Seoul Object Story
Chapter 258 Table of contents

Deep within the Sehee Research Institute, in a secluded meeting room, the tattoo-covered alchemist and James were engaged in a conversation.

It was a time for exchanging information about Objects, as interpreted through modern science by James and through ancient magic tomes by the alchemist.

“So, no matter how friendly an ‘Object’ may seem toward humans, their perception inevitably gets distorted, turning them harmful in the end?”

James summarized the alchemist’s point with an intrigued expression.

The alchemist nodded in agreement.

"Yes, even if they can resist for a time with strong willpower, meaningful resistance is impossible."

He added that, no matter how much they fought back, their perception would eventually be twisted beyond repair.

From the alchemist’s perspective, all they could do was take mental contamination suppressants and pray that the mental distortion didn’t worsen.

“In that case, do even tool-like Objects eventually turn harmful?”

James lifted a crystal that reflected spirits as he spoke.

“No, not exactly. There are many tools born evil, but I’ve never heard of one that turned evil after its creation.”

The alchemist raised his sword and continued.

“And if you examine it closely, ‘alchemy’ itself is essentially a pure tool-based magic, controlled meticulously from the moment of its birth.”

James nodded, agreeing with the alchemist’s explanation.

“Hearing it from an expert definitely clears things up. There does seem to be something specific about Objects that spreads mental contamination.”

James waved a report, one that claimed that most Objects were already infected by ‘mental contamination.’

Before hearing the alchemist’s explanation, the report hadn’t made much sense to him.

“But it’s difficult to chart the level of mental contamination in Objects with a sense of self. How does your world judge that?”

James compared high-level Objects severely infected by mental contamination with weaker Objects that seemed barely affected by it.

The alchemist’s response was simple.

Just as no amount of suppressants could prevent their perception from twisting at a certain point…

Just as humans are doomed the moment they fall into the demon’s gaze, powerless to resist…

It was all down to ‘luck.’

It was truly blissful.

The golden Gaki Reaper was genuinely happy.

Upon arriving at the researcher’s home, they shared a delicious meal together.

Afterward, the researcher held the golden Gaki Reaper close, stroking it so much that it eventually dozed off in their arms.

They sat together watching TV, laughing, and ended the day perfectly with the researcher reading a bedtime story as the Gaki Reaper fell asleep.

But deep in the night, the golden Gaki Reaper woke up.

The small studio apartment was bathed in soft moonlight.

The researcher slept soundly in bed.

The Gaki Reaper should have snuggled back into their arms and fallen asleep again, but there was red starlight shining down from the sky.

It looked up at the ceiling, and beyond it was a red, glowing star.

The starlight began to spread, painting the world in crimson hues.

In that blood-colored world, a faint whisper could be heard.

[....] [....] [....]

The whispers were indistinct, like the sound of a radio caught between frequencies, too blurry to understand.

But despite the indistinctness, the whispers lodged in the Gaki Reaper’s mind and wouldn’t leave.

Then, at some point, the whisper became clear.

[Kill humans.]

But the golden Gaki Reaper shook its head vigorously.

That command contradicted the very wish that had given birth to it, so it refused.

It hadn’t known at the time of its birth, but now, it was certain.

It was born to be loved by humans and to give love in return, just like the Golden Reapers.

The red voice then questioned what it meant to love and be loved.


For the golden Gaki Reaper, it was a difficult question.

Then, the red voice made a declaration.

Killing humans, it said, was the way to give love.


The golden Gaki Reaper screamed internally and stood up.

Its reflection appeared in the mirror beside the bed.

But it no longer saw itself as the golden Gaki Reaper.

The purple Reaper glared at the muscular man who had appeared—‘Wrecking Ball’—radiating pure fury.

A harmful Object!

An Object that had killed a pure human, the old man!

An Object that expressed hostility toward its beloved human!

Although it took human form, that ‘Wrecking Ball’ was the worst kind of Object, full of malice toward humanity.

The purple Reaper was ready to charge forward and slice it apart with its shadows, but the man raised a hand to stop it.

Without saying a word.

His expression seemed to say, This is my fight. Leave it to me.

The man put a fresh cigarette in his mouth and slowly walked toward 'Wrecking Ball.'

The purple Reaper’s eyes sparkled, admiring how cool the man looked, and it disappeared into the shadows.

But even as it slipped into the shadows, its gaze remained fixed on the harmful Object.

More specifically, its eyes stayed on the blue star glowing beyond the Object.

The man wasn’t a ‘Chosen One.’

He was just an ordinary person who had made an artificial eye from a fragment of the star left behind by his sister.

It had been crafted in honor of his sister, but the artificial eye allowed him to see the flow of the powers that the 'Chosen Ones' controlled, just like an Object.

Soon after he started his work as a hitman, he realized he had an innate talent for it.

No matter how far or difficult the target, he could shoot it swiftly and accurately.

With the gift from the heavens combined with the sight granted by his artificial eye, incredible things happened.

Bang! Bang!

The man fired his gun into the air.

The target wasn’t the iron spheres flying freely like drones in the sky, nor the ones plowing through the ground like wrecking balls.

His target was the flow of energy controlling those iron spheres, and the weakest point within that flow.

One by one, the flying iron spheres lost their destructive momentum and crashed to the ground, while the ones tearing through the earth came to a halt as if nailed in place.

“No... Impossible!”

As six of his iron spheres slipped out of his control, 'Wrecking Ball,' who had once appeared so confident, began to show signs of fear.

Only two iron spheres remained, orbiting him protectively.

The man lit another cigarette and took careful aim with his pistol.

“Do you really think those pitiful iron balls can stop a bullet?”

The spheres whirred at incredible speed, creating a protective shield around ‘Wrecking Ball.’

And the flow of energy shielding his entire body was carefully guarded.

The man waited for the perfect moment, when the gaps in the two forces aligned, and then pulled the trigger.

It was lunchtime, and the courtyard of Sehee Research Institute was bustling with people.

I was nestled comfortably in Yerin’s arms, taking a break while she slept soundly.

Come to think of it, Yerin has seemed pretty tired lately.

Ever since the Golden Reapers summoned her to their house and she gave them a doll that looked just like me, she’d been running around tirelessly.

She had been busy searching for clothes to dress the doll in.

I remember the massive list of clothes she added, looking for things to dress the doll with—hats, shoes, tops, pants, skirts, underwear.

Just looking at the list was overwhelming.

But it was great that I wouldn’t have to wear those clothes myself—the doll would take my place.

Playing with the doll seemed to have increased the amount of firewood Yerin produced as well.

If I’d known, I would’ve given her that gift sooner.


I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm energy of the firewood.

I could also feel Yerin nibbling on my antennae.


While I was basking in this rest, the Gaki Reaper approached me.

In its arms was a golden Object.

Golden like a Golden Reaper, radiating warmth.

Glowing red eyes.

And a body that was slowly swelling, growing several times larger than a Golden Reaper.

It emitted a weak mental contamination, trying to deceive others into thinking it was a Golden Reaper, but its shape was twisted and distorted.

Even the mini Reapers noticed the presence of the Object, all turning their heads to look at the Gaki Reaper.

As soon as I saw the Object, I sent out a strong will.

‘Ugh, it’s a harmful Object!’

If the Gaki Reaper hadn’t been holding it, the Golden Reapers would’ve torn it apart on the spot—it was that dangerous.

Why on earth did the Gaki Reaper bring that Object to me?

Oh, maybe it wants me to torture it because the Object hurt its beloved human?


I’m quite skilled in both torture and pranks, after all.

As I considered various reasons for the Gaki Reaper’s actions, its will, which reached me, was completely different from what I expected.

‘Master, please heal this Object.’

The Gaki Reaper’s will was filled with a desperate, heartfelt plea.

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