Banished to Another World
Chapter 516 Table of contents

Chapter 516: Provocation

Yan Mo didn't give Si Tan a chance to refuse, so he directly murmured: "Dead spirit, the Horn-people three races are split in front of us, the Hornless-men are about to rise. May your souls rest in the blood of your enemies?" action

Many blood red light spots turned to moonlight color, and gradually drifted away from Si Tan, and slowly disperse in the air.

Even Yuan Zhan, even if he can't see it, felt that the atmosphere of killing in the valley seems to have decreased a little.

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Zhan specially looked at the child when Yan Mo was exerting his wish force. He wondered if the child didn't hear the contents of Yan Mo's wish, or if he doesn't care. He only looked at Shifu with worship.

Yuan Zhan thought he had to talk to the little White-Horn boy sometime. Yan Mo obviously likes this kid very much. He doesn't want the little White-Horn boy to grow up and do something to break Mo’s heart. If there is such a sign, he will not hesitate to cut the root of the sign first.

Si Tan stretched out his body intoxicated and turned to look at Yan Mo. “I think you're the one Hu-Lian asked me to kill and capture, and you're the witch he ordered to capture alive, right?"

It's a fact that we don't need to ask. This valley seems to be empty now. In fact, there are a large number of Horn warriors and slaves of the Hornless-people the demon warriors in the mountain crossing. As long as the wrong people come, they are directly driven away or killed at the mountain pass.

"Hu-Lian has always been eager for the high-level demon warriors and witches. We are his puppets and the key to his longevity and advancement. And I am the one who has lived the longest beside him. It is not that I am obedient, nor that my ability is particularly strong, but that he dare not let me die. He is afraid that he will not destroy my soul after killing me. "

Si Tan suddenly sped up, "Hu-Lian's soul is very powerful, stronger than all the souls I have seen, but his soul is not complete. If you want to kill him, it's not enough to just kill his body. You have to... Ah!”

Si Tan suddenly covered his chest and fell down. His face was very painful. Soon his body began to twitch.

Yuan Zhan looked around cautiously, and Yan Mo immediately came forward to check Si Tan.

"You have a heart ache? Can you hear me, Si Tan?” Yan Mo wanted to calm Si Tan down. He didn't dare to inject the needle without confirming the other's condition.

Si Tan was covered with cold sweat, “Punisher Punishment, he is warning me... "

"How can Hu-Lian punish you? Where's the Enslavement Bone?” Yan Mo tried to give a few shots, but he didn't force himself to do it again.

Si Tan covered his chest and his lips are bitter with blood. He refuses to scream and roll. He is forcing himself to get used to this kind of pain. He can't say anything compared with rolling and screaming. He is much better now. "Here He put... the Enslavement Bone was put in my heart.”

This is almost impossible, if it is from the current medical ability. But it's also a world with abilities and witchcraft. Many things can't be explained by ordinary theories. The magic on Si Tan may make him be cut open and loaded with the Enslavement Bone.

Yan Mo subconsciously looked at Si Tan's whole body more carefully and found that his tattoos were complete, that is, he had no scars. For a slave warrior under control, it's impossible.

Yuan Zhan is concerned about another thing: “Is someone watching you?"

Si Tan shook his head.

Yan Mo, seeing that he couldn't even speak out his pain, explained instead: "The Enslavement Bone has the soul power of the controller. Once the controlled person does something that greatly violates the requirements of the Enslavement Bone, or thinks of betraying the controller, and the thought and behavior will generate the soul power fluctuation, the fluctuation will trigger the soul power of the controller in the Enslavement Bone, and the soul power of the controller remains in the Enslavement Bone And punished by the Enslavement Bone. "

As he spoke, Yan Mo relieved Si Tan's pain. He didn't know the reason before. Now he knows that the Enslavement Bone was put on Si Tan's heart, and he knows how to deal with it.

Si Tan's breathing gradually calmed down and his twitching body calmed down.


“I'm a witch healer. My greatest ability is to cure and save people. I can help you to remove the Enslavement Bone, but your enslavement bone is installed on your heart and you have to have an operation, which is more troublesome.” It's not a lot of trouble, it's a lot of trouble still.”

"Do you know how to release the Enslavement Bone?" Si Tan grabbed Yan Mo's wrist and his eyes brightened.

Yan Mo pushed his fingers and calmly said: “I'm also a Bone Sculptor, and I happen to know how to release the Enslavement Bone, if your enslavement bone is the same as other and I know about it."

Si Tan stood up by Yan Mo's hand. Hu-Lian doesn't want him to die yet, so the punishment just makes him suffer. Usually, the punishment lasts for an hour or even longer, but today it was surprisingly short.

Looking down at the long needle inserted near his heart, and on his head, Si Tan asked, "Can I keep these?" so he didn't have to be afraid of punishment.

"Sorry." Yan Mo shook his head. "These needles are just temporarily paralyzing your pain nerves. In fact, punishment still exists, but you don't feel pain."

"Teach me, I will tattoo you. Hu-Lian has always wanted me to tattoo him, and I refuse to do so until now.” Si Tan is easy to say, but both Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan know how much the rejection costs.

Yan Mo is very excited. He was just guessing that the tattoo on Si Tan is not only a symbol, but also a special function. Sure enough!

Is the witch tattoo the beginning of spell and conduit of a spell?

Yan Mo immediately agreed to teach Si Tan to learn acupuncture. He can also reduce SCUM VALUE and learn new knowledge. Why not?

Si Tan saw Yan Mo's promise and the youth's eyes became softer.

“Is there anyone else around here?" Yuan Zhan asked in a cold voice. He felt there was no one around, but out of caution, he had better reconfirm with Si Tan.

Si Tan looked at Yuan Zhan and smiled, "When I arrived, the spirit woke up. Although I am alone, the spirits are countless. In this valley, no one is stronger than me, and no one dares to approach me without my permission, unless they want to be a member of the spirit of this valley. And anyone approaching here, I'll know, unless they're as fast as you. "

At this time, the man who is naked, almost perfect in body shape and face seems to be shining all over, which is a kind of anger from the trust in his own ability and seeing hope.

Yan Mo felt a sudden attack in his heart and stealthily covered Yuan Zhan with a protective shield. Yuan Zhan is powerful and good, but in the face of a witch with the ability to control the soul, he is just like human beings who can't display attacks even if they are powerful in the face of invisible ghosts.

Si Tan suddenly turned to Yan Mo, "You are very clean, because you can use this kind of soul isolation shield?”

“I told you I'm not a pure soul." Yan Mo was not surprised that the man could see it. As soon as his shield was applied, the ghosts that had been swinging around Yuan Zhan were all separated.

Yuan Zhan seemed to understand something, and reached for Yan Mo's neck proudly and happily. Well, his priest is still caring for him, and other wild men are just wild men!

“I don't think Hu-Lian knows that you have such ability, let alone that you can let the ghost rest, otherwise he won't let me catch you." Si Tan said to himself, “I've heard the ghosts tell me that the three clans with horns are in a civil strife now, and there are two hornless demons who are making trouble for them. Those two hornless demons should be you. That's good. No matter where you come from, as long as you can deal with the Horn-people, I'm willing to pay any price."

Si Tan found that when he said such words, he did not feel any pain from the Enslavement Bone punishment, and could not help but rejoice, "How long can these needles work?"

“At most three hours." Wood acupuncture point is different from thorough destruction of pain nerve, but it plays a temporary role in blocking and stimulating. It cannot be used for a long time, otherwise it will be harmful to the body.

“It seems that we don't have much time, so let's not delay anymore. I know you want to persuade me and let me help you. That's OK. Any demon warriors and witch controlled by the Enslavement Bone will not be let go of hope as long as they have the chance to resist, and you can relieve the Enslavement Bone and temporarily isolate the pain from punishment, which is the best for me.” The deep sadness gathered in Si Tan seems to have receded. At this time, Si Tan flourished with a strange vitality.

“Little Mo, can I call you that?"

"Of course." Yan Mo has some respect for these witches who have lived for many years. Moreover, Si Tan is not only powerful, but also not as eccentric as those old monsters. He is so beautiful

Yuan Zhan: short-tempered: Little Mo, I didn't even call it that.

Si Tan once again showed an infatuated smile, “Little Mo, I will perform a large-scale witchcraft later to isolate the valley from the whole mountain, and then I will drag in the Hornless-people, the demon warriors and witches controlled by the Enslavement Bone one by one. I hope you can help them release the Enslavement Bone as soon as possible, and save them before Hu-Lian detects them, I'll try to hold him and the Horn warrior back, but it won't be long.”

“Once Hu-Lian found out that he can't control me with the punishment in the Enslavement Bone, he will kill me and other Hornless-men with the Enslavement Bone. And if he dare not enter the valley, he will use the powerful bone gun to bombard the valley. So once we start, we don't have much time, maybe even an hour.”

“In addition, you can use the help to release the Enslavement Bone as a condition to accept those demon warriors and witches. They have good abilities, but it's not easy to make them obey. They also don't believe in the oath. There is only one way to tame them, that is, to beat them into submission.”

“Finally, if possible, I hope you can take my body out of the valley, and then help me to release the Enslavement Bone no matter whether my body is dead or alive at that time. As long as you swear with your soul that you can do this, I will prick the witchcraft’s tattoo on you now. "

"Wait!" Yan Mo was a bit confused. He wanted to bring this powerful witch to his side. But why is the rhythm controlled by the other side? Even the conditions are good and they are exactly as how he wanted them, the other side has thought about it, and he just needs to implement it?

Yuan Zhan looked at Si Tan, and somehow Yu Wu's abnormal face of the Mer-people appeared in his brain. Just as powerful, I don't know how many years he has lived, but the Si Tan in front of me seems to be a bit unluckier than Yu Wu. He is under control, and I have to be a stable slave.

But you see, as long as these old monsters can get out of the prison, they will take the initiative immediately. They may be grateful, but they will never put themselves in the position of the weak and the controlled.

Si Tan asked Yan Mo, "What other conditions do you have?"

Yan Mo is also a strong man. How can he give up his initiative? He quickly used his brain and put up four fingers: “First, I will save you with my best ability, without your gratitude. Second, as long as you can live, I will teach you acupuncture. You need not tattoo me now in exchange for teaching me witchcraft tattoo. Thirdly, there are too many ghosts in the valley. I want to make a sacrifice for them and let their souls rest in peace. Fourth, I want to know Hu-Lian's weakness. You must know, right?”

Si Tan was silent for a moment. “It's not a condition."

“I know, then, is there any obstacle for you if I were to do the spirit calming?" that is, I have to see that you are the kind of people who don't want to be forced.

"Yes. What I'm going to do next needs a lot of ghosts. If you let them all rest in peace and return to the embrace of the gods, I can't use that magic. "

"Will your witchcraft hurt those ghosts?" Yan Mo didn't really care about the ghosts, but he was used to doing "What should be done" first, so as to avoid The Guide making excuses to punish him.

“No, I just asked them to help confuse the Horn-people outside."

Yan Mo calculated that it would take a lot of energy and time to sacrifice so many ghosts, and he also needed to release the Enslavement Bone for those demons and witches, which also takes time and energy.

If Si Tan performs witchcraft, he will use the time to save those demon warriors and offer sacrifices to the spirits later. I'm afraid that time is not enough. At that time, the Horn-people must have noticed the abnormality of the valley.

But if we sacrifice the ghosts first, Si Tan can't cast a large-scale magic to confuse the eyes of the Horn-people, so he can't give him the time and opportunity to concentrate and quickly release the demon warriors the Enslavement Bone.

“If you want to sacrifice the ghosts, you can come back here after the event. Those bone cannons will not kill the ghost."

"Yes!" Yan Mo smiled bitterly. He seemed to be completely led by Si Tan's nose. But in the end, is it good for them?

Si Tan thought that the young man in front of him was kind-hearted and cared so much about a group of dead people. He thought that no one cared about the dead except him.

However, Yan Mo has taken Si Tan's heart. He has seen too many cruel scenes and met too many ruthless people. It's a good thing for him and the demon warriors to have such a kind heart.

What's more, this young man is still a "The best". The best kind-hearted doesn't matter, as long as the leader is calm and ruthless enough. If there is no such leader, he can also help the young tribe cultivate such a leader.

Yuan Zhan has been observing Si Tan's expression. He has seen that Si Tan is satisfied with his priest from appreciation. Now he still shows a kind of like that he wanted to take the man home. At present, a strong heart is tangled together: why does his Mo Mo always attract such unpleasant and abnormal people to like him?

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