Amelia is for sure a future ally, being strongarmed into a relationship with duke delphine gurantees she has no loyalty to him whatsoever and chances are desmond isnt too ken of her either, if the circumstances are right they might join forces, shes defo a super cool ally to have.
Ok i don't care what yall say. Amelia is based after. I think she is interesting enough she could be the protagonist of her own story. I have a feeling that ultimately Amelia will form an alliance with Ghislian (but I think that's going to take some time)
If the story is not about Ghislain, Amelia is a worthy protagonist. She did what she had to. No wonder she's much a better opponent for Ghislain. They're similar, they care for their people and they don't really care of the methods
Amelia is for sure a future ally, being strongarmed into a relationship with duke delphine gurantees she has no loyalty to him whatsoever and chances are desmond isnt too ken of her either, if the circumstances are right they might join forces, shes defo a super cool ally to have.
Ok i don't care what yall say. Amelia is based after. I think she is interesting enough she could be the protagonist of her own story. I have a feeling that ultimately Amelia will form an alliance with Ghislian (but I think that's going to take some time)
I fear Amelia is here to stay with how the story is building her character.
If the story is not about Ghislain, Amelia is a worthy protagonist. She did what she had to. No wonder she's much a better opponent for Ghislain. They're similar, they care for their people and they don't really care of the methods
true, she same to be the character who is willing to destroy everything to rebuild it properly, like tanos in infinity war
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