Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 72 Table of contents

Jade Soap (Part 2)


Miss Li was visibly intrigued by the Jade Soap, which had a distinct texture compared to regular soap. She leaned in for a closer look. Despite being born into affluence, she was merely a part of a  “prominent family” in Fuyang Town, and her family’s heritage and education weren’t particularly profound. Besides, she was only around fifteen or sixteen years old and couldn’t always control her emotions.


Now, seeing something new she hadn’t encountered before, especially knowing that it was a Jade Soap used by noblewomen in the capital city and Qingzhou Prefecture for skincare, she couldn’t hide her eagerness.


Inside the dainty and exquisite gift box were six pieces of Jade Soap in three different varieties: milk, honey, and plum. There were also a few other items.


Miss Li picked up each item with great interest, and after a moment of excitement, a hint of confusion appeared on her face. She couldn’t help but ask Chuxia, “Master Lin, I know it may sound improper, but I’m genuinely curious. I haven’t seen any of these soaps, be it regular or Jade Soap, in the county town in recent days. How do you have products from the capital city and Qingzhou Prefecture?”


This is not surprising that Miss Li is questioning this. Children from families like hers are educated from a young age to understand that there are certain people they shouldn’t offend and certain things they shouldn’t be involved with, as it might even affect the family.


The exceptional nature of this Jade Soap, which isn’t even available in high-end shops in the county town, combined with what Master Lin just said – that it’s currently only available in the capital city and Qingzhou Prefecture – raises questions about how this ordinary and unremarkable family like the Jing family managed to obtain it.


As far as she knows, both the Jing family and the Lin family only made a bit of money in the past two years. They used to be just ordinary folks who worked in the fields and hunted in the mountains.


In case the source of these products is not legitimate, it could lead to trouble with influential families and officials from the capital city or Qingzhou Prefecture. Her parents would surely scold her for it.


“No need to conceal the truth. Our Ningxia Pavilion is actually a joint venture between the Huang family in the capital city and my husband,” Chuxia raised the banner.


“The Huang family in the capital city? You mean the Huang family, the direct lineage from Qingzhou Prefecture and the capital city?” Miss Li was quite surprised.


“Yes, that’s the one,” Chuxia nodded.


“But this… I mean, I’m not implying anything. I’ve only heard that Jixiange Pavilion is a business of the Huang family, and it’s just a small branch here in Fuyang Town. How could the Huang family collaborate to run a shop in a small place like Fuyang Town?”


It’s not surprising that Miss Li is questioning, given the clearly defined class distinctions in ancient times. Although she may put on airs in front of Chuxia, in the presence of Master Huang, she still has to show respect. After all, it’s because of his surname, Huang.


So, upon hearing that the Jing family collaborated with the Huang family in the capital city, it’s indeed hard to believe.


“I understand your concerns, Miss Li. Rest assured, the source of goods is absolutely secure, and all the products sold in Ningxia Pavilion are genuine Huang family products. Besides, we still have the Jixiange Pavilion in our town, and I wouldn’t dare to tell a lie,” Chuxia assured.


Chuxia then had Liu Xiaochen bring in a basin of water and provided a clean white silk handkerchief with a maple leaf embroidered in one corner for Miss Li to use.


“Please, Miss,” he placed the basin on the table and then returned respectfully to stand behind Chuxia, keen to learn about proper manners and hospitality from Master Lin.


Miss Li was delighted as she washed her hands with the milk Jade Soap, while being served by her maidservant. She felt much more comfortable in this atmosphere.


Without trying, she wouldn’t have known the significant difference between Jade Soap and regular soap. The lather is finer, the cleansing is more thorough, and it doesn’t leave the skin feeling dry and tight after rinsing.


“This is truly excellent, excellent,” Li Yushuang was very pleased, as it seemed there was hope for her acne problem.


“Miss Li, this Jade Soap is indeed excellent, and different products have different effects. Later, I’ll let Xiaochen explain it to you in detail. When you go back, he’ll be able to prepare them according to your specific needs. However, after using Jade Soap to wash your face and hands, remember to apply face cream. These are complementary but not interchangeable,” Chu Xia advised, expressing his confidence in their products while being honest about their differences.


Unknowingly, this made Li Yushuang feel even more comfortable and satisfied. Chuxia really seemed to be an honest and trustworthy person.


“Initial sales of Jade Soap will be quite limited. The complex production process and the need for time make it challenging to produce in large quantities. As per the instructions of the Huang family, we dare not compromise quality. It will be primarily available to those with the means to appreciate it and benefit from it,” he started by setting the stage for product exclusivity.


Sure enough, Miss Li’s eyes lit up. She was evidently quite satisfied with this arrangement.


“If purchased individually, the plain Jade Soap costs fifty wen per piece, Milk Jade Soap is sixty wen per piece, Honey Jade Soap is eighty wen per piece, and Plum Jade Soap is one hundred wen per piece. We are also currently developing other products and plan to introduce new items to our premium line as soon as possible.”


“As for the gift set, it contains three pieces each of Milk, Honey, and Plum Jade Soaps, along with an intricately designed soap dish that is not only convenient but also aesthetically pleasing, helping keep the Jade Soaps dry for future use. We’ve also included two finely crafted cotton handkerchiefs for face cleansing; they are absorbent and gentle on the skin.”


“This gift set comes in two variations. The first is called ‘Three-Color Gem,’ priced at four hundred and sixty-eight wen. The other version includes eight pieces of Jade Soap, including two plain ones, and is named ‘Four-Color Gem,’ with a price of five hundred and eighty-eight wen. They are both not yet available for sale.”


Chuxia finished explaining and waited quietly. This was a technique he had learned from Lin’s father. He had observed Chuxia selling goods previously and noticed that he seemed too eager. Lin’s mother had advised him to think about how Lin’s father had acted when he brought home rare and valuable hunting items. He was never in a hurry, knowing that quality goods don’t need to be rushed, and it’s best to wait for the customer to inquire.


Li Yushuang thought for a moment. It wasn’t cheap, but she also couldn’t say it was expensive. In the county town, soap cost a few tens of wen per piece, and the effect was nowhere near as good as this Jade Soap.


The crucial thing was that this Jade Soap didn’t carry a poor and common aura, which most ordinary households couldn’t afford. If she started using it, she’d be unique in the entire Fuyang Town.


“Master Lin, you’ve certainly found the right person. Don’t forget that, even though there are plenty of rich young ladies and young masters in Fuyang Town, not everyone knows quality,” Li Yushuang said, her tone a bit arrogant, and she even mentioned several other young masters and young ladies from different families with a degree of disdain.


Chuxia smiled but didn’t say anything, as if he hadn’t heard it.


“Master Lin, I’d like two sets of ‘Three-Color Gem’ and two sets of ‘Four-Color Gem,’ as well as the two sets of ‘Three Sheep’s Prosperity’ that Xing Er initially wanted,” she said, expressing her grandeur and tossing her head.


“Of course. Xiaochen, you can take Xing Er and organize the items,” Chuxia said and instructed Xiaochen.


He wasn’t surprised. The more Li Yushuang learned about their products, the more she realized that she wouldn’t buy individual pieces; she could afford the cost.


“Sure. Xing Er, this way, please.”


At the counter, Lin’s father was handling the transaction. After hearing the quantities from Xiaochen, he began calculating with expertise.


Four boxes of Jade Soap and two boxes of regular soap added up to 2688 wen, and the payment was complete.


Xing Er, who had been anxious but was now smiling, held six boxes of soap in her left hand, while her right hand supported Miss Li as they headed home in a hurry.


“Goodness, you almost gave me a fright. It’s the first time I’ve come into contact with a rich young lady like this.”


Xiaochen watched Miss Li’s sedan chair move farther away and sighed with relief. He then sat down on a chair.


He looked at Chuxia with starry-eyed admiration and said, “Chuxia, you’re amazing. You had Miss Li completely absorbed and even built a connection with her.”


“She wasn’t trying to connect with me. At first, she didn’t even want to acknowledge me,” Chuxia replied with a smile and chose not to mention it.


“Oh my, you had her completely stunned. In the end, she even tried to establish a connection with you,” Xiaochen said, praising Chuxia’s skill.


“She’s actually trying to establish a connection with the Huang family that’s behind me. Businesspeople are shrewd; they always make friends and secure a way out for themselves. They never miss an opportunity to establish connections with the influential and the powerful. Besides, she paid more attention as soon as I mentioned the Huang family, business, and connections,” Chuxia explained clearly.


“Ah, yes. Chuxia, you only need to mention ‘Beijing,’ ‘Qingzhou,’ and the ‘Huang family,’ and Miss Li would pay extra attention,” Xiaochen realized and shared his observation.


“Yes, you’re right, Xiaochen. You’ve been very observant, and that’s great. Don’t worry about dealing with the elite; our first order is challenging because we’re entering the high-end market. Subsequent orders will be much easier.”


Chuxia looked at Xiaochen with a smile and said, “Don’t be afraid. Whether it’s a wealthy young lady or a first-class maid, they’re all just people with a nose, a mouth, two eyes, two legs, and not three heads and six arms, right?”




Lin’s father initially watched him speak with confidence and was pleased. He didn’t expect that as he continued, it became more incoherent, likely influenced by his son-in-law’s teachings.


Chuxia now exuded more self-assuredness compared to when he was at home, and he expressed himself more boldly. He knew this transformation was due to Jing Yi’s influence. Jing Yi had given Chuxia a sense of security, encouraged him to find his life’s purpose, and be true to himself.


This newfound sense of security stemmed from the time and era they lived in. While the Lin family cared deeply for Chuxia, there were times when they couldn’t do much.


“Father!” Chuxia playfully called out, looking at his cousin and sister-in-law who were suppressing their laughter. He winked to subtly signal his father to save him some face.

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