Seoul Object Story
Chapter 253 Table of contents

A Golden Reaper was slowly ascending the Candy Mountain Range, which towered sharply like needles and reached heights that seemed endless.

All the other Golden Reapers who had started the climb had disappeared, leaving this one Golden Reaper on the verge of reaching the peak.

As the Golden Reaper neared the summit, they saw a massive candy boulder split open, revealing its inner layers.

"That looks delicious."

Like a well-polished gemstone, layers of various colored candies were stacked to form the boulder.

In the center of the boulder was a beautiful, crystal-like lemon-colored candy, solidified into a gleaming gem.

The Golden Reaper gaped at it, mouth slightly open, almost as if they were being pulled towards it. But they quickly shook their head to banish the temptation.


Swallowing their saliva, the Golden Reaper hurried onward.

No Golden Reaper had ever conquered the Candy Mountain Range.

Behind it lay all sorts of tempting candy boulders.

Many Golden Reapers had tried to traverse the unexplored territory, but they always gave in to the allure of the candy and abandoned the climb.

And after feasting on those delicious candy rocks, they’d inevitably find themselves heading back to the lab.

The irresistible flavor of the candy made them long to share it with their favorite human or perhaps with Mom.

Reflecting on the story their Orange sibling had shared, the Golden Reaper renewed their resolve.

"Beyond the mountains lies the tastiest pudding in the Mini Reaper Garden!"

Though the Orange Reaper, like Mom, often told lies, the Golden Reaper firmly believed there would be an amazing view and delicious treats beyond the mountain, and they pressed on.

Upon reaching the summit, the Golden Reaper instinctively threw their arms up in a victory pose.

The Golden Reaper’s eyes sparkled as they took in the spectacular view, split between white and black.

On one side lay the vast white snowfield stretching to the horizon.

On the other, the endless sea of hot chocolate surrounding the Mini Reaper Garden.

It was a mystical boundary where the cold, white snowfield met the warm, dark sea of hot chocolate.

A cold breeze blew from the snowfield, carrying a scent unlike anything in the garden.

It was cold, sweet, and had a milk-like fragrance.

The Golden Reaper wore a look of sheer joy, then raced down the mountainside, tumbling head over heels.

Roll, roll. Plop.

Finally, they crashed into the soft snow, sinking into it.

Munch, munch.

Buried in the snow, the Golden Reaper nibbled on the snow that had entered their mouth, then opened their eyes wide.


They beamed, excited to share the news with the other Golden Reapers.

I hid inside a hamster vending machine, the size of a small building, watching the Mini Reapers roaming around the snowfield.

What had once been an empty snowfield was now teeming with Mini Reapers.

The most striking feature in this Mini Reaper-filled snowfield was a large snow sculpture.

It depicted the Orange Reaper pointing beyond the mountain and a Golden Reaper climbing it with all their might.

"Was it ‘Beyond the mountain lies the best pudding’?"

Knowing there had been nothing but the hot chocolate sea beyond the mountain before my trip to Russia, I found the notion amusing.

It was clear the Orange Reaper, who could fly over the mountain, had tricked the Golden Reaper with a lie, yet somehow it had partially become true.

Perhaps because of this, some Golden Reapers were still scouring the snowfield in search of the "legendary pudding."

Meanwhile, I spotted a Golden Reaper with its antennae raised near the vending machine.

The Golden Reaper clutched a sugar-coated fruit it had taken a bite from.

Whenever a Golden Reaper tasted the vending machine’s fruits for the first time, they always had a similar reaction.

Their eyes widened with delight, and their antennae shot up as if to the heavens.

Well, hamster-made sugared fruits do taste good.

Glancing to the side, I noticed the hamster tearfully losing its fruits.

Satisfied with the hamster’s suffering, I observed it until a tiny golden face popped up in the corner of the vending machine.

A curious Golden Reaper had used ghosting to peek inside.

Its cheeks were puffed with sugar fruit, blending curiosity with hunger.


Peering into the vending machine’s interior, the Golden Reaper had spotted the hidden hamster.

Surprised, it rubbed its eyes with both hands, unable to believe what it saw.

But the sight remained unchanged.

Why is it acting like that?

Then it dawned on me why the Golden Reaper might react that way.

From their perspective, they saw a hamster without limbs, bound and crying endlessly.

A Sugar Flamingo, poking at the hamster to produce sugared fruits.

And me, laughing like an evil boss as I watched the whole thing unfold.

A scene of adorable hamster exploitation!

Apparently angered, the Golden Reaper dashed toward me.

Reaching my side, the Golden Reaper planted its hands on its hips and glared up at me, looking so adorable that I couldn’t help but chuckle.

When I just kept laughing, the Golden Reaper climbed up to my face and started throwing tiny punches.

Puff, puff.

Grinning, I gently cupped the Golden Reaper in my hands.

Then I brought it to my lips and whispered a small intention in its ear.

"The scar on Yerin’s neck. This hamster did it."

Shocked, the Golden Reaper alternated its gaze between me and the hamster.



Doubtful, the Golden Reaper asked again.

Come to think of it, ever since the trick with the two candies, the Golden Reapers have been double-checking things more often.

Could there be a rule about this?

Surely they don’t have something like a credit rating system, right?

Sweet Golden Reapers couldn’t possibly do anything so daunting.


While I nodded, lost in thought, the Golden Reaper disappeared briefly and returned with a sharp toothpick.


Standing beside the hamster, it poked the hamster’s belly with the toothpick, urging it to produce more fruit.

Occasionally, it’d even sneak a fruit meant for the vending machine outside and munch on it when hungry.

And so, another employee was added to the vending machine staff.

Time had passed since the Siberian incident was resolved.

At Sehee Lab, things were peaceful. Even the head researcher, Oh Yerin, and the Gray Reaper weren’t causing any trouble.

Seoa was capturing something on multiple cameras during this quiet period.

On the plain camcorder, a Golden Reaper played with a joyful expression.

It sat on the table in the deputy director’s office, clapping its hands as if playing a clapping game with an invisible partner.

Something was off, though.

It looked as if it were clapping against an unseen presence.

Switching to another camera, the scene was slightly different.

The Golden Reaper and the Sprout Reaper faced each other, happily clapping their hands together.

"Just as I thought, Sprout is a spirit."

Watching, Seoa recorded various phenomena.

Noticing the camera, the Sprout Reaper stuck out a tiny tongue, playfully making a face.

Seoa chuckled softly, amused by its cute behavior.

There were many other observations as well.

Sometimes the Golden Reaper’s sudden disappearances were due to ghosting or returning to the Mini Reaper Garden.

It also turned out that Mini Reapers could sense when they were being recorded by a spirit camera, unlike other cameras.

Even when she tried to sneak up on them, they’d notice instantly and turn around.

Seoa documented the different reactions of each Mini Reaper.

The Sprout Reaper usually stuck its tongue out, while the Golden Reaper would charge straight at the camera.

Each Mini Reaper had its unique way of responding.

"I’m glad James lent me the spirit camera."

Pleased to be using a device that was impossible to obtain domestically, Seoa smiled with satisfaction.

Of course, the footage couldn’t be published officially.

Since the equipment was borrowed unofficially, it was wise to keep things discreet.

From the deputy director’s office, the TV’s faint sound filled the room.

[So, does that mean it’s been 20 years since an Object last appeared in southern Italy?]

[Yes. Ever since the Star’s Blessing descended upon southern Italy, it’s been like that.]

[Wow, that’s incredible.]

The report discussed how southern Italy had been avoided for twenty years.


The area was known for having an Object that repelled other Objects, attracting countless researchers.

None of whom had ever returned.

In the inner courtyard of Sehee Lab, at the Cloud Fish Dock.

Many Mini Reapers had gathered to wave at the black-painted Cloud Fish.

"Awesome sibling!"

"Come back safely!"

The black Cloud Fish was reserved for Purple Reapers who hadn’t yet found their human attachment at Sehee Lab.

A Purple Reaper was seated on each Cloud Fish.

The Purple Reapers looked down at the Mini Reapers, nodded, then turned around with a flick of their cloaks.

The black Cloud Fish began to rise slowly into the sky.

Their destination: the world!

The Purple Reapers’ adventure to find their perfect human attachment had begun.

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