Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal
Chapter 93 Table of contents

“So… you’re saying the energy accumulation speed nearly triples?”

“Seems like it. I was shocked when I overheard the headmaster’s excitement. He’s usually so composed.”

Seo-jun scratched his head at Namgung Sua’s words.

With her detailed explanation, he understood better.

The Flash Lightning Azure Thunder Heart Art is supplementary to a foundational technique, so in a way, it presents an ideal guideline for Flash Lightning Heart Art, which helps increase its mastery and, as a result, its effectiveness.

“But still, how does that even make sense?”


“It’s a foundational technique.”


“And he hadn’t mastered it? How could that be?”

He understood, but he didn’t get it.

The difficulty of Flash Lightning Heart Art isn’t much different from the Three Talents Mind Method. In fact, the former’s clear direction might even make it easier to master.

“Who tested it?”

“One of the headmaster’s guards, Baek-gyeol. I heard he’s a peak-level martial artist, but his power exceeds his level.”

“So, he’s at peak level but couldn’t master Flash Lightning Heart Art?”

“He thought he had, but apparently not. Now he’s training in Flash Lightning Azure Thunder Heart Art instead of his original advanced method.”


Seo-jun scratched his head again.

“So, what does that mean? Are Flash Lightning Azure Thunder Heart Art and Flash Lightning Thirteen Sword Thunder actually pretty decent techniques?”

“They’re more than decent. Your opinion matters most since you created them, but according to the headmaster, they’re so outstanding that they’d be worthy rewards for someone who’s performed great feats.”


So, his techniques were that impressive.

Seo-jun grinned and stretched out on the ground, his shoulders lifting with pride.

“Well, it’s satisfying. Think my father-in-law will be pleased?”

“You... dirt’s getting in your hair.”

Namgung Sua knelt and gently lifted Seo-jun’s head, placing it on her lap.

She stroked his hair, chuckling as Seo-jun blinked up at her.

“Father will surely love it. The entire family is abuzz with excitement.”


“Yeah. Not just the headmaster, but the Heavenly Martial Pavilion...”

“Oh! Here you are!”

At the sudden voice, Seo-jun turned his head, still lying down.

In his upside-down view, he saw a woman approaching with an amused grin.

She glanced between Seo-jun and Namgung Sua, her smile turning mischievous as she came closer and let out a hearty laugh.

“Ahaha! My dear! Getting along well with your nephew’s wife, I see!”


Seo-jun glanced at Namgung Sua before looking back at the woman. Namgung Sua’s eyes widened as she spoke.

“Auntie! When did you return?”

“A few days ago. But never mind that! I heard the news! You’re getting married?”

“Oh, well…”

Namgung Sua gave an awkward smile, casting a glance at Seo-jun. He quickly stood and bowed.

“Yes! I’m Lee Seo-jun, the nephew-in-law!”

“Oh-ho! Nice to meet you!”

The woman grinned, sizing up Seo-jun.

“You have such a bright face! You’re going to go far! Well, you already have, but still! Hahaha!”

After a bout of laughter, she introduced herself.

“I’m Namgung Yeon! You know Namgung Jincheon, right? Sua’s father is my brother!”


Her bold manner of speech caught Seo-jun’s attention as Namgung Yeon suddenly leaned in close.

“If I were a hundred and fifty years younger, I’d give you a run for your money.”


How many years younger? Seo-jun stared at her blankly, and Namgung Yeon tilted her head.

“Or was it peak level? How old are you, nephew?”

“Uh… twenty-four.”

“What? Such a youngster?”


Namgung Sua shouted, and Namgung Yeon burst out laughing, slapping Seo-jun on the shoulder.

“I’m just joking!”

It wasn’t a joke, but Seo-jun scratched his head as Namgung Yeon wore a faint smile.

“Well, jokes aside, I heard about your Flash Lightning Azure Thunder Heart Art and Flash Lightning Thirteen Sword Thunder.”

“Oh, what did you think?”

“What did I think? Did you really create those? The Namgung family just lucked out with a treasure! The head of the Heavenly Martial Pavilion was practically foaming at the mouth!”

According to the Heavenly Martial Pavilion, divine arts are usually as challenging as they are powerful, but these two techniques were different.

Since they were meant to supplement foundational skills, anyone who had trained in the Namgung family’s arts could master them with relative ease. And above all, the speed increase in training was phenomenal.

Even high-level martial artists found no flaws when training, making it clear that the family’s overall skill level would improve drastically.

The head of the Heavenly Martial Pavilion proposed that these techniques shouldn’t be distributed alongside the foundational arts but awarded only to those with clear merits.

“At that moment, Namgung Jincheon said one thing: Follow the creator’s wishes. Gah! He always says it so seriously, too.”

“My father-in-law’s really something, isn’t he?”

“Him? Oh, I have so much to say about that... Anyway! So I came to hear your opinion myself!”


Seo-jun thought for a moment, then nodded.

“I think it’s fine to distribute them with the foundational arts. It’s not that amazing anyway.”

While even accomplished martial artists could benefit, it would be better for them to train in other techniques.

After all, the techniques don’t have a high ceiling; they’re just strong at the foundation.

If they distribute a martial art that drastically increases training speed, it will solidify the Namgung family’s foundation.

“A high-ceiling martial art, though...”

Even for Seo-jun, creating one on the spot wasn’t easy. He planned to work on one later and discreetly offer it to his father-in-law.

“Oh, right.”

He should also send these arts to his brother-in-law at Chunpungdae, who’s teaching swordsmanship to the kids, so he wouldn’t feel left out later.

“I knew it! You’re quite generous!”

“Well, nothing compared to the great Namgung family!”

“Haha! Exactly! Now, anything you want in return? You’ve done an incredible job, so there should be a reward!”

“Nah, no need for rewards among family.”

“Hey! Family or not, a reward is...!”

Namgung Sua looked on with a gentle smile as Seo-jun and Namgung Yeon quickly bonded.

‘When would be a good time for the wedding?’

Her mind was already busy planning.

The Namgung family martial artists began training with the new techniques.

Flash Lightning Azure Thunder Heart Art and Flash Lightning Thirteen Sword Thunder.

At first, the unfamiliar names made them scratch their heads, but within days, anyone who didn’t know them was considered a fool.

“Hey! Look at this!”

One man emitted a dark blue sword qi above his blade.

“I never thought I’d grasp sword qi, but after learning Flash Lightning Thirteen Sword Thunder, I finally got it!”

“Oh! You’re fast! I think I’m starting to get it too... but for now, I can only produce natural lightning on my sword.”

“But doesn’t it feel like your mind’s itching?”


“Then you’re almost there! Keep that sensation, and you’ll soon master sword qi too!”

“Here’s hoping.”

The one who hadn’t yet grasped sword qi still wore a bright expression. His friend’s encouragement gave him confidence that he, too, would wield sword qi soon.

“By the way, where did these techniques come from? I’ve never heard of them.”

“Hey! Haven’t you heard about the young master?”

“Namgung Myeong? Of course, I know him.”

“No, no, I mean the other young master! Miss Namgung Sua’s lover, Seo-jun!”

“Oh! I’ve heard of him.”

“These are his creations! And he’s the one generous enough to offer them to martial artists training in foundational arts!”

“No way...! That’s incredible...!”

Seo-jun’s rescued Green Forest Bandits weren’t sure how to react to the warm reception.

“Why are they looking at us like that?”

“They say our employer’s a big deal.”


The bandits, unused to such looks, were thoroughly confused.

“I hear those are the people Seo-jun brought over?”

“Even if they were bandits, anyone he vouches for must have some impressive abilities!”

“Uh, no... we’re just ordinary bandits...”

With so much attention, they focused on their training, and their reputation improved further, eventually reaching Seo-jun’s ears.

Delighted by the constant praise, Seo-jun decided to distribute martial arts to them as well.

“Here! This is the true Soul-Shaking Divine Art! Rejoice!”


“Long live the young master...!”

Seo-jun didn’t release the arts without reason.

The Green Forest Bandits, who were under the guidance of a peak-level martial artist, were already a cut above ordinary bandits, so abandoning their old skills for the Namgung family basics would have been wasteful.

After all, people are naturally greedy, and he wanted to avoid any complaints from the start.

“Hey, as I’m teaching you... you know, right? You’d better behave?”

“Of course, Lord! I’ll keep a tight rein on my men!”

It was all possible because of the strong foundation of the Namgung family.

Think they could just walk away after learning his martial arts?

Seo-jun’s presence alone made that unthinkable, and with the Namgung family behind him, it was impossible.

Besides, the Green Forest Bandits had no such thoughts.

Why would they? Living under the Namgung family’s protection gave them privileges they’d never dreamed of as bandits.

People greeted them warmly, and their master shared martial arts with them despite their lowly status.

They’d become part of the Six Great Families, always seen with awe and jealousy.

Under Jang Geuk’s strict guidance, they replaced arrogance with pride in being part of the Namgung family, growing stronger as they mastered the true Soul-Shaking Divine Art.

Seeing this, Namgung Jincheon formally named them Green Forest Division and placed them under Seo-jun’s command.

Thus, Seo-jun established a solid foothold within the Namgung family.

Though he didn’t think much of it.

What’s the point of playing politics within the Namgung family?

Being free from any obligations as the Green Forest Division Leader was enough for him.

‘Honestly, Green Forest Division Leader sounds too much like a bandit title.’

Seo-jun was content to leave the position to Jang Geuk and just be known as the Namgung family’s young master.

“Chun-bong...! Geum Chun-bong...! When are you coming out...!”

He trained in the Sovereign Sword Form, chanting Chun-bong’s name.

He could enjoy enthusiastic praise whenever he stepped outside and retreat to his room for peace whenever he wanted.

It would be perfect if Chun-bong were here too.

Seo-jun smacked his lips.


A dark room filled with corpses and the stench of blood.

The woman known as Dark Secret Sword in the martial world completed her assignment and began her cleanup routine.


After inscribing her emblem, a single flower and a sword, on the wall, she returned to her hideout.

“Ahh... home is best.”

Click. She flicked on a switch, and the light buzzed to life.

“Why doesn’t everyone use these? They’re great.”

Grinding coffee beans, she poured hot water over the grounds.

As she sipped her coffee, her eyes suddenly narrowed.

“Who’s there?”

In an instant, her form vanished, and a dagger materialized in the darkness.

Outside, a man gulped.

In the pitch-black darkness, only the cold sensation of metal at his neck was clear.

“It’s a request from the Black Lotus.”

“The Black Lotus? Those arrogant bastards came to me?”


“An assassination?”

“What else would they ask you for?”

“Hm, that’s true.”

Flick. The light returned.

The man finally regained his sight, stifling a sigh.


“Jin Gijae-cheon, Mad Blood Demon, Lee Seo-jun.”

“Ah, I’ve heard of him. They say two peak masters died when that bastard bandit leader betrayed them? Idiots. Who trusts a bandit?”

“I... want to request his assassination.”

“Are you insane?”

Dark Secret Sword sneered.

“You want me to waltz into Namgung’s manor with a supreme warrior watching over it? Why not just tell me to hang myself?”



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