Why Am I a Priestess When I Reach the Maximum Lev…
Vol. 3 Ch. 161 Table of contents

Incredible. She could actually sense everything within the divine realm simultaneously, every living being on the Sky Island, every blade of grass, all within Violet’s consciousness.


The world seemed to have become her hands, as if at her whim, she could instantly kill any target with precision down to the individual, or even resurrect any traces of the deceased.


She could easily reverse the flow of rivers and mountains, flip the floating islands, reverse the direction of gravity, seemingly capable of anything within the realm of the divine realm.


She could clearly “see” Edwina, who was currently fighting alongside the Human United Kingdom’s guards, pushing back the Abyssal Beast suppressed by the 【Radiance of the Holy Light】, as well as Felina coordinating relief efforts and dispatching aid, and Theresa, busy taking care of the injured. She could see the Feathered Emperor Estini and the High Priest Estila, who had already left the Sky Temple and begun overseeing the overall situation.


She also saw Lucas and the half-dragon Rosa, who had already broken out of the temple’s range but were still engaged in intense combat in the air. If she wished, she could probably make either side victorious immediately.


Incredible. Was this what it felt like to be a deity?


Just then, in the midst of the confrontation, the divine realm of life and withering finally shattered completely. The last plant turned to ashes under the light, and the figure of Seth, the Goddess of Earth, fell from the void in the next instant, tumbling in the air for a few rounds before stabilizing.


She didn’t appear to have any obvious external injuries, but compared to before the battle with the little dragon girl. Violet, whose senses had been infinitely magnified by the divine realm, could notice a significant and genuine decline in Seth’s aura.


This wasn’t surface-level or physical damage. In truth, it was an inevitable trauma inflicted upon the divine soul that bore the essence of the divine rank during the collision of divine realms.


For a deity, this was truly a difficult injury to easily recover from. If described in terms of the techniques from [Illusory World], it would be like depleting one’s SP, or even lowering the maximum value.


The battle of the divine realms was so fierce, and Seth was only manifesting a divine realm driven by incomplete divine ranks, the backlash she suffered would be even more severe.




If it were at the beginning of the battle, Violet might have mocked Her a few times, but now, with absolute victory in her grasp, watching the goddess, who seemed crestfallen and complex-faced, she found herself devoid of the desire for lengthy speeches.


Or perhaps, it was just the sense of omnipotence bestowed by the manifestation of the divine realm that had caused a slight change in the priestess’s mood at this moment.


“You’ve lost.”


She simply stated it so plainly, as if declaring an undeniable fact.


Her mouth opened as if she had a thousand words to pour out, but in the end, Seth only reluctantly withdrew the artifact in her hand and nodded slowly.


“Yes, I’ve lost. Indeed, you are the executor of the will of the world. You are stronger than this dragon. Even at my peak, the outcome wouldn’t have changed. The malice of the world… sigh, it’s so hateful, yet it makes the gods feel powerless.”


“I’ve said it before, I have nothing to do with the world. It’s your own fault. If you hadn’t driven the created beasts to carry out massacres and then come to attack the Sky City, I wouldn’t bother with you at all.”


The priestess frowned, she always felt like this God… didn’t even try to understand what others were saying?


“Now that you even know about the created beasts, it seems you know quite a bit… Well… if you participate without understanding the terms of the agreement, it only proves your foolishness, you ridiculous bunch…”


“If you dare insult my master again, I’ll tear your mouth apart.”


Violet didn’t mind the sarcasm, but the irritable little dragon girl couldn’t stand it. She looked at Seth with an increasingly unfriendly expression, as if she might rush up at any moment to continue the beating that had been interrupted halfway through.


But the Goddess of Withering was equally unafraid. She seemed to have given up on herself, her hands spread open as if in resignation, her lips curving into a weak yet disdainful smile.


“Come on, come and kill me! No matter how you try to justify yourselves, how you try to deny it, the death of Seth today is the best proof of the manifestation of the world’s malice. I knew this day would come, but unfortunately, the hounds came too fast, and I couldn’t fulfill my desired vision.”


“You’re asking for it!”


“Hey, hold on.”


Xiao Guang doesn’t mess around with nonsense. If you provoke her, she’ll really go for it. If Violet didn’t hold her back, Seth in her current state would probably be done for.


He can’t die yet. There’s a lot of intelligence Violet still needs to gather through this suddenly awakened Goddess of Withering, and it seems the same goes for Sethlin.


“It seems you’re determined to treat us as some kind of oddities. Since that’s the case, there’s nothing much to explain. I just ask you, why did you let the created beasts slaughter the life on Earth? Why destroy the Sky City?”




As if hearing an especially ridiculous question, the sarcasm at the corners of Seth’s mouth grew even thicker.


“I am a god, the Goddess of Earth. At least half of the life in this world is directly related to me! The seeds I sow, if they’re needed, I can harvest them however I want. Would a farmer wait for the crops to ripen before harvesting them, or would they let them wither and die on their own?”




Similar answers, Violet had already heard once in the illusion on the Abyssal Island. She had thought there might be some hidden agenda, that Sethlin, this Goddess of Withering, was doing this for some more specific purpose, just like Rebecca did in the beginning.


But in reality, on Seth’s face, she couldn’t see any traces of lies or deceit. This was the opponent’s true thoughts, the true purpose.


Harvesting life, using the special connection between Abyssal Beasts – the created beasts, and the divine beings, to make up for the deficit caused by Seth’s thousand-year-long seal. Perhaps it was also because of Sethlin’s mention of “the world’s malice” that she didn’t act recklessly before reaching the divine rank.


She truly saw all life in the world as harvestable food.


This wasn’t simply good or evil. In the eyes of mortals, this Goddess of Withering was a heinous criminal, but perhaps from her own perspective, it was just a reasonable use, much like how people store emergency food at home and only eat it when necessary.


Perhaps Seth didn’t even consider it as “harming.”


However, even with divinity and a divine realm, as a member of the pantheon recognized by the world, Violet still couldn’t condone this behavior. Divinity was never a reason for slaughter.


“Well… at least the world rejecting you seems quite appropriate. This world is not your sandbox, Seth. You’re too arrogant, and it’s this arrogance that makes you enemies everywhere you look, just like it did a thousand years ago, and still does today.”


“So, it’s better to stop deceiving yourself, and stop blaming everything on the world. That will only make you look weak.”

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