Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 5 Ch. 36 Table of contents
Difficult deliveries among dangerous species are especially troublesome.
In the best-case scenario, the offspring perishes. In the worst, the mother dies alongside it.
Nearby, the molten fire deer appeared equally aware of the female deer's distress and panic. Yet, all they could do was anxiously pace and scrape the ground with their hooves, unable to offer any aid.
It seemed to be the female’s first delivery, and her inexperience combined with her overwhelming fear led to complications.
"Not that I’m one for sentimentality, but shouldn’t we help?" Rebecca asked.
Leon nodded without hesitation. "If we can help, we should."
Dangerous species with gentle temperaments and a degree of intelligence deserved better treatment than common livestock.

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