I Became an Evolving Lizard in a Martial Arts Nov…
Chapter 56 Table of contents

This can’t be right.

Why is a human-faced bird suddenly appearing?

This is a martial arts world. Dinosaurs are supposed to be calmly practicing martial arts here.

...But is it really stranger for dinosaurs to be roaming around in a martial arts story?

A human-faced bird might make sense, after all.

I adjusted my posture and took a closer look at the creature.

It wasn’t flapping its wings, yet it was floating in the air.

Its gaze was fixed on the parrot circling the sky.

“The King of Birds! Kaaaargh!”

The King of Birds.


That title suited the creature's massive form.

Let’s confirm.

[Unable to appraise the target.]

A sharp pain stung my eyes.

Of course, I can't appraise this one either.

Just like the Hydra that evolved from the Titanoboa, this thing had transcended the realm of ordinary creatures.

If I borrowed Tang Soyeong’s words, it might be considered a divine beast.

I guess, in a way, I could also be called a divine beast, but I still had a long way to go.


The human-faced bird roared loudly.

It turned its head and stared directly at me.

I recognized that face.

It was a human face that might seem comical at a glance.

A bizarre appearance, with black feather-like ornaments running from its head down to its neck.


An overwhelming pressure bore down on my body.

Its chilling gaze fixed on me.


Its grotesque mouth opened at a strange angle.


The human-faced bird began to speak.

I guess it’s only natural, given that it has a human face.

“Do you... think?”

But the words weren’t fluent.

It sounded like it was awkwardly mimicking human speech, a bizarre sound.

An unpleasant voice, like nails scratching against metal.


Another roar.

Just from the roar alone, I could tell this creature was on another level.

If it turned hostile, I wouldn’t be able to leave here alive.

Fortunately, the good news was that it hadn’t attacked yet. Instead, it was trying to communicate.

“Those with dragon scales...”

Dragon scales.

It seemed to be interested in the scales covering my body.

Maybe if I answer properly and give it a few scales, I could get out of this situation.

...But how should I respond?

“Is a dragon... a bird or a snake?”

It said something unexpected.

A dragon, a bird, or a snake.

What does it mean by that?

What is its intention with this question?

As I pondered, a vision flowed into my mind.

“Is the dragon of terror... a snake or a bird?”

The dragon of terror.

I saw a massive dinosaur.

That dinosaur gradually shrank until it transformed into another creature.

This was what it was asking me.

“Is the dragon of terror an ugly snake or a beautiful bird?”

Is a dinosaur a reptile or a bird?

The images in my mind became clearer.

It felt as if my body was slipping out of my control.

It was as if I would start thinking and speaking without my own will.

That’s right.

I’d started feeling dazed ever since I locked eyes with that creature.

I had to give the correct answer to its question.

My mind was becoming clouded.

When had I felt like this before?

Ah, right.

It was when I saw the vision of the Spinosaurus.

It felt just like that.

“Is a dragon... a snake? Or is it... a bird?”

You’re underestimating me.

Are you seriously suggesting that dinosaurs are birds?

Are you telling me that the Tyrannosaurus was just a feathered chicken?

[「%! Ja■□ 」has activated.]


The sinister thoughts surrounding me shattered.

“Kaaaaah! The lizard has rebelled against the King of Birds! It has provoked the King of Birds!”



You were the one who provoked me first.

“You... have overstepped...”

The human-faced bird glared at me with displeasure.


Its enormous wings flapped once.


A powerful gust of wind blew.


Just from a single wing movement, I almost got blown away.

I barely held on by digging my claws into the ground.

This thing was incredibly strong.

To a creature like this, I was nothing more than a snack.

“Those with dragon scales... I’ll ask one last time... Is a dragon, a snake or a bird?”

Fighting this creature wouldn’t be a wise choice.

Running away was also impossible.

How could I possibly escape from a monster like that?

My only way to survive was to submit to its words.

If I admitted that dinosaurs weren’t reptiles but birds, I might live.


If I said the Tyrannosaurus was just a feathered, cowardly scavenger, I might extend my life.


But you know what?

What’s the point of living so disgracefully?


[「逆鱗 lv1」has been activated.]

[「The Overwhelming Spirit」has been temporarily obtained.]

Sometimes, there are beliefs more important than life itself.

How dare you belittle dinosaurs by calling them birds?


The word "Saurus" already means lizard.

Dinosaurs can’t not be reptiles.

I don’t care what the truth is.

This is the path I believe in.

This is my conviction.

“You were... the servant... of the vile snake queen...?”

The human-faced bird muttered something incomprehensible.

I prepared to counter its attack.

Its grotesque mouth opened again.


Then, concentrated energy gathered into a single point.

Don’t tell me...


A destructive beam was fired, capable of piercing through anything.

If it hits me, I’m dead.

I used every trick I had.

Sprint, tail cut, Rising Dragon Technique, Flashing Step.

I combined all of these to dodge the attack.


The creature’s destructive beam tore up the ground, obliterating massive trees in its path.

I barely avoided a direct hit.


[Warning! HP is critically low.]

Even though I only grazed it, I felt as if my entire body was shattering from the pain.

The only good thing was that my limbs were still intact.

I was in agony, but my body could still move.

I had to stay calm.

It wasn’t over yet.

There was one last move I had.

If I could deal a critical blow, I might be able to escape from here.

“Indeed... those dragon scales...”


The human-faced bird slowly flew toward me.

It couldn’t use that devastating attack in succession.

To kill me, it would have to come closer.

Just a little more.

Just a little longer.

[「逆鱗 lv1」has been activated.]

[「Bone Corruption Technique」has been temporarily obtained.]

That’s when it happened.


A massive pterosaur swooped down toward the human-faced bird.

【Pteranodon lv23】
「Vengeful」 「Angry」


Weighing only about 50kg, but with a wingspan of 6.25-6.5m and a body length of 2.6m, this large pterosaur has claws on the tips of its wings that allow it to hang onto cliffs and trees. It prefers hunting by diving vertically from the air like a seabird.

It was a Pteranodon.

“Grrr... Inferior pterosaurs... How tiresome...”

Three Pteranodons attacked the human-faced bird.

Had they been caught in its destructive beam?

No, something was different.

Pteranodons don’t usually engage in battles like this.

If they’d seen that beam, they should have either stayed hidden or fled far away.

But they didn’t.

“Disgraceful creatures...”

It was as if they knew each other.

There was an emotion stronger than anger at play here.

The battle between the three Pteranodons and the human-faced bird began.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t intervene in an aerial battle like that.

I didn’t know the circumstances, but this was my chance.

A chance for a strategic retreat.

I dispersed the energy I had gathered and immediately turned around.

I had been planning to make a last-ditch gamble with the Bone Corruption Technique, but luck had come my way unexpectedly.

Seizing an opportunity is a skill in itself.

Thank you, Pteranodons.

I’ll try not to eat one of you if I come across you again.

With my exhausted body, I barely managed to flee. No, I mean, I successfully made a strategic retreat.

[HP is critically low.]

【Komodo LV9】
HP: 45/990
MP: 130/410
「Beloved by Spiders」
「Master of the Silver Dragon’s Lair」
「Master of the Lower Swamp」

My limbs were still attached, but my body was in a condition no different from a corpse.

My MP was slowly recovering over time.

But my HP hadn’t moved at all.

Should I be grateful that it wasn’t dropping further?

The two terror birds I captured flashed before my eyes.

If I had brought them with me, I could’ve recovered some HP.

The first thing I needed to do was restore my body.

There are three ways to recover HP.

The first method is to use one of my titles.

If I immerse myself in water, my HP will recover, though very slowly.

But there was no water nearby.

So, that's out.

The second method is to level up and shed my skin.

But to level up, I would need to defeat a strong opponent, and in my current condition, I’d likely end up being the one used as experience material.

The last method is to eat something.

While it’s not as effective as leveling up, filling my stomach would still help restore some HP.

If only I had caught those bugs I ignored earlier, I could’ve eaten them on the spot.

But for some reason, there weren’t any creatures around here.

Maybe they all fled because of that destructive beam.

I needed to find something to eat, no matter what.


But it looks like fate isn't entirely against me.

There was a snake nearby.

It seemed fairly large, but a snake is still a snake.

【Ball Python lv14】

A Ball Python.

It even looked appetizing.

Its plump body made it seem like there’d be plenty of meat.

I concealed my presence and slowly approached it.

The snake hadn’t noticed me yet.

One more step.

Just one more step.


I quickly pushed off with my hind legs, lunging toward the snake.


At that moment, the Ball Python locked eyes with me.

We were still a bit apart.

I was certain it would strike back with a deadly counterattack.

Like the Titanoboa hatchling, it might coil its springy body and unleash a fierce attack.

Could I withstand it in my current state?

No, it was already too late to back out.

I had to endure whatever it threw at me and finish it off in one blow.

I tensed my front legs and prepared to strike, but just then...


The snake suddenly flipped over onto its back.


I barely managed to stop my attack and watched the snake’s strange behavior.

What was it doing?

Was it preparing to use some technique I wasn’t familiar with?

That plump snake was now lying there with its tongue hanging out.

...Was it playing dead?

【Ball Python lv14】
「Playing dead」 「Surprised」

I mean, I could see it thanks to my Wild Eyes skill, but even without it, I could tell it was faking.

“Hi... Hiiieeek...”

And how could it make noise while pretending to be dead?

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