A Terminal Healer Needs an Obsessive Maniac
Chapter 48 Table of contents

In the end, Ryu Seo-ha successfully withstood Ogawa Taiki’s offensive until the other hunters joined at the base. While protecting even the medical staff with his back to the door hiding the core.

As the Korean representative players moved en masse, the Japanese representative players also immediately gathered at the Korean side’s base, and when the combatants from both sides met, the game quickly turned into a melee.

Korea (Win) : Japan (Loss)

The result of the match caused considerable repercussions.

Japan’s samurai, shocking shutout loss!

Gamblers from around the world: “Even you, Japan?”

First shutout loss of the season… Japanese delegation hangs heads

It was a situation that deviated from the odds or win rate prediction programs, as the Japanese team, which was expected to have the upper hand in various numerical metrics, lost, and the content of the match was shocking. It’s not common for an all-out battle to occur inside, not even near the defense facility, and the situation where all members of the invading team were disqualified instead.

S-rank healer Ryu Seo-ha selected as MOM!

Historic first! Medical staff named Player of the Day instead of combatant!

Thrilling comeback victory! Rewatch Korea-Japan IHL team first round

Naturally, all attention was focused on the greatest contributor who led to this outcome. Not only domestic but also foreign media covered the issue as a major topic,

Can a healer do that too? ???? Amazing!

It wasn’t arrogance that he applied for combat in the practical test! XD

Ryu is so beautiful Ily!

Serves Japan right 555 They were so arrogant during the Bangkok joint conquest 5555

It was an interesting match grz to all participants

I want to see him in person soon <3 I’m going to apply for a fan meeting right now LOL

Oh friend, fan meetings don’t apply to medical staff

What? OMG that’s unfair ???? I came to Venice buying expensive tickets to attend fan meetings!

Why? Am I the only one confused now? What is this ?(°Д°≡°Д°)?

It’s okay! You’ll do better in the next match! Let’s all cheer together! ( *´д)/(´д`、)

Ogawa is so embarrassing (笑)

Hope Taiki-chi’s heart isn’t too hurt (╯︵╰,)

Regardless of country, this match’s topic hit peak popularity in internet communities of various nations.

Drunk on national pridеlolololol Catharsis is crazy

No way a level 1 healing type wrecked a level 100 elemental typelololol

Phew! Bartender! Bring out the drinks today!

I think I’m going crazy I think I’m going crazy I think I’m going crazy

Keep rewatching the replay Legend of legends

Of course, those who reacted most hotly were Korean netizens.

Correction: Ryu Seo-ha turns out to be S-rank dealer!

Seems like he can do DPS, tank, and heal all by himself seriously

Damn his movement is insane even watching again;

If he just had offensive items he could’ve really taken on Ogawa?

Is Ryu Seo-ha a god Is Ryu Seo-ha a god Is Ryu Seo-ha a god Is Ryu Seo-ha a god

Could take him on my ass You think S-rank combat types look easy just because we won once?lol

Bye honorary Japanese? Saw your heal under DPS well~

Fact: Ogawa was already exhausted from digging and just managed to make two B-rank golems before it was over

That’s what he gets for shoveling lololol

This is the first time I’ve really felt how amazing the supporter role is

No wonder Ryu Seo-ha, who had recently risen as a hot icon, showed notable performance at a global festival, it was enough to bring out evaporated patriotism and make merry.

“Hunter Ryu Seo-ha! Just one more word…!”

The heat of coverage shown by reporters always chasing trends was also intense on site. They were in a mood to follow even into the players’ tunnel of the main stadium.

Immediately after coming out of the artificial dungeon, he went through the MOM selection commemoration interview procedure that everyone selected as Player of the Day does. But because he only gave very polite and exemplary answers, it seemed they wanted to draw out a much more stimulating title.

I think we were able to achieve good results because the efforts of all national representative players came together, I’m especially grateful to the Promhell Guild Master who worked hard in various ways for safety. What more should I say besides this?

“Ugh, reporters are spread out all over the exit too!”

A hunter who had first checked the exit to move through, befitting a pro scout for team matches, complained to the delegation leader, Koo Myung-ho.

At this rate, the entire team’s feet would be tied. Some people have to compete in other events tomorrow too.

“I’ll go separately…”

Just as he was about to say he’d move separately, feeling like he was causing trouble unintentionally, he felt the firmness of an arm wrapping around his waist. It was a familiar touch and body scent.

“Ryu Seo-ha’s official schedule for today is over, right?”

A familiar voice echoed softly through the players-only tunnel. When he looked up, he saw a sculpted side profile. Choi Gang-hu’s gaze directed at others gave an awkward feeling.

“Yes. You can move separately. I’ll tell Hunter Kwon Se-jeong.”

As soon as Koo Myung-ho, who had met eyes that seemed almost coercive, answered readily,


The scene reflected in his vision changed in an instant. From the main stadium of the competition island to the castle-like villa located on a nearby uninhabited island.

As he leaned against the wall due to slight dizziness, more strength was added to the thick arm wrapped around his waist. Then his body was lifted into the air.


Startled by the sudden embrace, Ryu Seo-ha ended up grabbing Choi Gang-hu’s angular shoulders tightly. His fingernails scratched at Choi Gang-hu’s shoulder and arm muscles as if clawing.

Only upon hearing the splashing sound of water did he realize. The place where Choi Gang-hu had lifted and placed him down, treating him like a child, was a round jacuzzi.

“Are your feet okay?”


A fluffy blanket had been laid out on the white marble bathtub frame in advance, so his bottom wasn’t cold or uncomfortable. The warm water temperature that made his body feel relaxed and the water pressure of the bubbles rising were just right.

“I’m sorry.”

Only Choi Gang-hu, who suddenly apologized while taking off the walker-type item that didn’t even get wet, felt excessive.

“I didn’t expect it to be used so much.”

His voice mixed with a sigh was uncharacteristically covered in self-blame. His furrowed eyebrows, as if upset, caught attention. Ryu Seo-ha lowered his eyes diagonally, feeling like he might say it’s okay as if bewitched.

“…What is?”

He quietly asked back while watching the action of taking off wet socks after shoes. If what he was guessing was true, he intended to seriously question it.

“That item, I controlled it remotely.”

Choi Gang-hu, pointing with his eyes at part of the S-grade defensive gear set thrown outside the jacuzzi, spread his hand and wrapped it around his white soles. It was a hand large enough to cover both feet.

“Why did you do that?”

That’s a clear violation of rules, it’s unacceptable unfair intervention, it was an action that deceived not only the organizers but also the national representative hunters of Korea and Japan… Somehow, instead of the words he was about to spit out, he ended up asking the reason first.

“I was afraid Ryu Seo-ha would get hurt.”

“You’d be disqualified and forcibly moved before that happens.”

“I didn’t like leaving even the slightest possibility.”

Suddenly, he remembered that he had said something similar in context when watching the Vietnam vs Greece team match. The sight of him disliking even virtual avatar attacks from other hunters brushing by.

“Even so, in an international competition… Ah.”

Ryu Seo-ha, who was about to open his mouth with a hardened expression, couldn’t help but let out a faint moan at the touch fiddling with the tender skin in the middle of his sole. His toes curled tightly from the ticklishness.

Whatever Choi Gang-hu’s intention was, he couldn’t just let the wrong parts slide, this was essentially match-fixing, the content of the words he was about to say angrily evaporated from his mind.

“Was it very hot?”

A voice mixed with faint worry settled on his ankle as ticklishly as the touch.

“You probably felt a burning sensation as the mana I had blown into the shoes in advance moved intensely.”

“Wait, your hand…!”

“I’ll massage it. Until the hot feeling subsides.”

“Ugh, let go of my foot…!”

“Relax and stretch your legs comfortably,”

“I said let go!”

Unable to endure the one-sided touch any longer, Ryu Seo-ha kicked Choi Gang-hu away hard with his foot. The abdomen touched by his sole was as hard as a rock.

The rock-like body didn’t budge at all, but the hand that had been kneading his foot stopped abruptly. In that gap, he quickly folded his legs and withdrew his feet.



An awkward and uncomfortable silence pressed down on the air. The sound of water droplets that had splashed when he kicked with his foot earlier dripping from his long eyelashes sounded excessively loud.

Ryu Seo-ha tightly grasped the hem of his soaking wet shirt with pale fingers. It was the first time. Expressing his refusal so unrestrictedly, even raising his voice like this.

Beyond bewilderment, he swallowed his breath as momentary indescribable fear struck him. It felt like walking precariously on a thousand-foot cliff and having both the front and back paths cut off, unable to move forward or backward.

Not just to Choi Gang-hu, but since being born into this world, he had never done this to anyone. He shouldn’t express his emotions, especially negative emotions, so easily like this.

“Ryu Seo-ha.”

Choi Gang-hu, who had been silent for a moment, quietly called his name. His usually low and affectionate voice felt needlessly dark and desolate, making Ryu Seo-ha flinch and lean his upper body backward.

“…I’m sorry.”

The words of apology came out reflexively. Not having the courage to meet his eyes, he lowered his wet eyelashes long.

A small breeze brushed over his tightly curled knees. It was Choi Gang-hu’s faintly exhaled sigh.

“Why is Ryu Seo-ha apologizing?”

As if choosing his words for a moment, he slowly knelt down on one knee on the water-filled bathtub floor. The man’s face, carefully matching eye level, was soaked with water.

“It’s all my fault.”

His eyes, like deep oceans, were too.

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