We’ll take our leave now.”


Erika gave a deep bow of thanks to the nobles of Ruth Kingdom for handing over someone as valuable as Viktor. Despite Viktor’s immense loyalty, they had crushed it beneath the King’s commands, leaving a crack she could exploit.

‘What a waste for a country like this.’

As she tapped the contract papers she kept carefully secured in her coat, Erika followed General Paul Richter back to the carriage.

The first step had gone well.  
Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself.

The guards, who were carefully escorting Viktor, loaded him into a grand carriage near the castle gate, then disappeared quickly. The golden dragon crest of the Empire’s royal family adorned the carriage, confirming to Viktor that these were indeed representatives sent directly by the Emperor.

Of course, this was only the beginning.  
Not being handed over to the nobles was already a sign of success, but Viktor knew he couldn’t let his guard down just yet.

As he was led to the carriage, he noticed the way the kingdom’s soldiers were watching him. They should have been looking outward, keeping an eye on the area beyond the walls, but instead, all eyes were on him. Even the lower-ranking officers, who should have been disciplining their subordinates, stared at him with knowing expressions.

What could this mean?  
To be honest, Viktor feared something unexpected might happen.

The worst-case scenario would be if the soldiers, in defiance of the negotiations, attempted to free him from his bonds. No matter how things played out, that would spell disaster for his future.

If he sided with the soldiers, it could lead to rebellion. He and the soldiers would end up in a standoff against the nobles, and from there, the only path left would be one of treason.

Failure meant death. Success would prevent him from fulfilling his original goal of crossing into the Empire.  
No matter how eager the Emperor was to recruit him, he wouldn’t hire the leader of a rebellion.

But if Viktor ignored the soldiers’ actions and upheld the King’s orders?  
A massive purge would sweep through Ruth Kingdom, possibly leading to a civil war.

That wasn’t something he wanted to bring about.


Trying to remain calm, Viktor closed his eyes, hoping that his presence wouldn’t incite the soldiers.  
He appreciated their anger on his behalf, but he hoped they wouldn’t risk their lives for it.

Out of habit, Viktor opened his tactical map, and seeing the familiar interface made him feel slightly at ease.

...It wouldn’t hurt to relax, just for a moment.

“...Doesn’t something seem off to you?”  

As Erika and Paul neared the carriage, Erika finally broke her silence.

“The way they’re staring...”

“Hm. Now that you mention it.”

Indeed, the soldiers on the walls were all glaring at the delegation. While none of them had drawn their weapons, the sheer number of soldiers staring with the same piercing gaze was enough to make anyone feel uneasy. The reality that they were in enemy territory settled in once again.

“...Let’s hurry.”  

Paul quickened his pace, and Erika followed close behind.

When they reached the carriage, Paul opened the door.

“General Paul?”

He stood frozen, having uttered just one word after opening the door.


Erika rushed to the carriage and, upon looking inside, understood his reaction.

“Uh, well... um...”

Inside the carriage, Viktor sat with his body bound in ropes, his eyes closed, showing no reaction to the open door.

‘Is he that angry?’

From a distance, Erika hadn’t felt threatened by Viktor, but now that she was standing right in front of him, she became hesitant.

It wasn’t because Viktor was particularly large or intimidating. In fact, his lean build and sharp features were more reminiscent of a young noble than a general.  
Yet, something about Viktor’s quiet, introspective demeanor made Erika uneasy.

“...Let’s get in, Miss Erika.”  
“Oh, yes.”

The atmosphere was tense.  
Erika had a favorable opinion of Viktor, but she sensed that now was not the time to say anything rash. She couldn’t tell if the nervousness she felt was due to admiration or fear.

Paul, who had once wanted to kill Viktor, had changed. On the battlefield, Viktor had shattered Paul’s forces so thoroughly that he had begun to question whether he had been bewitched by a ghost. When the Emperor assigned him to the negotiation team, Paul had seen it as his chance for revenge.

But after witnessing Viktor’s downfall in the main hall, Paul felt something strange.  
He couldn’t quite place the emotion, but his desire to kill Viktor had disappeared.

Especially after seeing him sitting there, head bowed in defeat.  


Careful not to disturb Viktor, Paul and Erika took their seats opposite him.

“Let’s go.”  

At Erika’s instruction, the coachman set the carriage in motion.  
Only then did Viktor open his eyes slightly to glance at the two who had boarded.


Erika, who had initially planned to start persuading Viktor right away, found herself at a loss for words when

 their eyes met.

Though Viktor quickly closed his eyes again, the oppressive silence that followed lingered in the carriage long after it had started moving.

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