Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 79 Table of contents

Chapter 79: Collaborative Partner


The ice was successfully produced, but Jing Yi didn’t rush to reveal it to his family. The saying goes, “Keep a jade hidden until it is useful.” He decided not to leak the news until everything was settled.


After explaining the importance to the children, especially the smart and obedient Xiao Shu, Jing Yi left them to have fun on the estate. When Jing Mother arrived, he and Chuxia headed to the town to meet up with Second Brother Huang as planned before rushing to Qingzhou Prefecture.


Jing Yi was fine, but Second Brother Huang seemed anxious, his face turning red, possibly from excitement or heat. He was sweating profusely and couldn’t stop talking.


“You, how could you let something this big happen without keeping an eye on it? Xia Bing, Xia Bing, do you know whose interests you’ve affected? Do you know who owns the Xia Bing Shop in the capital?”


“I don’t know,” Jing Yi replied. He was tired; Second Brother Huang had been talking incessantly.


“That’s right!” Suddenly stopping, Second Brother Huang pointed to the sky, then compared with two fingers, “It’s him! Do you understand?!”


“Oh. Should we go back then? Not make any profit?” Jing Yi suggested, choosing to retreat.


“No way! Our Huang family won’t back down either!” Realizing he might have said too much, Second Brother Huang quickly stopped glancing at Jing Yi and continued, “Second Brother Huang, although our families are tied together in business, I won’t participate in anything else. I’m not interested. My biggest wish in life is to have a peaceful family with a wife and children.” Jing Yi said casually, showing no ambition. He had no concerns.


“You’re really sensible, my friend. I came to Fuyang Town to escape some pressure, but I still want to gather information about the capital from time to time…”


Before Second Brother Huang could finish, Jing Yi interrupted him, “Second Brother, although our families are connected in business because of the recipe, I won’t get involved in anything else. I’m not interested, and I don’t want to know more than necessary. Some things are better off not known. I hope you can understand.”


“Sigh, alright, you’re living a sensible life.” Second Brother Huang sighed, realizing Jing Yi had no ambitions or ulterior motives. Jing Yi wasn’t worried about anything.


“Second Brother, I only care about the business deal we have. Let’s keep it at that. If there’s anything else, I’m not interested. Please spare me from unnecessary troubles.”


“Alright, alright. You’re truly straightforward. As long as we can continue with this business, I’m satisfied. Let’s focus on that,” Second Brother Huang said, relieved. Jing Yi had no ambitions, and that was good for their cooperation.


Still on the road for a day, they arrived in Qingzhou Prefecture in the evening. Traveling by carriage in the summer was indeed a hardship, so the few of them didn’t say much. After dinner, they each went back to rest.


Second Brother Huang went to stay at his elder brother’s house. Jing Yi and Chuxia declined his invitation and, along with Steward Tong, went to the same hospitable inn as before. However, this time, they booked a higher-class room for themselves and a regular room for Steward Tong.


Feeling content, they went to bed after washing up. The bed in the higher-class room was indeed comfortable.


The next morning, while Chuxia rested at the inn, Jing Yi and Steward Tong went to Elder Brother Huang’s residence on time. Before entering, they were invited by Huang Elder Brother and Huang Second Brother to sit in a luxurious carriage.


Jing Yi wondered, “Elder Brother Huang, where are we going?” Weren’t they supposed to discuss things at home?


Elder Brother Huang said with a smile, “For the soap business, we rely on Brother Jing’s ingenious ideas. This time, with the ice-making, Brother Jing truly is an extraordinary person! My master has invited you to the Huang residence for a chat. It would be impolite not to inform you in advance, please forgive us.”


Jing Yi was indeed considered an important person to them. With these two business deals, he and Huang Second Brother were highly regarded by their master. Although it was Jing Yi’s credit, they wouldn’t try to take it away. Hence, this meeting at the Huang residence was arranged.


The carriage drove through Zheng Second Street, where tall walls surrounded large courtyards. Often, they had to walk a long way before seeing the gates due to the high walls, illustrating the vastness of these estates.


The carriage stopped in front of a red gate that looked like it could accommodate two carriages side by side. Jing Yi followed Huang Brothers off the carriage, gazing at the Jade lions, as tall as himself, on the side. Even before entering, he felt a strong atmosphere of wealth and class.


The steward led them through the main gate, winding through at least two courtyards, before reaching a special guest courtyard, where they waited for the host.


The head of the Huang family, Huang Shengjie, the eldest son, was the top master. He had been the chief official in charge of an island province in the south, a third-rank official. It was said that he had recently returned from reporting his duties in the capital and was waiting for a new appointment in Qingzhou. He was likely to return to the capital, being part of the core power circle.


The host they were waiting for was Huang Shengjie, whose courtesy name was Pingyuan. He was twenty-two years old, had already passed the imperial examination as a Jinshi, and was currently preparing for the next level palace exams. He was well-known for his talent in Qingzhou, even though he was already engaged. He remained the dream idol of numerous young girls.


While waiting in the room, Jing Yi observed keenly and noticed two pots of ice in the corner. Even in a wealthy household, ice was a luxury. Using it to entertain him indicated that the Huang family indeed valued this business.


After a short wait, a handsome and elegant young man walked towards them from outside. Unlike Huang Elder and Second Brother, who were sweating even with ice, he only had a slight dampness on his collar, which didn’t affect his demeanor.


“Is this Mr. Jing?” Huang Shengjie greeted with a smile, courteous and gentle.


“Young Master Huang, no need for formalities. I’m just a person who enjoys thinking and fooling around. I’m not as talented as you. In the future, you’ll be solving problems for the emperor and seeking benefits for the people.” Jing Yi replied.


He always spoke straightforwardly. If someone was taking the imperial examination, praising them for serving the emperor and the people would surely please them. The Da Yuan Dynasty had relatively free speech, and Jing Yi was well-versed in the rules, so he knew the boundaries.


Huang Shengjie was secretly surprised. This Mr. Jing didn’t seem like a common farmer. He had courage, was articulate, and, unexpectedly, these words really touched him.


“Haha, please don’t be so polite. Inviting Mr. Jing today is a bit abrupt, please forgive us. Please, have a seat, and let’s have tea and chat.” Huang Shengjie gestured for them to sit, and the atmosphere became pleasant as they began conversing.


“Sure, sure.”


Next came some pleasantries between them. Talking to young masters like them was both tiring and comfortable. It was tiring because of the need to be formal, but comfortable due to the refinement, good manners, and charming conversation style cultivated in the noble families.


“Not hiding anything, Mr. Jing, Pingyuan is extremely interested in the magical art of ice-making in summer. Can it be demonstrated now?” The young master Huang finally got to the point.


“Naturally, it can,” Jing Yi said, instructing Steward Tong to bring the saltpeter.


Everyone moved to the courtyard, and following Jing Yi’s instructions, Steward Tong placed the basin-over-basin poured saltpetre in water. Under the scorching sun, the water in the wooden basin gradually turned into ice.


Without mentioning how amazed Huang Brothers were, even Young Master Huang couldn’t help but walk to the side and gently touch it, carefully feeling it.


Turning back, he looked at Jing Yi with an intense gaze and asked, “Mr. Jing, is this ice edible?”


“Of course, it is edible and has no harm to the body. However, the saltpeter used for making ice is not edible.”


“Great! Great!” Young Master Huang was delighted. You see, the ice sold in those shops now was actually stored from winter and kept in an ice cellar for a long time, making it unsuitable for consumption.


This way, they would surely gain a complete victory, cutting off one lucrative source of income for their competitors.


“Mr. Jing is indeed a person with great abilities. Come, let’s go inside and talk in detail. Second Uncle Huang, please bring this piece of ice inside, so we can be more comfortable.” Huang Young Master politely instructed.


“Hahaha, Young Master, you’re too kind. I’ll bring it in right away.” Huang Second Brother was also very happy, lifting the basin with both hands and walking into the house.


This time, the Huang family was indeed sincere. Without waiting for Jing Yi to propose conditions, they directly stated their bottom line, mainly offering a price of ten thousand taels of silver, the exclusive selling rights in the entire Anchang County, and a manor with two hundred mu of fertile land in Anchang County. The last one was proposed by Huang Elder Brother after knowing that Jing Yi loved farmland.


“Mr. Jing, if you have other requirements, feel free to speak. We can further negotiate.” Young Master Huang said.


This time, as they were delving into the money box of the opposing force, Huang Elder Brother also inquired. He cherished talents, and today’s hospitality was specially instructed by Huang Elder Brother.


Although the ice-making formula was simple, it could lead to a big enterprise. Huang Shengjie being young, was thinking of making money. His father, as the chief official in charge of an island province in the south, who had been harassed by the neighboring small countries for many years, naturally knew how terrible the heat was. The people were not in the mood for production, and the army suffered from facing the enemy.


Now, with ice, although it couldn’t solve the root problem, it could greatly alleviate the inconveniences and suffering caused by the heat.


In addition, the ice offerings in the palace every year also needed a change of personnel. How could they always let those few families take advantage every summer?


Therefore, Jing Yi’s ice-making method was highly valued by the Huang family this time, showing that Huang Elder Brother had foresight and vision.


However, Jing Yi was not a greedy person. “I have no problem with this. What Young Master Huang has offered has exceeded my expectations, making me feel a bit overwhelmed.”


Hearing this, Young Master Huang said in a gentle tone, “Don’t say that, Mr. Jing, you are indeed a great talent.”


Thus, the two sides smoothly finalized the contract, and then they unified the price. Jing Yi heard that it was within his expectations, and he felt relieved that the common people would be able to afford a bowl of ice for their children.

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