Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 3 Ch. 145 Table of contents

“Are you the spirit left by Miss Violet to protect me?”


A surge of warmth rushed to her head, and the village girl who had once again escaped death subconsciously covered her mouth, almost unable to suppress the urge to cry out loud.


Like soaking in warm water, although she was in the cold darkness of the night, the village girl felt an unprecedented peace. Her heart was pounding violently, conveying emotions of gratitude and appreciation.


“Sob… Miss… Miss Violet…”


The golden spirit emitted a warm light, quietly drying the tears on the girl’s face, and reconstructed the characters.


【Don’t cry】


【Not safe】


【Let’s go】


“Is the spirit suggesting that it’s not safe here and we should leave immediately?”


Rubbing her reddened eyes, Theresa struggled to understand the sparse vocabulary of the creature, and the orb blinked affirmatively, confirming her guess.


With that, Theresa snapped out of her emotional state.


Yeah, something seemed off. She had made such a loud noise just now, and it had been so long, yet why hadn’t the white-feathered sisters outside attempted to come in and check?


Could something be holding them back? Or, could it be that even those powerful white-feathered sisters had been directly killed by the eerie gray mist descending from the sky?


What… what kind of terrifying thing could that be?


Theresa got up from the ground and approached the window again to look at the sky.


The entire city was already shrouded in dense dark clouds and gray mist. Near the tower called the Sky Temple, there was an intense flickering of blue and gray intertwined light, along with occasional rumbling thunder.


This doesn’t look good…


Although the mist was currently only suspended higher up in the sky, blocked by something like a barrier, once it descended, the entire Sky City would probably…


Could it be that the spirit meant for her to escape from this city? But Theresa was just a powerless and helpless village girl. What could she possibly…


Ah! Right!


Miss Violet mentioned before leaving that if something happened, she could seek help from those two!


If she remembered correctly, they should be at the embassy of the Human United Kingdom.


Without further ado, Theresa ran to the bedside, pulled out a small pouch from under the pillow. It contained several dozen gold coins that Miss Violet had given her along with the seed. Although the seed had been taken away, she still had the money.


The amount of money wasn’t important, but this was something Miss Violet had given her, and she couldn’t afford to lose it.


Carefully tucking the pouch into her bosom, Theresa took nothing else and dashed out of the room alongside the spirit floating beside her.


Outside was bustling with noise, accompanied by the dense sound of metal collisions, as if someone was engaged in fierce combat, and the several gatekeeping white-feathered girls were nowhere to be seen.


The door of the courtyard was locked, but the fairy simply emitted a golden light, easily melting the strange metal lock inscribed with unreadable characters on it, allowing Theresa to reach out and push it open directly.


Ah, there must be a fight going on…


After the northern disaster, there were only six White Feather warriors left guarding Theresa, and now three of them are missing.


Among the remaining three guards, two are fiercely fighting on the street with more than a dozen strange figures in gray robes, while a girl lies not far from the door.


Her wand is broken into two pieces, the crimson blood has already stained the ground beneath her, her eyes tightly closed, her face shrouded in lingering gray mist, motionless.


This girl, Theresa knows her, or rather, all the White Feather sisters who guard her know her.


Although nominally guards, in reality, especially after Miss Violet appeared, these guard sisters’ attitudes towards Theresa became very gentle, except for not allowing her to leave, they would try to fulfill all other requests.


In fact, they are all very good people.


With concern, without thinking, Theresa rushed out of the door and ran to the side of the White Feather girl lying not far away, anxiously helping her up.


“Polly, are you okay! Hold on, I’ll… I’ll take you to find a doctor!”


Yes, the village girl has completely forgotten about escape and the fairy’s warning. In her mind, perhaps human life is more important than anything else.


“T-Theresa…? Why did you come out… cough… go back quickly… it’s very dangerous outside… there are terrible things… cough… attacking Feather City… this is… premeditated…”


“Please don’t talk! You’ve lost a lot of blood… you’ll die like this!”


Theresa looked panicked at the huge wound pierced by a sharp weapon on the White Feather girl’s abdomen, raising her arm and putting it down again, in just a short while, the newly shed blood had stained her skirt hem red.


She really wants to help, but Theresa is just a village girl, she can’t do anything.


“Ah, right!”


She thought of her savior. Theresa still remembered when she was attacked by the gray mist before, it was the fairy who saved her, so…


“Fairy! Please, please save Polly! If you don’t save her soon, she’ll really die!”


The girl cast hopeful eyes towards the golden sphere floating beside her. Noticing this, even the White Feather mage known as Polly, whose eyes had dimmed, sparked with a faint glimmer. She could sense the immense power contained within this small sphere of light, a power that Polly almost looked up to.


However, the sphere of light fluctuated for a while as if contemplating, but did not act, only outlining a few lines of text once again.




【Protect Theresa】








Theresa’s body stiffened, and Polly, who also understood the brief sky language, gradually lost the will to survive in her eyes. A barely perceptible sigh escaped her lips. They both understood what the sphere of light was trying to convey.


In such chaos, everyone wants to reserve as much power as possible, which is understandable.


The fairy did this for her own good, Theresa understood, so she couldn’t be dissatisfied or resentful because of this refusal, she just… hated her own helplessness.


Truly… is there nothing she can do?


“Radiant Slash!”


The radiant light, different from the golden glow of the fairy, illuminated the dusk of the night and also reflected on Theresa’s despondent cheeks.


She turned her head in astonishment to see a golden-haired girl wearing pure white holy knight armor, holding a holy shield and wielding a holy sword, separating the lines of gray-robed figures and striding towards her.


Her long hair, like translucent crystal, was enveloped by the light of holiness. Each strike of her sword would inevitably cleave through the body of an enemy along with their weapon, and the dozen or so gray-robed figures that had been giving the two White Feather warriors a hard time were slain by her in less than half a minute.


Then, she retracted her sword, untouched by any bloodstains, and stepped to stand before the dumbfounded village girl, locking eyes with her, as if observing something.


“Um… green hair, green eyes, a bit silly, and in about the right place. You must be Theresa, right?”


“Uh, yes, I, I am. May I ask who you are…?”


The golden-haired girl laughed heartily, her smile like the warm March sun, reminiscent of the radiance that bathes the earth.


“I am Edwina Cecilia, a divine envoy. Today, I am here on behalf of my lord to specifically assist a girl named Theresa.”


“Edwina…? So, you’re Miss Edwina! But, a divine envoy…?”


“Ah… you needn’t dwell on that title. In short, it’s enough for you to know that I’m here to rescue you. My… Miss Violet has long foreseen that the Sky City would face a calamity, but there’s no need to worry. With her presence, this city will not be destroyed so easily.”


After briefly comforting the girl, who was the target of her mission, the golden-haired knight turned her head and suddenly noticed the winged girl cradled in her arms.


“Oh! This girl is severely injured! Put her down quickly, and I’ll treat her!”


Watching the formerly dignified knight suddenly lose her composure in a flurry of activity to treat Polly’s injuries, for some reason, the lingering panic in her heart gradually dissipated.


Perhaps it was because of Miss Edwina’s confident demeanor and the reassuring name she mentioned.

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