Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 83 Table of contents

Chapter 83: Something Happened


“Ice cream! Ice cream! Cool in the mouth, sweet in the heart!”


“Selling ice cream! Selling ice cream! Icy cool, refreshing to the core!”


“Selling sweet sticks! Selling sweet sticks! Eat one, be cool all day!”


Around ten in the morning, as the temperature rapidly rose, the delivery team from Jing’s Ice Nectar Pavillion first delivered the pre-ordered chilled products to each household. Then, they hit the streets, shouting and selling, and for a while, the streets and alleys of Fuyang Town echoed with their calls.


In the Yinger Alley, a few boys were playing horseback riding and fighting under the shade of a willow tree.


“Ice cream! Ice cream! Selling ice cream!” Chen Jiawen saw this and hurriedly joined in the shouting.


Today was his first day on the delivery team. The initial deliveries went smoothly, but when it came time to shout and sell, it became a bit embarrassing.


There was a family incident at his home earlier this year, and now they needed money to support the family.


When he was at home, he thought about putting aside his pride, working hard, being a man who knows when to act and when not to, and earning money to support the family. But when he really started shouting on the street, he realized it was indeed difficult to open his mouth.


Walking to the assigned streets and alleys like a gourd with a saw, he saw only a group of children playing under the big banyan tree. He immediately seized the opportunity and shouted with all his might.


If he didn’t shout today, he might as well not open the shop. If the goods he brought from the store were returned untouched, wouldn’t that be even more embarrassing?


The houses in Yinger Alley were not cheap. Those who could afford them generally had some money on hand. Most families were not engaged in business but had stable income sources in town or at the docks, and they led a fairly comfortable life.


“Big brother, is this the ice cream from Jing’s Restaurant?” The two little boys heard the shouting and quickly ran over to ask, both looking lively with similar facial features, obviously brothers.


“Exactly! Little brother has sharp eyes; this is Jing’s family’s ice cream, unique in Fuyang Town!” Chen Jiawen saw a business opportunity and didn’t care if the kids could afford it; he immediately started calling out.


The older boy among them, looking about seven or eight years old, tried to sound mature as he said to Chen Jiawen, “Alright, alright. My dad used to take us to Jing’s Ice Nectar Pavillion to eat, but he’s been too busy lately. Let me take a look and verify the goods. If they’re correct, I’ll call my dad to come and buy.”


Chen Jiawen, looking at this little brother who wanted to “verify the goods,” suppressed a smile, opened the box, and lifted the thick insulation blanket to show him the ice cream.


“Wow!” “Gulp!”


Sounds of amazement and mouth-watering whispers echoed one after another, even the little ones who had been watching from the side came over to see what was going on.


But Chen Jiawen quickly covered it up after showing them. He didn’t underestimate the little ones and explained, “You know, this ice cream melts easily. You can only take a quick look, forgive me.”


“Got it! It’s indeed Jing’s family’s ice cream. Wait for me; I’ll call my dad!” Saying this, he quickly ran back home, dragging his little brother along.


“I want to buy too! I want to buy!” “Wait! I’ll call my mother!”


In a rush, everyone disappeared.


Chen Jiawen wasn’t in a hurry; even if only two or three kids came back, it would still be two or three transactions! Carrying the wooden box, he walked to the shady area under the banyan tree and waited.


Soon, the two brothers who had left first came back, bringing with them a petite and delicate young ger, followed by a burly man with a face full of muscles, holding a little boy in his arms.


Yes, this was the blacksmith who had brought his three children to Jing’s Ice Nectar Pavillion to eat ice before. He had returned in the past few days and had been wanting to bring his son to eat ice again but had been too busy with a big order.


Upon hearing from his older and second sons that Jing’s family’s ice cream was being sold, he quickly brought his son over.


“How is it sold? Only ice cream?” the blacksmith asked.


“Dear guest, hello! The prices are the same as in the shop, only ice cream, various flavors are available. There’s no way; it’s hot weather, and other goods can’t be brought out. Please understand,” Chen Jiawen said.


Upon hearing this little guy speak so eloquently, the blacksmith involuntarily softened his tone; he, a rough man, always respected educated people.


“Alright! We’ll pick our own.” The blacksmith shop owner said to his family, “You guys, choose whatever flavor you want. Son, you can have the milk-flavored one. You love drinking sheep’s milk, and I heard this one has honey added; it’s fragrant and sweet.”


His son clearly already knew that the milk-flavored ice cream was the most expensive. He gave his husband a charming look.


In the end, the blacksmith’s family bought five milk-flavored ones, five fruit-flavored ones. The parents at home, as well as the two apprentices and one assistant in the shop, were not left out.


In just a short while, Chen Jiawen earned twelve and a half wen in this business deal, not to mention the continuous arrival of customers later, greatly boosting his confidence.


After leaving Yinger Alley and seeing there was less than half a box of ice cream left, he didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He shouted loudly; after all, there was nothing more satisfying than making money!


After selling out, he quickly went back to replenish the stock; there were still two alleys to cover.


On this day, almost everyone who went out sold out, and even due to underestimating the people’s desire for ice, by just after two in the afternoon, there was not much inventory left. To ensure the shop’s supply, Jing Yi stopped sending goods to everyone.


In the evening, Jing Yi started settling accounts with each hawker. The townspeople had strong purchasing power. Some earned fifty or sixty wen, while others earned a hundred or so wen. Adding the ten wen for delivery, everyone made at least a silver coin.


The purchasing power of the villagers was a bit weaker, mostly buying sweet sticks. With one person responsible for each village, they could still earn fifty or sixty wen in a day, which was not bad.


Everyone who received money had a delighted and rosy face. Although it was a short-term business, with diligence, one could earn as much in three or four months as others did in a whole year.


What’s there to fear in the heat and exhaustion? The taste of having no money is even scarier.


After five days, the hawker model was a great success, and five more people joined the hawker team from the countryside, covering slightly more distant villages.


Moreover, Jing Yi specifically hired two mule carts in town. Starting at nine in the morning, he sent each cart with people to different villages. Then, starting at eleven, he picked them up in the same order.


Because the purchasing power in the villages was limited, making the ice cream boxes larger was enough for one round in a day.


Due to the appearance of ice cream, people under the scorching sun had a bit more smile on their faces.


Moreover, the wealthy families in the town and its surroundings knew that Boss Jing not only sold refreshing drinks but also sold ice, big blocks of ice. As long as you had money, Boss Jing would supply you limitlessly.


As the saying goes, it’s hard to go from luxury to frugality, especially for the noble ladies in the inner house. Once they enjoyed the coolness of summer once, it was difficult for them to go back to a hot life. Therefore, most of them chose to repeatedly refill their cups.


Even if Jing Yi’s ice cream wasn’t considered expensive, he still made a substantial profit in the end.


The summer sun was long, especially this summer. Just when you thought today’s sun couldn’t be more intense, tomorrow’s would surely surprise you.


Days passed by, and soon it was the end of July.


At this point, the weather was still hot, but the sunlight was not as harsh, and the wind was not as stifling. Even if it rained, it brought some coolness.


Jing An and his classmates had already confirmed that the private school would start on the sixth of August, so they only had a few carefree days left. Jing Yi had long planned the personnel arrangement for them after they started school.


This Ice Nectar Pavillion originally planned to operate until the end of August and then move to a new location slightly to the west.


Yes, Jing Yi had already identified two shops over these past two months, one in town and one at the dock, both in good locations. Others might find them too small to accommodate more than a few tables, but for Jing Yi, who only sold refreshing drinks and beverages, they were just right.


The one at the dock had already been renovated and opened for business. Now they were waiting for the hotpot restaurant to vacate the space by the end of August.


Just when the boys from the private school were preparing to stand their final watch, an issue arose.


“Big brother! It’s already past the afternoon, and Jiawen hasn’t come back to pick up the goods.”


During noon, Dongjiang had sorted out the accounts for the first batch of pickups today and noticed that Chen Jiawen hadn’t come. Feeling a bit worried but thinking it was still early and perhaps he was delayed due to poor sales today, Dongjiang waited a bit.


But now it was past two o’clock, and Chen Jiawen still hadn’t returned. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Chen Jiawen picked up goods twice a day, once at eleven in the morning and once at two in the afternoon, almost like clockwork.


Jing Yi frowned upon hearing this. Jiawen was a reliable young man; he wouldn’t change the pickup times without reason. The goods in the store were counted every day, and being late was not something he could afford.


“Which alleys is he responsible for? Let Renyi go and take a look.” Jing Yi didn’t hesitate and immediately made arrangements.


However, at that moment, a young man of about sixteen or seventeen rushed into the shop, sweating profusely in the scorching heat. He didn’t buy anything but went straight to the counter.


“Excuse me, who is Boss Jing? Your shop’s hawker named Chen was beaten. My master took him to the clinic in Yinger Alley. You should go and check on him quickly.” The young man said anxiously.


“Ah! In broad daylight! Too audacious!”


“Boss Jing, you should go and check quickly. It’s a serious matter.”


“I wonder if it’s for money or something else.”


The messenger didn’t deliberately lower his voice, and the customers in the shop heard it all, sparking discussions.


Jing Yi’s first reaction was to determine whether it was for money or some other reason. However, there was no time to think about this now. Checking on Jiawen was the priority.


“Dongshan, Gao kun, you two take care of the shop. Go to the backyard and call my father to help watch over it.”


“Xiao An, Dongjiang, you two go to the backyard and call Steward Tong. Come with me to the clinic.” As Jing Yi spoke, he quickly returned to his and Chunxia’s room in the backyard, grabbing ten taels of broken silver and fifty taels of silver bills, tucking them into his pocket.


The four of them rushed with the horse carriage and soon arrived at the clinic.

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