A Terminal Healer Needs an Obsessive Maniac
Chapter 34 Table of contents

This private jet also has fighter jets for escort. According to international agreements concluded after the Great Change, the limit is up to 2 aircraft. However, it was not advisable to recklessly authorize engagement. There was a risk of it leading to an international dispute.

The five-star red flag was painted on the body of the opponent’s fighter jet shown on the monitor. It was a bright red flag that made it clear even from afar that it belonged to the People’s Republic of China.

“We’ve received a message from the cockpit. The Chinese Association says they will escort us and advises us to land at a nearby airport…”

“Message? How did they know?”


The flight attendant shook her head as if she didn’t know either. They decided to first inform Korea about the situation via satellite communication on the private jet. Also to check the list of Chinatown survivors.

After comparing the photos and faces with the received data, no matching information could be found for the last person. Not only in the Chinatown management list but also in the resident registration.

“It seems he’s likely of Chinese nationality. What should we do?”

“Ugh. Surely this won’t blow up into a diplomatic issue?”

“Mr. Ha, why even deploy fighter jets? It’s not like they’re threatening us.”

“For now, I think it’s better to land as advised. To avoid unnecessary friction.”

Koo Myung-ho, the leader of the delegation, decided to land the chartered plane with one destroyed engine at a newly established airport in northern Henan Province. The Awakened Management Bureau, which had been contacted, also recommended this option.

Choi Gang-hu, who had been observing Ryu Seo-ha’s expression, also issued instructions to land the private jet at the same airport for now. The delegation’s chartered flight that had been flying ahead landed first, followed by the Promhell Guild’s private jet.

As Ryu Seo-ha stepped down the aircraft stairs shortly after, he had to doubt his own eyes. This was because he saw a ceremonial guard, splendidly dressed in uniforms, marching vigorously across the runway that was as wide as a plaza.

Bam-pa-pa-pa─! The sound of the military band. Bang─! The sound of the salute gun following. Even the sight of young Communist Party members wearing red scarves like ties and waving red flags. It was the epitome of splendor.

The welcoming ceremony, conducted in a protocol format as if receiving a state guest, was enough to make one’s mind dizzy. The peak of the situation that was difficult to react to was the appearance of the Director of the Transcendent People’s Affairs Committee.

“Welcome to China! Hunter Ryu Seo-ha!”

“…Thank you for your hospitality.”

It was as if the head of the Disaster Management Agency in Korea had suddenly appeared. He was a state councilor in charge of managing millions of hunters.

“Oh! Your Chinese pronunciation is very fluent. Are your parents Chinese by any chance?”

As he gave a return greeting without going through an interpreter, Wang Jun-gul, the director of the committee, asked back with great joy.

“I’m pure Korean. Why, interested?”

Choi Gang-hu answered instead, pulling Ryu Seo-ha’s round shoulders into his arms. The interpreter flinched and followed with a voice translating the words into the most polite expression possible.

“Haha. What organization wouldn’t be? Welcome to Choi Gang-hu, the Guild Master, too. Well, shall we go inside and talk?”

Following the guidance, the delegation group entered the reception room of the building parked next to the runway and couldn’t help but gape at the lavish feast set before them. It was enough to make one wonder if this was what was meant by a feast fit for kings.

“Our People’s Republic of China never mistreats guests. Please eat and rest abundantly until the plane is fixed.”

Wang Jun-gul gestured with a warm smile. The cameras of the Chinese state broadcasting company, which had been following from the runway, were capturing the delegation’s surprised expressions in their lenses.

“Before that, may I ask how you knew about the terrorist act right away and came into contact?”

Kwon Se-jeong, who was in charge of overseeing the practical aspects, responded in a firm tone. There were more than a few suspicious points.

Starting with the protocol event that seemed to have been waiting to proceed. The exceptionally generous treatment seemed difficult to implement without preparation.

“Ahem. As it happens, a joint military-hunter training was taking place in Henan Province. A search-type hunter detected the situation at the time and informed us, and the Chinese army responded quickly, that’s all.”

It was an explanation difficult to believe easily. There was a military exercise in this area by chance, and the highest official of the Chinese Association happened to come to see it by chance, and an aircraft terrorism incident happened to occur in the airspace nearby?

Rather, it would be more rational to infer that they had used unregistered illegal Awakened with biased ideologies and Chinatown survivors who held grudges against the Korean government to lure them here.

At the very least, there was a high possibility that they had guided it. But for what purpose? To gain an opportunity to recruit a rare S-class healer? If that was the reason, wouldn’t they have chosen another method that would be easier to gain favor?

No matter how straightforward Kwon Se-jeong’s personality was, she couldn’t question Wang Jun-gul about the truth. The issue of responsibility and compensation for the attempted aircraft terrorism should be left to the diplomats.

“I see. Will extradition of the criminals be possible? We wish to punish the terrorists in Korea.”

But they couldn’t just agree either. Although the fighter pilot had succeeded in an emergency escape, the captain of the delegation’s chartered flight had died in the line of duty.

“We should cooperate as much as possible for an amicable resolution. Even if the trial is held in your country, I promise in my name that they will be strictly punished.”

Despite Kwon Se-jeong’s somewhat stiff attitude in asking again, Wang Jun-gul gave a much more docile answer than expected.

“More than that, why don’t we eat first? You must be feeling very hungry after going through such a big ordeal.”

At the repeated invitation and gesture, the Korean delegation reluctantly began to sit down one by one.

“Ah, we’ve prepared a separate room for Hunter Ryu Seo-ha to dine in. There’s a conversation I’d like to have quietly.”

Wang Jun-gul’s additional comment, casually delivered, was within the expected range. It was an obvious ploy, but it couldn’t be taken lightly. Because the army deployed outside was acting as a means of pressure.

“Actually, I…”

But he couldn’t just follow along alone. Ryu Seo-ha, lowering his long eyelashes pitifully, gently grasped the collar of Choi Gang-hu standing next to him with his slender fingers.

“I’m very shy…”

If they come out shamelessly, we should respond with a similar attitude. After all, the situation wasn’t favorable to refuse outright.

“There have been too many strangers since earlier…”

He trailed off, visibly drooping his eye corners and slightly hunching his shoulders. With enough exaggeration that anyone could notice it was an act.

“I’m scared to be alone…”

The sound of Choi Gang-hu chuckling could be heard. Muffled laughter occasionally rose from where the Korean delegation was seated.

“Haha. Then shall we have Choi Gang-hu, the Guild Master, join for the meal too? You’re from the same guild anyway.”

I thought he might show displeasure, but Wang Jun-gul’s attitude remained friendly. As if to proudly show that this is what the generosity of a great nation looks like.

Glancing up, he saw Choi Gang-hu nodding slightly as if to say do as you please. He also felt the touch of Choi Gang-hu patting his shoulder a couple of times with a smile.

The two people who followed Wang Jun-gul were guided to a table piled high with various foods. The high-grade soundproofing item attached to the door frame caught their attention.

“I’d like to get to the point without dragging this out.”

As soon as the door closed, Choi Gang-hu bluntly said to state the business. Wang Jun-gul’s expression became more serious.

“We need Hunter Ryu Seo-ha’s help.”

“I’m sure you do. Let’s hear it. What kind of help do you need that you caused all this fuss?”

The interpreter was busy finding euphemistic expressions, sweating at Choi Gang-hu’s attitude of sneering in a cold tone.

“…The Chairman is in a situation where he needs a healer’s treatment.”

The voice of Wang Jun-gul, who uttered the word referring to the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, the country’s number one figure and head of state, was trembling slightly.

Come to think of it, it had been about a month since the Chinese Chairman had appeared in public. According to the original work, China was soon to face a chaotic political situation due to the issue of power transfer.

The detailed background hadn’t been known, but it seems the Chairman had developed health problems. It was a reason enough to forcibly make an S-class healer set foot in their country.

“We Chinese are a people who repay even a drop of water’s kindness with a bountiful spring. If you just help us, we will consider Hunter Ryu Seo-ha as one of our own and be grateful for life.”

Wang Jun-gul made a pledge that felt even solemn. It was a typical Chinese attitude, accustomed to valuing righteousness, normalizing guanxi, and distinguishing between their own people and outsiders.

“Before making a decision, there’s one thing I’d like to ask, if that’s okay?”

Ryu Seo-ha, who had been quietly observing the emphasis on loyalty, softly opened his mouth.

“Of course. I’ll answer sincerely.”

A faint smile appeared on his lips as he faced Wang Jun-gul, who was nodding his head several times.

“Was the attempted aircraft hijacking really unrelated to the authorities?”

Wang Jun-gul’s pupils trembled slightly as he faced the black eyes that sparkled mysteriously like starlight falling on a night sea. The intuition of a man who had long survived as a high-ranking official was telling him. That the single word answer he was about to utter would decisively determine his relationship of trust with Ryu Seo-ha. And that even if he tried to build goodwill on lies, it would crumble easily like a sand castle.

“…I’m sorry. It wasn’t our intention, but I’m ashamed.”

Wang Jun-gul, who had made a quick judgment in that short moment, bowed his head deeply with a polite apology.

“So you’re saying it wasn’t unrelated.”

“I’ll explain the circumstances in full detail. But before that, there’s something I’d like to show you…”

The two people, following Wang Jun-gul who was acting as if gauging their reaction, moved to the adjacent building and entered a bedroom with classical interior that looked like it could be from a historical drama set.

And they faced it. An ominous silhouette visible beyond the screen made of thin, long bamboo poles. It was an outline that looked closer to a beast, or perhaps a monster, rather than a human.

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