Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 2 Ch. 87 Table of contents

Returning to the main story, after obtaining the right to use the “Ring of Demon God’s Protection,” Violet took everything out of it and checked each item one by one.


After all, being a prince’s personal belongings, Ben probably didn’t expect someone to directly steal his ring, so he had left quite a few valuable things in it.


Firstly, there was money.


As a noble of Ben’s status, he would rarely use the common Human United Kingdom currencies of copper, silver, and gold. Besides a small amount of pocket change in the form of gold coins, the rest were high-level magic crystals and something similar to silver notes that were used for bartering.


Violet casually picked up two of them and looked.


“Oh my?”


These “silver notes” all had denominations in units of ten thousand gold coins, and there were even denominations of one hundred thousand!


Just by looking at this thick stack, it was estimated to be worth at least a few hundred million gold coins!?


This didn’t even account for the magic crystals whose value Violet couldn’t estimate.


Hiss… This guy is really wealthy. As a prince without land and taxes, where did he get so much wealth?


However, since it was all laid out in front of Violet, the priestess could only silently express her gratitude in her heart and then happily say.


“Give it here!”


Without any hesitation, Violet threw all of these immense wealth into her backpack, and she didn’t feel a bit guilty about it.


When Lilya handed her the ring, Violet must have anticipated that there would be valuable items inside. The princess’s implication was clear—everything inside belonged to Violet by default.


Although the priestess didn’t usually need much money, having some extra wealth was never a bad thing.


Now, she could consider herself a small rich woman.




As for where this money came from, was it important? Even if it was obtained through the sweat and toil of the common people, Violet had no goal or obligation to return it. While this amount of money seemed significant, it was just a drop in the bucket for a country.


Maybe it was just Ben’s pocket money.


After glancing over the most ordinary things, Violet roughly scanned a few purple magic equipment items, which were likely either for Ben’s personal use or for collection.


Although these items might be treasures for most people in this world, the priestess didn’t find them particularly extraordinary.


She decided to keep them, perhaps she could use them as gifts or for trading in the future. The longer Violet stayed in this world, the more she realized that high-level equipment in Illusory World attracted too much attention.


In the future, she should try to avoid incidents like the one where she gave Uncle Lester that golden “Soul of the Black Knight” shield.


Speaking of which, she wondered how that guy was doing now?


The reason why artifacts are called artifacts is that they already possess the most basic spirituality. Except for the user, ordinary people can’t determine their grade just by looking at them. So, as long as Lester wasn’t foolish enough to disclose it, there shouldn’t be anyone who knew it was a valuable golden item.


The priestess was certainly too lazy to make a special trip, but when Lilya became the queen, she might ask her to quietly inquire about it in the Syl City.


After looking at a few pieces of equipment, there wasn’t much left. The “Ring of Demon God’s Protection” was only a semi-finished product, with its main functions being to conceal one’s presence and provide defense, and its storage space was quite limited.


There were three other items.


A mysteriously black-gray token, a letter, and… a silver key?


The token was just an ordinary item with no magical fluctuations, likely similar to the “Bird Token” that Lilya gave, symbolizing the princess’s identity and carrying some special significance. However, Violet hadn’t yet figured out its specific purpose.


The skill “Information Detection” could only investigate living beings or those with magical fluctuations, meaning items of at least purple quality or above. For lower-quality items, such information couldn’t be stored on the item for an extended period.


For ordinary items, the investigation would at most display information like “made by XXX,” “effects,” and “current status.” There was no way to trace their origins or see their past experiences and history.


This was the conclusion that Violet had repeatedly experimented with after crossing over.


Interestingly, on this token… there was an engraving of a coiled emerald green snake, its tongue protruding, and its venomous fangs gleaming with a cold light, giving off a chilling sensation.


Violet remembered that Anastasia in Flame Dragon City had also mentioned that the person who led the Eternal Throne to steal the “Heart of the Red Dragon” had a green snake tattooed on the back of his hand, and he was not undead.


Moreover, she had already remembered something not long ago.


When Violet first arrived in this world, in the Dark Thicket, she encountered a peculiar villager named Carl Perkins who mentioned a “green snake.” It was also in that place where Violet found the “Demon God’s Gem (Fragment).” Could there be a connection between them?


Quite interesting.


As for the silver key, it was enveloped in a certain special aura, seeming to have a relatively high specification. However, after researching for a while, Violet couldn’t figure out what it was for.


The description provided by the investigation skill was: “One of the Three March Keys to open the gate. Requires collecting all keys to activate its power.”


Just a simple sentence.


Usually, when such vague descriptions appear, there are two possibilities.


Either the item is too damaged, and much of the information is already missing, making it impossible for “Information Detection” to fabricate information.


The other possibility is more intriguing.


The position or “mystery” contained in this key is too high. Even if Violet were to max out her detection skill, she could only glean this much information.


It’s not entirely impossible, considering that Violet’s main profession is a priest. Even if she maxes out the universal basic skill “Information Detection,” it’s undoubtedly not as powerful as those players inclined towards the ranger or rogue classes with their evolved exclusive skills.


Since she couldn’t find out, she decided to let it go.


After all, it was something obtained by chance, and there was only this one key. What use would it be to know more? It’s better to keep a calm mindset and go with the flow.


Finally, Violet opened the clearly already unsealed envelope and pulled out the thin sheets of paper inside.


Ban deliberately kept this item close to him, so it must be something extremely important to him, possibly concealing some secrets.


Flattening the letter on the bed, the priestess carefully read it.


To the Second Prince of the Human United Kingdom, Ben Melchior:




Regarding the cooperation mentioned in your letter and in accordance with the decree of His Beastly Majesty, we have agreed to proceed with the matter.


As you mentioned, the mobilization of a million troops and the consumption of supplies such as provisions are extraordinary. As a gesture of sincerity, please dispatch at least a hundred thousand tons of regular army provisions to our Tepaya Basin within a week. After receiving the supplies, we will launch a strong attack on the western defense line.


The specifics of the arrangement are as follows…………….

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Violet placed the letter back on the bed.


This letter, marked with the seals of both Ben Melchior and the Beastman King, was written by the fox-like High Priest Saharit at the Beastman King’s behest. The subsequent content mostly consisted of discussions between Ben and Saharit on the terms of their cooperation.


In summary, it was an agreement for the beastman army, led by the Second Prince of the Beastman Kingdom, to launch a strong attack on the western borders guarded by Lilya. Ideally, they wanted to kill her in the chaos of war. If that proved difficult, the objective was to defeat her decisively, making her lose face. In return, Ben’s side would provide assistance domestically.


As per the agreement, Ben would supply the Beastman Kingdom with ample food and resources, along with at least fifty million gold coins as military compensation.


However, regardless of whether they successfully breached the formidable defenses, the beastmen forces were not allowed to advance further. If they did, Ben’s amassed forces within the country would immediately move forward to engage them in battle, unleashing extreme retaliation.


At the end of the letter, there were the official signatures and seals belonging to Ben Melchior and the Beastman King, marking the formal agreement.


No doubt, this was indeed a document with credibility.


Violet had long been aware of Ben’s collusion with the beastmen to frame Lilya.


Although this letter could be considered significant evidence, with the Second Prince already imprisoned, it seemed less impactful to further incriminate him. Moreover, Violet couldn’t understand why Ben would keep such an incriminating piece of evidence close to him.


Was he keeping it to control the beastmen and prevent them from turning against him? That seemed unlikely. If this evidence were to be made public, aside from the potential damage to the Beastman Kingdom’s reputation, Ben’s own reputation within the country would immediately plummet. After all, this was tantamount to treason.


In other words, Ben must have had another purpose for keeping this evidence.


But… what other purpose could it serve?


Wait a minute…


In Violet’s mind, a somewhat incredible speculation suddenly emerged.


Considering it from a different perspective, was it possible that someone other than Ben intentionally placed this letter inside the ring?

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