Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 3 Ch. 140 Table of contents

“Flora, I’m afraid it’s not going to work. The warriors are heavily injured, and our elite adventurers are also significantly damaged. As the ancient saying goes, ‘It’s better to retreat and preserve our strength.’ Let’s retreat for now!”




As the temporary new commander appointed urgently due to the brave death of the former frontline commander, Miss Crimson Flame Flora quickly surveyed the gruesome panorama of the battlefield. With her extraordinary vision and rapid judgment trained for precision, she could immediately discern the situation.


Farnell was right. If they continued to hold their ground, the ultimate outcome would only be total annihilation.


There was no other way.


With casualties, including fatalities, exceeding half of their fighting force, and with the artillery support from the magical corps in the rear falling silent for nearly half an hour, it was evident that they had exhausted all their resources.


Even if they didn’t retreat, General Bertram would soon give the order.


For the current situation, there was only…


“Hey! Look over there!”


Suddenly, a cry of astonishment and uncertainty rang out in the front line, spreading like a contagion. Countless exclamations and murmurs erupted around, as if witnessing something incredible.


Even Farnell Stephens, with his several colorful insignias and slightly weakened aura, looked as if he had seen a ghost, suddenly bursting out with coarse language unbecoming of a noble.


“What the hell! What’s going on? Are the spirits manifesting here!?”


“What nonsense are you talking about? This is foreign territory…?!”


Flora turned her head in confusion, but her pupils suddenly contracted.


The countless Abyssal monsters that had been surging like waves around them were inexplicably collapsing in swathes!


It was as if an invisible giant hand of the gods swept across the land, and more and more, within sight and beyond, the terrifying disaster that had made the soldiers of the Human United Kingdom shed blood and desperately resist was rapidly dispersing before their eyes at a visible speed!


“This is…”


Even with Crimson Flame Flora’s experience, she couldn’t hide her astonishment and confusion, let alone the ordinary soldiers and adventurers.


For things they couldn’t understand, people were accustomed to explaining them in the name of “divinity,” so…


“Ohhh!!! The spirits are manifesting! May our country be blessed! May humanity be blessed!!!!”


Cheers erupted like a landslide and tsunami. For the soldiers who had experienced repeated deadly battles and witnessed the profound terror of the enemy, the scene before their eyes was undoubtedly a sublime redemption far beyond imagination.


At the frontline command post.


“To think it would be like this…”


Hearing the excited cheers coming from the battlefield, Grand Marshal Bertram also supported his exhausted eyes, his mouth revealing a smile of relief.


He didn’t understand what was happening exactly, but undoubtedly, the monsters couldn’t have collapsed on their own, someone must have done something.


Whether it was the gods or the spirits, whoever it was, Bertram sincerely thanked them from the bottom of his heart and paid his respects.


“Praise be to you… great beings.”


Similar scenes were unfolding simultaneously in various parts of the Inaccessible Zone.


The saint, with golden hair and wielding a radiant holy sword, looked up at the sky in astonishment, then seemed to understand something. She devoutly knelt amidst the battlefield strewn with corpses.


“Praise be to your redemption, great and merciful Goddess of Light…”


With a dagger in hand, the female warrior, her pure white wings stained red with blood, collapsed weakly on the ground but laughed heartily.


“Hahaha~ So it turns out the gods really haven’t forsaken us.”


From the Azure Sky Kingdom, the Holy Empire, various large and small nations, and different races, the countless beings who fought, fled, and despaired, under the crushing force of the calamity, tens of millions, billions of beings who received redemption, all knelt down on the ground in gratitude.


Perhaps they praised different names, but this cause and effect crossed the shackles of time and space, arriving at the place it was meant to go.




With her white wings fluttering gently, the black-haired girl floating in the air paused for a moment, her expression changing slightly.


“What’s wrong, Master?”


The golden-haired dragon girl, whose attention had been mostly focused on her from beginning to end, immediately noticed something unusual and asked with concern.


“It’s nothing… just, a slightly strange feeling.”


“A strange feeling? Is Master feeling unwell? Do you need me to transform into my true form so you can rest?”


Violet shook her head helplessly. She was a member of the divine race, how could she be afflicted with illness like a mortal? Xiao Guang wouldn’t understand this, she seemed to be adding her own interpretation…


And the feeling from earlier, it wasn’t exactly uncomfortable. She just felt like she had heard many people speaking, uttering various praises, and there seemed to be something she didn’t quite understand flowing into her body along with the voices, which was quite pleasant.


Although she didn’t feel any change, the data on the panel remained exactly the same as before. But if she had to describe it, it was probably similar to the feeling of soaking in a warm bathtub after a busy day.


She had experienced it many, many times before with Lilya.


Although she didn’t quite understand, Priestess Miss felt it shouldn’t be a bad thing, so she didn’t delve any further.


“By the way, Xiao Guang, why don’t you go and have some fun? Although these big bugs are a bit weaker now, the sense of impact should still be quite satisfying.”


Even though her master said so, the dragon lady only glanced at the distance and then turned back, her interest lacking.


“Not fun. If not suppressed by the world, it could have been used for practice. Now, this level is just too weak.”




They are now clearing up the residual abyssal power left behind after the fall of the magic island.


Unlike most abyssal beasts, those few abyssal worms did not die directly due to the destruction of the magic island. Although their aura plummeted sharply afterwards, dropping from surpassing to an average legendary level, they still retained some combat capability.


Including a small number of abyssal beasts that were presumably born from them, they are still alive.


Now, Violet has basically figured out these abyssal creatures, or rather the principle of creating biological weapons similar to the abyss. From what can be seen now, the core power still belongs to the goddess of earth, Seth.


Abyssal beasts created by the abyssal magic island would die after the island’s destruction, but large-bodied entities like abyssal worms, possessing a few divine shards, should be considered parallel and non-interfering entities with the magic island.


Or in other words, they have been miniaturized and specialized in combat abilities.


Abyssal worms guard the magic island, while the latter emits a death fog, obscuring the world’s rejection of these anomalies and even providing amplification to them.


Including those hidden deep within the magic island, the “Blasphemer,” if Violet’s guess is correct, those things simply cannot act freely in this world. If they were to venture outside, they would likely be directly rejected by the world and even annihilated.

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