Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 91 Table of contents

Chapter 91: Pregnant!


Around three in the afternoon, the two carriages of the Jing family continued to advance on the road.


Chuxia lazily lay in Jing Yi’s arms, too lazy to move. Jing Yi lifted the curtain, and the autumn sky was gentle, like the warm hand of a loving mother on their faces.


“Still feeling sick?” Jing Yi brushed away the loose strands of hair from his wife’s forehead.


Chuxia lazily shook his head and buried himself in Jing Yi’s arms again, his voice muffled, “How much longer until we arrive?”


“Soon. Want to have some pickled plums?” Jing Yi opened the compartment on the left side of the carriage, taking out a bag of pickled plums bought in Taoyuan County. They were crispy, sour, and sweet, the perfect remedy for Chuxia’s motion sickness.


“No, I’m fine, just don’t feel like moving.”


“Alright, then let me hold you, and you can rest for a while.”




Because of Chuxia’s tendency to motion sickness on this long journey, Jing Yi instructed Steward Tong to stop and take a break at each post station.


Sure enough, the carriage came to a slow stop shortly afterward.


Jing Yi persuaded Chuxia to get off and take a stroll for a while to feel more at ease.


“Wow! The smell of the sea breeze. It seems we’re not far from the seaside.” As soon as Jing Yi got off, he sensibly caught a whiff of the slightly salty scent in the air.


The other travelers, who had never been to the seaside, initially thought the post station was handling some ingredients.


“Boss, you really have a broad knowledge. If you head east for a few more miles, you’ll reach the seaside. However, the coast here is mostly rocky. It looks like you guys are heading to Shawan Town. Just go south for another two quarters of an hour, and you’ll be there.” The attendant at the post station served tea and some fruits, warmly chatting with Jing Yi and his companions.


Steward Tong took the opportunity to chat with the attendant, asking about the situation in Shawan Town, such as accommodations, dining, and places of interest. Everyone listened with great interest.


Even the hired carriage drivers were all smiles. This job was really good. The employer was generous, and after finishing the task, they got to enjoy a sponsored vacation. For an old guy who had never seen the sea in half his life, this was enough to boast about to the neighbors for a lifetime.


Once again on the road, it indeed took two quarters of an hour to arrive.


Jing Yi and his group directly went to the inn recommended by the attendant, which was quite famous locally and had a vibrant coastal style in its decoration.


Jing Yi booked four rooms – one deluxe and three standard, all on the second floor. Faintly, one could catch glimpses of the sea from the windows, exciting everyone. Even the exhausted Chuxia couldn’t resist lingering at the window, eagerly looking outside.


“Alright now, stop looking and get some sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll take you to experience the sea up close.” Jing Yi, left alone on the empty bed, gazed through the mosquito net, watching Chuxia by the window.


Hearing this, Chuxia was all smiles. He quickly walked to the bed, snuggling into Jing Yi’s arms to rest.


When they woke up the next day, everyone felt refreshed after a good night’s sleep.


Knowing that Chuxia was eager to see the sea, Jing Yi, after a simple breakfast, led everyone out. Their destination was the seaside, and they strolled leisurely for about a quarter of an hour. No rush, just a slow walk.


The coastal town was quite prosperous. Although it couldn’t match Shuyang Town, it had its charm. Shuyang Town thrived on shipping and commerce, while Shawan Town primarily focused on exporting marine products. Moreover, there were quite a few tourists who came specifically for leisure.


The shops along the street offered similar goods to those in other towns, but with additional coastal specialties such as dried marine products, pearl accessories stores, and shops specializing in sea cucumbers and abalones.


Jing Yi didn’t go into these shops as they had plenty of time. Instead, he first wanted to enjoy the sea. The innkeeper mentioned a seafood market by the beach where they could also have meals prepared. That would be their next stop.


As they walked further, the salty scent in the sea breeze grew stronger. Crossing through a grove of trees along a small path, the vast expanse of the sea appeared before them in a breathtaking manner.


For a brief moment, everyone was left speechless, captivated by the boundless sea. Except for Jing Yi, none of them had seen the sea before. They had imagined it, but the wonders and charm of nature always surpassed one’s imagination.


At this moment, around ten in the morning, the sunlight of autumn was bright but not scorching. Looking out, all they could see was the golden sunlight spreading along the seaside, emphasizing its magnificence. In the distance, the sea and the sky merged seamlessly. Up close, waves leaped onto the beach intermittently.


After everyone regained their senses, exclamations and praises filled the air.


“Oh my, this is the sea! It’s so vast; you can’t see the end!”


“Brother! Brother! The sea and the sky are connected!”


“Heavens, I never thought I’d see the sea in my lifetime!”


Listening to the exclamations, Jing Yi, enjoying the sea breeze with narrowed eyes, said to everyone, “The wind is strong by the seaside, and the sun is intense. It’s easy to get sunburned. Let’s stay here for about three-quarters of an hour. If you want to play, come back in the afternoon or the day after tomorrow.”


He added with a reminder, “The temperature is still fine in autumn. For those who want to go into the water, stay away a bit, avoiding ladies and little ones. But you must have at least three people together to enter the sea. Once the water reaches your calves, don’t go deeper. Don’t underestimate the power of the waves.”


Adult men didn’t need to be so cautious, but swimming in ancient times was more dangerous than modern wild swimming, so it’s better to be careful.


Seeing some people setting up stalls not far away with bamboo umbrellas, Jing Yi thought of taking Chuxia to sit there and watch the sea. However, he turned and saw Chuxia’s watery eyes filled with anticipation. He firmly refused, “You can’t. The water is too cold. I’ll accompany you to sit there and watch the sea. Be good.”


“You just said the temperature is fine…” Chuxia struggled.


“They have thick skin, of course, it’s fine for them.” Jing Yi decisively stated, ensuring not to leave his wife’s side, never secretly going into the sea to play.


Chuxia: …Guaranteed to be lonely.


The joyful morning passed in the blink of an eye. Everyone was not satisfied, and even Chuxia, who only sat and watched the sea or walked on the beach collecting seashells, wanted to come back in the afternoon.


As they walked towards the seafood market, laughter and chatter filled the air, attracting smiles from passersby. Clearly, they were a group of naive youngsters who had never seen the sea!


Entering the seafood market, a strong smell of fish and shrimp hit them, causing Chuxia to retch and step back repeatedly.


“Wife, you can’t stand the smell? Or is there something uncomfortable?” Jing Yi was surprised and quickly asked.


“It’s okay, just too fishy. I’ll get used to it slowly.” Chuxia said.


“How about this, I’ll take Steward Tong and the others inside the market to choose, and we’ll have the shop at the entrance cook it for us. Okay? Renhe and Renyi, you two go inside with Chuxia and wait for us,” Jing Yi suggested.


After settling Chuxia, Jing Yi took the others into the market. Although the shop was not large, it had many customers and was clean and tidy. The shopkeeper knew that distinguished guests couldn’t stand the fishy smell, so she quickly led them to the second floor.


Back in the market, Jing Yi looked at various seafood, some of which he couldn’t even name. He dared not buy recklessly and only bought plenty of those he had eaten before.


Majestic crabs with menacing claws, yes, delicious; lively prawns with sharp antennae, quite large; plump abalones and slippery squids, all included; fresh and sweet oysters, plump clams, added to the list.


Steward Tong and Jing Ming followed, their hands filled with seafood. Seeing that the master showed no intention of stopping, knowing that his shopping addiction was up again, they advised him, but he paid no attention.


“Master, it’s almost enough. Master’s wife must be waiting impatiently,” Steward Tong wisely suggested. It was time to mention Chuxia.


“Right! Let’s go back.”


After handing the ingredients to the shopkeeper and ordering a few meat and vegetable dishes, they finally stopped. There was no choice; although there seemed to be a lot of seafood, much of it had shells, and there wasn’t much left after peeling.


Everyone gathered around a table. The coachmen were initially somewhat uneasy, but Jing Yi said that having more people would allow them to enjoy more seafood without wasting any, so they temporarily let go of their restraint.


As the dishes were served one after another, Jing Yi took a separate plate for Chuxia with each dish. He knew his wife’s taste very well, adjusting the portions of each dish accordingly. Chuxia enjoyed his own little feast, and others felt relieved. They no longer needed to be so restrained, even feeling embarrassed to reach for the chopsticks.


“It’s ready, let’s eat! Order more if it’s not enough!” Jing Yi gave the order, and everyone started using their chopsticks vigorously.


Fresh seafood, combined with the excellent skills of the shopkeeper, created a heavenly taste. While eating, Jing Yi also observed everyone’s reactions. Seeing that no one showed signs of a seafood allergy, he felt at ease.


In less than twenty minutes, there was almost nothing left on the table. These sturdy men had impressive appetites. Jing Yi, not sparing any expense, was thinking of adding another dish, but was quickly stopped by everyone. It turned out even a sunflower seed wouldn’t fit in their stomachs.


After settling the bill, the group headed back to the inn, planning to rest for a while and then explore the shops in the afternoon before heading back to the seaside.


As they walked along the road, suddenly, Chuxia felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, a subtle and descending ache.


For some reason, he panicked and felt scared. He quickly shouted to Jing Yi, “Ah Yi, Ah Yi, my stomach hurts.”


“Chuxia, your stomach hurts? Don’t be afraid; I’ll take you to the medical clinic.” Jing Yi looked at Chuxia, whose face turned pale, and who broke into a cold sweat. He immediately wanted to carry him and rush to the clinic.


Seeing this, Chuxia subconsciously covered his stomach and refused, “Don’t carry me! Just hold me and go, Ah Yi, quickly.” He even had a hint of a teary voice.


“Alright, it’s okay. Nothing will happen. Your husband is here.” Jing Yi comforted him, but he was also anxious and worried, fearing it might be an emergency.


“Master, I inquired. The medical clinic is not far ahead. Follow me.” Steward Tong, reliable at critical moments, quickly found out the location of the clinic.


“Doctor! Doctor! Come quickly and check my husband. His stomach hurts.” As soon as Jing Yi entered the clinic, he shouted anxiously.


An elderly doctor, seeing his urgency and the pale face of the person in his arms, understanding the emotional state of the family members, refrained from scolding him for disrupting the tranquility of the clinic.


“Come this way. Is there a reason for the stomachache?” The elderly doctor asked while checking the pulse.


“We went to the seaside this morning, enjoyed the breeze, had seafood for lunch, and were just returning to the inn to rest. That’s when my husband said his stomach hurts.” Jing Yi answered, afraid of missing any details, even specifying what they had for lunch.


The old doctor finished checking the right pulse, then switched to the left. The pulse flow was smooth, indicating a smooth and sleek pulse, like pearls rolling on a jade plate—a slippery pulse. Seeing Jing Yi still babbling about the lunch menu, he interrupted him impatiently.


“You call yourself a husband? Your husband is pregnant, and you didn’t pay attention! You let him enjoy the sea breeze and eat seafood?! ”


Jing Yi was dumbfounded, “Pregnant?!”

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