Banished to Another World
Chapter 531 Table of contents

Chapter 531: Deterrence, deception and departure

When deterrence is put out, it is natural best to show identity.

“Mo -Ren, the leaders' priest, fought with my tribe chief, from the Jiu Yuan in the eastern continent. We abide by the ancient agreement made by all intelligent creatures on this planet with the gods. Any super warrior over 10th rank can't abuse his ability to kill a lot in the biological gathering place. But this agreement is based on mutual non-aggression. Horn-people have violated the agreement first, and your priests and witches have forgotten the original will of Pan’a intentionally ignores and ignores the existence of other gods. "

The clear voice of the young hornless witch reverberated between the heaven and the earth. He was so far away from everyone, but his voice sounded in everyone’s ear. The Horn-people in the nearby thousands of miles could hear it clearly.

And what the witch said surprised all the Horn-people. They had never heard of such an agreement, nor knew the existence of other gods, nor even the Ancestor Gods.

Yuan Zhou, who is still fighting with Jiu Feng, sighed softly when he heard the voice of Yan Mo. he is not unable to get rid of Jiu Feng. He just understands that even if he leads all the bone warriors to appear, it is impossible to stop the two people unless he hands them what they want. Besides, there is also a ghost witch with a deadly in-human weapon, plus the thirty-two advanced level the demon warriors, In a real fight, the Hornless-men killed will number into dozens of people at most, but the Horn-men he didn't know how many would be killed or injured.

He stayed here and didn't go out. He didn't want to release his kindness to the two. He thought that as long as he didn't do it, the two people would not unleash deadlier attacks at the Horn-people in his face.

Yuan Zhou's idea is right, but he doesn't know that Yan Mo not being cruel to the Horn-people, is not to give him the respect of Kunpeng, but to consider that there is a Guide to supervise and he will make sure to not kill himself but to leave as many high ranked warriors as possible to deal with foreign enemies in the future.

As the saying goes, if everything runs in the first line, so that we can meet the other person in the future. Yan Mo also planned to establish business contacts with the Horn-people. In the future, he will make good use of the mature "Technology" capabilities of the Horn-people, and then excavate some Bone Sculpting Masters to study new biological bone objects in the Jiu Yuan. For this reason, he has to make sure there will not be a fight to death, so naturally this became his first choice.

Yan Mo secretly delivered some energy to Yuan Zhan. Then, he continues:

"When you were driven out of the eastern continent by all intelligent creatures together, it was a punishment for your greed and cruelty. But the Ancestor God didn't cut off all your life paths. Otherwise, only the sea and the sky are connected, you wouldn't be able to cross them, and you wouldn't be able to reach the western continent. If you could be kind to the creatures here after you came to the western continent, then maybe the gods' love for you will slowly recover, but what have you done?”

“For more than 7000 years, how many intelligent races of the western continent have they killed and exterminated for the sake of the demon's bones, blood, and crystals? You even treat the native people of the western continent as slaves and livestock, bullying and killing at will. After all, the White-Horn clan were recognized by the gods as the kings and the priests. But instead of disillusionment and changing your ways, you moved closer to the Red-Horn clan, which is violent, cruel and greedy. You were bewildered by the priest Hu-Lian, who is obsessed with greed and wanted to live forever. Look at the children who were eaten by your kind. What's the difference between them and your own? Whether it's the Hornless-men or the Horn-people, it's all the people of the Ancestor God!”

Yan Mo's tone changed: “Now the Ancestor God finally became angry, he demoted your Pan'a God to a lower earth three days ago, and punished the Horn-people priest Hu-Lian, who was disrespectful to the gods, greedy and bloodthirsty to absorb the flesh and blood of other intelligent creatures to maintain his lives, and the Gods completely wiped out his soul."

Boom! None of these words hit the Horn-people hard.

Many people don't believe what Yan Mo said, but many people saw the stars falling at the beginning - yes, many people subconsciously thought that the falling stars were their God Pan’a being casted from the heavens, and only in this way can they explain the abnormal appearance.

Yan Mo's later words also confirmed their conjecture: “According to the prediction given by the Ancestor God, the Pan'a God will replace Hu-Lian to be your priest, but he will not remember everything he was as a God, he will be reborn only as the third White-Horn clan three eyed witch born from the womb of a dead hornless woman, when he completed the task and compensation given by the Ancestor God. With all the mistakes you have all had made, he could go back to the gods’ realm again. Unfortunately... "

The White-Horn clan were excited and stunned by that pity.

Yan Mo shook his head and said with great sympathy and exclamation: "The Horn-people even wanted to kill the Hornless-men in the flatness of the E-Lan Mountain, but the newly demoted Pan'a God was so weak, and the Ancestor God didn't let me save him. Now, there's not even a residue left of his anger for you. I don't know when he will back to life. By what time, I think he will be very angry and disappointed with you since you were the ones who caused his death. Maybe you will have fewer witches in the future."

The White-Horn tribesmen are very angry. At this time, if the Red-Horn general and the Red-Horn-warrior who led the team on that day are around them, these White-Horn-people were so angry that they can rush up and eat them all raw! This was the coming of Pan'a God on earth! It is said that’s why the White-Horn clan are fewer and fewer. This generation only has two three eyed witches, and one is just found. It turned out that the third one...

Well, no matter what it was for, at least the gods and ancestors thought of their White-Horn clan, and Pan'a came to them as well! But now their god is gone and killed by their own Horn-people. When will the Pan'a God reconstitute and be born again!

The White-Horn clan was so distressed!

And vaguely remembered that the Black-Horn tribesmen, who once executed a pregnant woman in the E-Lan Mountain, they felt a heart rate acceleration. At that time, they had no idea why the Black-Horn man and the hornless woman would give birth to the White-Horn witch together. They clearly remember that the child was cut out of their belly out and then killed while it was still alive! Or is it another hornless woman?

There are more than one and two hornless women like this who get pregnant with the Horn-people and were killed in the E-Lan Mountain. The Black-Horn clan and the Red-Horn clan all did it. Even the White-Horn clan will have such people.

People with worry in their hearts think a lot, not that no one doubts the words of the young witch, but this man is so powerful, does he need to lie? And the stars landed that night, and that many people saw it.

The most important thing is, if there are no other gods in the world, where do those hornless demons and witches power come from? Why are they so powerful? They just demolished their cities and houses but didn't kill them? At this time, the rescue team has rescued many people from the ruins, and a few people have been injured, but no one has been heard that he was killed, that is even those running to rescue those god armor warriors who suddenly fell from the air, and no two people in the sky stopped them.

In fact, many of the Horn-people are in contact with the hornless people and other intelligent creatures, and they don't really think that there is only one God in the divine world. Yan Mo's words today only make their previous guesses true. Of course, if Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan are not powerful enough, what they say is to bewitch people, then it’s all false!

Yan Mo looked at the expressions of regret, doubt, anger, fear and so on of the Horn-people below, and his heart felt cool, but his face was not exposed at all, and he became more severe, and his tone is more serious.

“Gods and spirits, people of the Horn-people, this is your God's last words left before being killed by you. You can choose to believe them or not. He said: if the Horn-people continue to invade other continents, continue to fill the greed of the Horn-people with the blood bones, continue to bully the races weaker than the Horn-people with their ability, then a major war will reappear like the one more than 7000 years ago, when all the super fighters on all continents over the 10th rank no longer tolerate the Horn-people killings. And The Pan’a God will not give any more blessing and protection to the Horn-people!”

The two men in the sky went by the wind, as if they had returned to the fortress on the high mountain.

And the Horn tribesmen were standing in the ruins. Many people are at a loss. Do they want to attack that mountain? Do you want to kill those Hornless-men for revenge? But if they do, will the people who are still alive today continue to be alive or will they be wiped off?

If it's normal, let alone the ruins of the city, it's that the owner of his house will be furious and find trouble for the other party when he is kicked out of a brick, but now...

The Horn-people are bloody, but when the power gap is too big for them to resist, they will not be stupid enough to use their own lives to eliminate their anger.

It's just a demolished house. As long as people are not dead, there is still hope for everything rebuilding. Many of the Horn-people are comforting themselves at this time.

There is no order on the top, and it will not be easy to operate on the bottom.

After a moment's hesitation, the three leaders gave the same order: First, rescue and search the people buried in the ruins. Second, we need to organize people to build houses and cities. Third, no one is allowed to go to the original site of the E-Lan Mountain to find trouble with the Hornless-men.

Then the three clans met.

Yuan Zhan's situation is not so good. In order to give the Horn-people the biggest shock, this guy used too much energy at once, which led to the illusion of energy exhaustion in his body at this time. The four energies of the Godblood Stone that he had once suppressed were all scrambling to add energy to his body, which made his body condition extremely bad for a while.

Yuan Zhan can barely walk, but for the time being, he can't use any power. If it wasn't for his willpower, I'm afraid he would have gone mad by the pain in his body.

The Hornless-men in the fortress cheered when they saw the two coming back.

Just now, what these two people have done is just like the coming of the gods. The faces of Hou Shi and others are red with excitement.

Yuan Zhan's eyes are similar to those of God, including other demon warriors. They all know that it's not difficult to control the soil, to make an earthquake, and to break houses and cities. But it's not hard to describe that if they want to do this without hurting anyone's life in the city it very much impossible.

This is not a man in two houses, but a whole four cities thinks!

How delicate is the manipulation of the earth system energy to achieve such a thing?

It's not enough just to be able to operate subtly, but also to have strong energy to support such a large-scale action!

No, not just earth energy. Those metals, wood, etc. are destroyed at the same time. Can ordinary soil warriors really do such a thing?

As soon as Si Tan saw Yuan Zhan, he knew that he was in a bad condition. He didn't wait for others to see anything. Si Tan took the initiative to say, "You go to have a rest first, and then do other things... Make way!”

Other people are busy making way, even Hou Shi dare not to go shout at Si Tan. In these three days, everyone has a deep understanding of the ghost witch's terrible witchcraft, he offended him once, and his headache, dizziness and energy are all lighter things. He has nightmares at night and saw ghosts walking in the daytime. That's terrible!

Yuan Zhan nodded to the crowd and held Yan Mo's arm.

Yan Mo was speechless for a second, but he still pretended to be tired. Come on, Da Zhan is a thug and chief. He can only stand to die when he dies. Does his occasional weakness as the priority fit everyone's image?

In this way, in the eyes of all the people, the strong warrior helped the weak Priest Da-Ren to enter the fortress and rest.

As soon as he entered the room and closed the door, the powerful warrior fell to the ground!

Yan Mo knelt down and gave a general examination. Just when he grabbed his wrist, he gave him the pulse. But Yuan Zhan's energy riots caused him to not be able to detect anything.

But energy riots alone are a headache.

Yan Mo tried to put his energy in to help and guide them. He tried the first time and he was bounced back. Three times later, his energy was accepted.

When Yuan Zhan's body was found to be able to accept his energy, Yan Mo stopped immediately and put people in the second laboratory at the first time. This is a good opportunity to collect data. If he gave up like this, he would regret all his life.

As for the Jiu Yuan waiting for the return of the chief and the priest?

Yan Mo thought calmly: Although those guys are shouting that they are going to be attacked, and want them to rush back as soon as possible, their speed is based on the number of days they cross the ocean, Zheng can't ignore this. Zheng also mentioned that although the situation is urgent, it is not so easy to get attacked. They have asked for support from other cities. Wucheng-City of Witches, Shuicheng-Water City, Mucheng-Forest City, Fengcheng-Wind City and Bai Xi City, who have good relations with the Jiu Yuan, have sent support staff. So it is not a problem for the Jiu Yuan to support themselves for one or two months. When other forces send support teams, they can hold on for longer.

Now all the forces of all ethnic groups in the eastern continent know the truth of "Death of the lips, means death of the teeth and cold days for the teeth". If the Horn-people can conquer the Jiu Yuan today, they can conquer other forces tomorrow. You can do nothing but don't expect others to save you when it's your turn. At present, in addition to the Kongcheng-Air City controlled by the Horn-people, other forces, no matter what they think, dare not quarrel at this time. Miao Xiang is a little girl. She can hide and make way for fear. Other people have no such reason.

Yan Mo was so bad that he didn't get in touch to say he could go back immediately, just that they would go back as soon as possible. He also wanted to see how far the Jiu Yuan can go without him and Yuan Zhan, and by the way, see if the forces that have made friends with them really make friends with them.

Isn't it true that adversity is love? It's called true love to know that they can't go back in a short period of time, and others can help them to defend their cities. If they know that they can go back immediately, there will be many forces who do the friendship thing for pretense, even if they pretend to be able to come and stay for a few days.

In the evening, Yan Mo came out alone with a baby bag tied, and others didn't see Yuan Zhan and didn't talk much.

All the things that should be ordered have been ordered in these three days. Yan Mo turned to look at the sky. At this time, if they go back to the Jiu Yuan. It should be almost dawn, right?

“I think you all know that I want to go back to the eastern continent to solve the Horn-people invasion there. Here, Xi Yang will and build the city of the Hornless-men near the peninsula as soon as possible. This mountain is given to the lord of the Four Yuan Kingdoms. I don't think the Horn-people will attack this mountain in a short time, but in a long time, no one knows. If you want to stand in the door of the Horn-people's house, it's not enough to rely on the deterrence left by me and Yuan Zhan today. You must have enough power to make the Horn-people afraid, but not to make them turn over their faces immediately.”

Si Tan chimed in: "The Sea Witch Hai Zhu will come here to sit in this town. With him, as long as the Horn-people don't send large-scale troops, the mountain attacks won't happen. If the Horn-people really dare to go on all out, the Sea Witch Hai Zhu is much more ruthless than me. Even if in the end the Horn-people can take back the mountain, they will have to pay a huge price for that."

Yan Mo nodded and reminded the two same lords: “Instead of building a city at the door of someone else's house, it's better to set up only one stronghold and tell the Horn-people that this is just the shelter and guild center of the Horn-people, so as to save some face for them. Don't forget to keep in touch with the father and son of the Black-Horn, Dan-dun and the White-Horn clan. You can try to cooperate with them. Duke Dan-dun is not trustworthy, but his son is not bad."

“Guild?" the Youshangyuan Lord grasped at the strange word.

Yan Mo took some time to explain the concept of the guild to them, and finally said: "The Hornless-men force is much weaker than the Horn-people. You can also use this place as a trading place with the Horn-people, even without having to compete for this site, and only borrow lands from the three clans. As for who to borrow from, considering the current situation of the three clans, if you only win the consent of one clan group, the other two clan groups may not be able to say anything. "

"Can we build such a stronghold in or near other cities of the Horn-people?"

Yan Mo looked at him admiringly. "That's right. At the beginning, we don't need to expand a lot. First, we start with the White-Horn clan, who has a good feeling for the Hornless-men. When our own city of the Hornless-men stood firm, this stronghold will become normality. At that time, if the Horn-people propose to establish similar stronghold in the sphere of influence of the Hornless-people, you should not refuse to do so. You can ask, for example, to let them exchange with yuan-crystal and provide Bone Sculpting teaching in exchange for them setting a guild at the hornless people cities."

"You... Will not he come back?” Asked another, hesitating.

Yan Mo smiled, “If you want, I can come back and forth." With the transmission door, how could he give up such a large piece of fatness in the western continent, even if it was only raw material supply, it was also a wonderful resource!

All the people were in high spirits. Today, although they knew that these two people were great, they saw that they had shocked the Horn-people. All the Hornless-men who came out of the abyss and other places had already begun to believe that these two people must be the real emissaries sent by the ancestors to save them!

When they heard that the messenger was going to leave, they were very sad and depressed, especially when they heard that the Si Tan Witch and most of the thirty-two high-ranking the demon warriors were going to leave with Mo Da-Ren.

Yan Mo didn't expect that twenty-seven of the thirty-two people would go back to the Jiu Yuan with him. He thought half of them would follow him.

Some of the remaining five people didn't want to leave their families and tribesmen, some don't trust the safety of the family they just rescued and found, and another one said that he has a commitment that must be completed. He won't follow him for the time being, and will come back to him after the commitment he had previously is completed.

Before leaving, Yan Mo left behind a large bone bird - he had regarded the Hornless-men site of the western continent as a subsidiary city of the Jiu Yuan in his mind. Besides the original team of the Jiu Yuan, there were also: Si Tan and 27 demon warriors and magic witches who wanted to take them back to be thugs.

HouShi cried and shouted to follow him. Yan Mo agreed to train several people here. HouShi may have many shortcomings, but it was very rare for this rude and tyrannical savage to be loyal to him. In the future, if he is inspired to have a blood ability force, then he can be trained and brainwashed well and put back to the western continent to help him restrain other people with more ambitions.

Qi Hong Zi and his guards have been following Yan Mo all the time. When Yan Mo announced the list to go back with him, they didn't quarrel, so Mo looked at him.

Yan Mo originally planned to take Qi Hong Zi with him. Looking at other people, he agreed to take them as soon as he felt softened. Qi Hong Zi and his team members were as happy as they are going to the gods’ lands.

Finally, the little White-Horn boy and his twenty-three followers.

After the list is confirmed, Yan Mo dealt with some trivial matters. When the moon rose, he finally announces: “Everyone, come back to the Jiu Yuan with me. I'm sure you will never be disappointed when you see her."


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