A Terminal Healer Needs an Obsessive Maniac
Chapter 26 Table of contents

Ryu Seo-ha blankly stared down at the unnecessarily long dining table. He had just been guided into the dining room of the main house in Pyeongchang-dong where the Gangseong Group Chairman resided.

Choi Gang-hu had tried to dissuade him, saying it would be an uncomfortable situation and that he would handle any problems himself, but Ryu Seo-ha couldn’t not accompany him. How could he just sit still when his only sister had been suddenly summoned here?

The atmosphere of the employees was certainly different from Hannam-dong. Overall, it felt much more static and rigid. Even the slightest movements seemed precise and angular.

“The Chairman is entering.”

Following someone’s announcement, a well-built man in his 60s entered the dining room. He looked so fit that “middle-aged” suited him better than “elderly”.

“Wow, the dining room is super luxurious too. It’s gorgeous in a different way from Guild Master Choi Gang-hu’s house… Ah! There he is. Hello!”

His older sister, Ryu Jeong-ah, was also visible, taking small steps beside the chairman who was striding in with large steps. She was chattering affectionately and smiling with her usual high tension.

“Pleased to meet you. I’m Ryu Seo-ha, a healer affiliated with the FromHell Guild.”

Ryu Seo-ha, who had already stood up to greet Gangseong Group Chairman Choi Geum-cheol, immediately introduced himself as soon as their eyes met. His attitude was polite and respectful, but by no means servile.

“Nice to meet you. So we meet like this.”

Choi Geum-cheol nodded once and replied with a smiling expression. His attitude was more friendly than expected. He sat down at the head seat first and gestured with his chin towards the chairs.

“Everyone sit down first.”


Ryu Jeong-ah cheerfully answered and quickly took a seat on one side. Choi Gang-hu and Ryu Seo-ha also sat down silently. The atmosphere immediately sank heavily with just one expression from Choi Geum-cheol as he withdrew his smile.

The food that the employees started bringing out one by one looked neat and delicious, but no one readily picked up their chopsticks. This was because Choi Geum-cheol, who had made them set out food they couldn’t touch, showed no interest in the meal.

“I heard you bought him a house?”

His gaze fixed on his son, Choi Gang-hu, was piercing enough to belie his non-awakened status. Indeed, he was a man who had ascended to the throne after going through a sibling feud.

“When are you thinking of holding the wedding?”

Ryu Seo-ha, who had been looking down regretfully at the food getting cold, startled and raised his head.

“What are you talking about?”

Choi Gang-hu seemed equally dumbfounded, confusion evident in his questioning voice. It was a question mixed with doubt, wondering if same-sex marriage had been legalized in Korea while he was in the Abyss.

“How long did you think I wouldn’t know? When you’re being so obvious.”


“As a father, I’m disappointed. Assigning security personnel or handing over a card with no limit is one thing, but even buying a house in your sibling’s name? Tsk, a man should know how to play hard to get.”

Choi Gang-hu’s expression subtly crumbled. Ryu Seo-ha’s eyes also wavered aimlessly like a sailboat caught in a storm.

“You were so picky when you were young. At this rate, you might even give up your cherished chastity.”

No, so… The reason for suddenly summoning Ryu Jeong-ah was…

“Seeing as you’ve even recruited a healer, beating out large guilds, it seems there’s some level of agreement between you two. If you’re going to prepare for marriage without in-laws, it would be good to set a date early.”

Because he mistook him for Choi Gang-hu’s romantic partner? He couldn’t grasp where to begin correcting this misunderstanding.

“…It’s not what you think.”

Choi Gang-hu, who had been silent for a while, gave an answer that sounded like a sigh. Ryu Jeong-ah was uncharacteristically keeping her head down. With one hand covering her mouth. Hang in there, sis. If you burst out laughing here, it’ll be hard to recover.

He could roughly guess by what logic they had reached such an outlandish conclusion. They couldn’t imagine that he would launch a gift offensive of clothes and a house to curry favor with another man.

They must have judged that no matter how valuable the talent, given Choi Gang-hu’s personality, he wouldn’t devote such effort to an employee already bound by contract.

“Why, are you afraid I’ll oppose? Times have changed, haven’t they? With that level of ability in the bloodline, what does it matter if the family’s wealth is humble?”

It would have been much easier to accept if they thought he was taking care of the guild’s healer under the pretext of looking after Ryu Jeong-ah because he had developed feelings for her.

“I think it’s enough if in-laws just fulfill their duties and obligations to each other. Marriage isn’t the realm of individuals.”

“I don’t think that’s for you to say, Chairman.”

Perhaps he was uncomfortable with the blatant consideration of conditions, though in a different direction than expected. Choi Gang-hu retorted with a sneer.


“How can you say that with a straight face after how you treated Mother?”

Choi Geum-cheol’s face hardened at his son’s words pointing out his womanizing.

“Bringing up past events…”

“How is it past? The evidence of your affair is alive and breathing, eyeing my position.”

The atmosphere instantly froze. Choi Geum-cheol with a terrifying expression and Choi Gang-hu with a nonchalant, almost languid expression stared at each other silently for a while.

“So what are you saying? I can’t bring your dead mother back to life, and I can’t drive away your new mother who has become my wife.”

“I mean don’t interfere unnecessarily. I have no intention of marrying that woman anyway.”

Choi Junwan, Choi Geum-cheol’s illegitimate son from an affair, was never a competitor to begin with. Aside from legitimacy, there was an insurmountable difference in individual power and wealth.

He had no intention of newly punishing his father’s mistress who had taken his mother’s place as if she had been waiting for it, even though his birth mother had passed away over 20 years ago. Nor did he intend to accept interference from his father who had an affair with a bar girl.

“Fine. Do as you please with your love life. But send the healer to this IHL tournament.”

Choi Geum-cheol, who had backed off for now, abruptly changed the subject. He seemed to think that Choi Gang-hu was trying to keep Ryu Seo-ha in the country for Ryu Jeong-ah’s psychological stability.

“Not possible. Why are you concerned with guild business that’s under my jurisdiction?”

“The Blue House secretariat contacted me. They said dispatching a healer would affect the selection of policy partnership companies. They even mentioned tax benefits.”

The government seemed to really want Ryu Seo-ha. Choi Gang-hu’s expression, which had been relaxed throughout, slightly crumpled.

“You want me to send the guild’s most valuable talent abroad for such a trivial reason?”

“It’s only 2 weeks, isn’t it? Why are you being so sensitive? It’s not like we’re sending him away forever.”

Poor public safety couldn’t be an excuse. With the government dangling carrots and sticks to persuade the parent company, what could a mere subsidiary guild do? Of course, they would assign strict security to protect the precious S-class healer, but still.

“Chairman. If I may be so bold, could I say something?”

Ryu Seo-ha, who had been quietly observing the situation, softly opened his mouth. The gazes of the father and son who had been confronting each other shifted to him.

“Go ahead.”

Choi Geum-cheol readily nodded. Perhaps due to the unfamiliar manner of speech, it felt like receiving the emperor’s permission.

“The Guild Master has no intention of sending me abroad.”


“As you know, he’s not one to change his mind once he’s made a decision.”

Choi Geum-cheol looked curiously at him as he deliberately pointed out something that all close associates would know.

“But I’m confident I can persuade the Guild Master.”

“Haha. Is that so?”

Unwavering eyes, a clear voice and neat manner of speech, an attitude that was respectful yet brimming with confidence. It was behavior perfectly tailored to Chairman Choi Geum-cheol’s taste, who highly valued a firm stance and brave challenging spirit.

“Saying that to me means you want something in return, right?”

As befitting a conglomerate CEO who had built up his company through all sorts of experiences, Choi Geum-cheol quickly grasped the gist of his words. Ryu Seo-ha smiled gently yet confidently.

“Yes. If you’ll accept, I’d like to propose a deal. If I go to the IHL tournament for Gangseong Group, what will you do for me?”

Choi Geum-cheol enjoys making new deals. Of course, on the premise that mutual benefit is guaranteed. It’s like betting on who will gain more profit. Naturally, this was content he had seen in the original work.

“You’re bold.”

The corners of his wrinkled mouth were slightly raised as he said this. Choi Geum-cheol favored young people who confidently expressed their opinions without being intimidated in front of him. Of course, from a business perspective.

“I could find plenty of ways to force my will without your persuasion.”

“But it would cost you. Both materially and immaterially.”

“Alright, let’s hear it. What do you want?”

While directly meeting Choi Geum-cheol’s eyes, Ryu Seo-ha held up three fingers.

“30 billion won?”

“No. I have 3 requests.”

“Hmm, excessive greed invites disaster.”

“First, please guarantee FromHell Guild the priority bidding rights for the S-rank dungeon that appeared a few days ago.”

Choi Geum-cheol, who was about to lightly furrow his brow, paused. He seemed surprised that he was mentioning benefits at the guild level rather than personal compensation. Interest settled in his shrewd eyes.

“Second, please help me have a personal interview with the S-class healer from the Czech Republic within 2 weeks.”

“Hoho. You want to get a chance to grow quickly by absorbing a senior’s experience?”

Ryu Seo-ha, who left it for him to interpret on his own, continued speaking while still wearing a business smile.

“Lastly, I’d like you to promise.”


“That you’ll definitely grant one favor the Guild Master asks of you in the future.”


A hearty laugh burst out. A laugh that seemed to contain goodwill. However, Ryu Seo-ha didn’t rejoice prematurely. Choi Geum-cheol suddenly stopped laughing and tapped the table where the chopsticks were placed with his fingertip.

“Isn’t that too much of a losing deal for me?”

“Do you really think so?”

“Your guts are good, but you should learn more negotiation skills.”

“Semiconductor-mana compatibility technology. I heard that not only Gangseong Group, but also Taepyeong Group and Baekdu Group are betting their lives on it.”

Choi Geum-cheol’s eyes changed in an instant. However, the old chairman wasn’t easy to shake.

“If you think you can sway me with rumors you’ve picked up somewhere…”

“The company that secures this technology first will step up as the next-generation leader, right? The upcoming selection of policy partnership companies will have a big impact on the landscape. I want Gangseong Group to maintain its position as No. 1 in the business world.”

At his words, calmly recited neither too fast nor too slow, Choi Geum-cheol let out a sigh of “Huh.” He was impressed by the logical eloquence that gave a humble impression while clearly appealing that he understood the situation.

“Alright. I accept that deal.”

True to his strong-willed nature, Choi Geum-cheol gave a definitive answer without further haggling.

“I’ll contact you again when the oath paper is ready.”

Thus, the deal was successfully established. It wasn’t a bad outcome for something improvised on the spot. The remaining problem was persuading Choi Gang-hu, who was revealing his discomfort with a cold expression. For now, the three of them left the mansion.

“Hunter Ryu Seo-ha?”

And they encountered them. A police officer and detective pacing back and forth in front of a police car like dogs needing to pee.


Seeing Ryu Seo-ha, they approached with brightened expressions as if they had finally found him and gave a sharp salute. As he reflexively returned the greeting,

“I’m sorry, but please come with us.”

Suddenly, he heard they would be taking him to the police station.

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