A Terminal Healer Needs an Obsessive Maniac
Chapter 39 Table of contents

It was Jung Woo-bin, the S-rank spatial hunter participating in the IHL as part of the Korean delegation.

“What a coincidence to see you here. I’m lucky.”

His likable face clearly showed delight.

“Are you here to eat ice cream? I’ll buy it for you.”

“No, thank you.”

Though he firmly refused and stepped back pointedly, Jung Woo-bin paid no heed.

“Why not? You used to like ice cream.”


“Remember? We often ran into each other in front of the convenience store when we were young. Looking back now, I guess I was deliberately hanging around hoping to see you.”

“Hunter Jung Woo-bin.”

“You’d hesitate for a long time and then end up leaving without buying anything, right? It’s not like you didn’t have money.”

His attempt to create familiarity using childhood memories was uncomfortable. Though Choi Gang-hu’s forceful approach was similar, the feeling was completely different. Beyond being burdensome, it felt unpleasant.

“So today, I’ll buy it for you. You liked strawberry flavor, right? How about it?”

“I’ll pass.”

Even as he calmly pushed him away with furrowed brows, Jung Woo-bin didn’t give up easily.

“You’re still acting like you don’t want it even though you do, just like when you were a mature kid. Seo-ha, someone like you can live showing everything you want.”

“I’ll manage my own life, thank you.”

“Hmm, then do you want bread? You liked bread too, right? They say that’s traditional Italian bread.”

He shook his head again at Jung Woo-bin, who was pointing at a loaf of bread as big as a decent-sized pot. The bright, elated mood was gradually sinking. It felt like even the memories that had remained joyful were being painted over in gray.


“You’re persistent.”

A cool voice cut off the repeated invitations that kept coming without pause. It was Choi Gang-hu, who had been silently watching Ryu Seo-ha’s responses. Only then did Jung Woo-bin’s gaze shift to him.

“What did you just say…”

“He said no. Shouldn’t you take the hint and disappear by now?”

The dry voice pointed out the excessive clinginess. It was telling him to get lost on his own. Jung Woo-bin’s brows furrowed. There was an ominous feeling that a meaningless argument would continue.

“Hmm, interesting. To think the Promhell Guild Master would say such things.”

As expected, he showed no intention of backing down meekly. A sigh naturally escaped. He wasn’t like this in my memories. Has he changed from being revered by everyone from too young an age?

“I heard rumors that you went to the bathhouse where Seo-ha was staying and begged. Isn’t that stalking at that point?”

The mocking words were repeatedly crossing the line. Choi Gang-hu’s expression was unreadable.

“I’m sure you sweet-talked an ignorant kid with money and got him to sign. Then you probably dumped all sorts of work on him to get your money’s worth.”

Whether due to his talent that allowed him to thrive without social skills, or the environment that indulged him, his attitude subtly deviated from the normal range.

“Hunter Jung Woo-bin. What are you doing right now?”

Jung Woo-bin’s eyes widened at Ryu Seo-ha’s sharp rebuke in an unusually cold voice.

“You’re being extremely rude.”


Genuine surprise was evident in his questioning voice. As if he was hearing this for the first time in his life.

“Choosing Promhell Guild was entirely my own will. The Guild Master has never once forced me to do anything I disliked.”


“On the other hand, Hunter Jung Woo-bin keeps ignoring what I’m saying.”

As if he hadn’t expected such a cold response at all, Jung Woo-bin looked quite shocked.

“Ignore? That can’t be. I just wanted to be like before with you again…”

“I clearly remember asking for professional treatment.”

Jung Woo-bin could only open and close his mouth with an aggrieved expression at Ryu Seo-ha’s attitude of drawing a clear line.

“If that’s difficult, I’d prefer if you just pretended not to know me at all.”

“How can I pretend not to know you? I have a debt of gratitude to repay to you…”

“If that’s how you feel, you should respect my wishes even more.”

“Seo-ha, your resentment towards me is understandable. But give me a chance to make amends…”

“This isn’t going anywhere. Mr. Choi, would it be okay if we eat gelato later?”

Cutting off the conversation as if talking to a wall, Ryu Seo-ha sought Choi Gang-hu’s understanding with an apologetic look, glancing at the shop staff.

“No, eat your gelato. We’ll continue this talk in the evening. The party will be long when the director arrives too.”

Jung Woo-bin hastily waved his hands and shook his head. Director? Party? As he paused at this unfamiliar topic, a gleam passed through Jung Woo-bin’s eyes as he was about to leave the store.

“You didn’t know? Kwon Se-jeong should have called around. The delegation’s atmosphere has become unsettled for various reasons. So Director Hwang Moon-seok came personally to throw an encouragement party.”

Ignoring the explanation that poured out as if seizing the opportunity to continue the conversation, he fumbled in his pocket. But there was nothing there.

His phone had disappeared without a trace. He carefully retraced his memory. The last time he checked was… right before eating the grilled pork belly. He had definitely put it safely in his coat pocket.

“What’s wrong? Did you lose your phone?”

Instead of answering Jung Woo-bin, who was actively offering to help look for it, Ryu Seo-ha turned his head to look up at Choi Gang-hu. It was because of a strange premonition. It was in the realm of intuition without clear evidence.


The man who would normally immediately have his secretary buy a replacement or at least pretend to help look was strangely quiet.

“We should find it quickly. I’ll try calling. I got the delegation’s contact list in advance and saved it. I have your number too.”

Before he could refuse, Jung Woo-bin took out his phone and pressed a speed dial number. A few seconds later, a very faint vibration sound was heard. From inside Choi Gang-hu’s long coat pocket.

It was such a faint noise that he wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t already been focusing his attention on him. Judging by the repeated vibrations, it seemed a call was coming in.

It was a tremor that Jung Woo-bin, with his sensory stats far superior to Ryu Seo-ha’s, couldn’t possibly fail to notice. He also seemed to sense something suspicious about the timing, as his dubious gaze turned towards Choi Gang-hu.

“It seems you have a call.”

The voice, full of suspicion, subtly demanded that he take out the object in his pocket. Choi Gang-hu let out a short sigh. Sure enough, what emerged in his large hand was Ryu Seo-ha’s phone.

“Ah, I had left it with the Guild Master for a moment. I forgot about that.”

Perhaps because he had anticipated this to some extent, he was able to smile brightly and smoothly recite the lie. Choi Gang-hu’s pupils trembled slightly as their eyes met directly.

“You left your phone with him? Why?”

Of course, Jung Woo-bin wouldn’t simply accept the flimsy excuse he had made up on the spot.

“It’s a rare free time. I didn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.”

Once he started, the lies flowed smoothly. Though he appeared calm on the outside, it was as desperate an attempt as when he had lied to escape an urgent crisis in Chinatown.

Without time to weigh pros and cons, he found himself defending Choi Gang-hu. Fearing that arrows of criticism might fly at Choi Gang-hu, that his image might be damaged over a trivial matter.

“Well, if he hid it without saying anything, that’s completely trashy. So sneaky.”

Ryu Seo-ha frowned at the criticism shot despite his efforts and shook his head.

“…Then, I ask again that you please keep an appropriate distance when we meet next time.”

Feeling no need to stay any longer, he took Choi Gang-hu’s hand and left the store. He was much more concerned about the staff than Jung Woo-bin’s disappointed expression. He must come back later and buy a lot to make up for it.

He walked quickly with large strides in case Jung Woo-bin might follow. When he came to his senses, he was already on the steps of the Rialto Bridge crossing the Grand Canal.


He belatedly realized he was tightly holding Choi Gang-hu’s hand and stopped in surprise as he tried to let go. The deep gaze like a night sea where even waves had fallen asleep put on the brakes. His fingers curled up with a strange feeling.

“I’m sorry.”

“…For what?”

Choi Gang-hu’s appearance, apologizing softly while squeezing his hand, was unfamiliar. He bit his lip slightly at his own gruff response that came out for no reason.

“For hiding your belongings and pretending not to know.”

It was strange. He didn’t feel like getting angry at all. Was it because he heard the honest confession, albeit late? Or because the lingering feelings from the enjoyable yacht tour remained?

“Why did you do that?”

He was just curious. The reason why a man who lacked nothing had touched his belongings.

“I didn’t want our time together to be interrupted by anyone.”

The same excuse he had recited earlier came back. The black eyes he met were telling him. That it wasn’t an insincere lie made up to avoid the situation, but a reason filled with sincerity.

“…In the future, please tell me directly in such cases. I’ll turn off my phone.”

Choi Gang-hu’s eyes widened. His expression was one of disbelief, as if doubting whether he had heard correctly.

“I should contact Hunter Kwon Se-jeong first. Whether we attend the party or not.”

Choi Gang-hu, who had obediently placed the phone on his outstretched hand, stared at his face as if still unable to believe it. Ryu Seo-ha first checked the missed calls and messages and sent a reply.

“Mr. Choi.”

After putting the phone back in his coat pocket, he quietly called his name. Choi Gang-hu, who had been leaning against the closed door of an arcade shop, straightened up. With a slightly tense expression unlike him.

“I think I need a change of mood.”

That rare appearance somehow looked cute to him. Maybe his eyes had gone strange from experiencing mood swings close to bipolar disorder all day today.

“I want to sightsee, so please take me on the most expensive gondola in this city.”

Choi Gang-hu, who had been looking at him with a strange expression at the unexpected suggestion, nodded with a rather large movement.


A deep smile bloomed luxuriantly across his sculpture-like face.

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