Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 109 Table of contents

Chapter 109 Extra Part One: Journey to the Capital


After receiving a successful report from Gao Kun and Renyi about the delivery of the invitation, the visit to the Wen residence tomorrow was set, with a visit to Elder Brother Huang’s home planned for the day after.


During dinner that night, Jing yi democratically inquired, “Tomorrow, when I and Chuxia visit the Wen residence, would you all like to come along?”


Initially, Dongjiang and the others had already arranged to inspect stores and buy people in the government office tomorrow. However, upon hearing about the visit to the Wen Residence, they naturally decided to temporarily put business aside.


Respecting heaven and earth, honoring parents and teachers – this was both a show of respect and filial piety.


Chuxia turned to ask Xiao Shu, seated next to him, “Staying alone in the inn would be boring. Are you coming with us tomorrow? You can also visit Master Si Yuan.”


Xiao Shu had initially planned to spend tomorrow in the inn reading and writing. Although playful and mischievous, he was quite sensible. He understood that unlike Anchang County, he shouldn’t cause trouble for his elder brother in the capital. But now, since Chuxia asked, indicating they could go together, he naturally wanted to visit his respected teacher. It was a rare opportunity.


“Sure, Brother Xiaxia, let’s go together,” he replied, playfully hugging Chuxia.


Jing Yi couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous, teasing, “Eat your meal properly. You’re all grown up, yet still acting cute.”


Beside them, another person looked on with envy. Dongjiang handed Xiao Shu a piece of spare ribs, saying, “Eat quickly. The dishes are getting cold.”


Everyone gazed at the steaming dishes on the table for a long time, speechless.


After finishing the meal, Jing Yi called Dongjiang and the others, “Come to my room in fifteen minutes. We need to discuss something.”


It all stemmed from a sudden idea about the visit to the Wen family tomorrow. If the business of cultivating pearls could really take off, it might affect many interests, involving individuals they couldn’t afford to provoke as the Jing and Lin families.


So, Jing Yi thought, using the same old method, offering some benefits to establish connections and find a powerful backer.


This backer needed to be someone capable of suppressing the powerful families. Therefore, Jing Yi planned to directly approach the highest authority, ensuring a once-and-for-all solution.


A strong and authoritative knock sounded, signaling Dongshan’s arrival.


Jing Yi said, “Come in.”


When the three younger brothers entered, Chuxia had intended to take the two children into the inner room so as not to disturb their conversation. But seeing Jing Yi insist on them staying, he glanced at his three sneaky younger brothers, then shot a glare at Jing Yi. Despite this, he stayed, holding Guoguo while sitting in the window’s seat with An An, playing with toys to keep them occupied while Jing Yi discussed matters with his brothers at the table.


Everyone took their seats, and Jing Yi poured tea for his younger brothers. He then systematically explained his thoughts to them.


The main point was the freshwater pearl cultivation, which had been their joint effort for several years. Seeing the potential for profit, Jing Yi proposed sharing the benefits. He worried that his brothers might feel uncomfortable with the idea or, worse, agree on the surface but harbor concerns deep inside.


After exchanging glances, it was Xiao Shan who stepped forward and honestly spoke to his big brother, “Big brother, we definitely agree to your proposal. Besides, we had already discussed it, intending to allocate half of the pure profits from this business to you. The remaining half would be divided among the three of us.”


Upon hearing this, Jing Yi furrowed his brows and said, “What nonsense are you talking about? This business belongs to the three of you!”


Dongshan became a bit anxious. “How could it be just us three? This idea was yours, the method was yours, even the money for establishing the farm and workshop was provided by you. You’ve patiently guided us for these past few years. We are truly grateful.”


Even the usually composed Dongjiang chimed in, “Big brother, it’s not that we want to create a rift with you, but we understand gratitude and appreciate your guidance.”


Jing Yi was speechless. “Wasn’t this discussion supposed to be about paying ‘protection fees’ to higher-ups? How did it turn into this topic?”


Xiao Shan, sensing Jing Yi’s slightly relaxed stance, grinned and said, “Hey, we three had already planned to discuss this with you these two days. Not only yours, but we also intended to make it clear about the shares among the three of us under your witness.”


Dongjiang joined in the banter, “Exactly! Brothers need to settle their accounts clearly! Hahaha.”


Jing Yi shook his head with a smile, amused by his three lively brothers.


In the end, after various discussions, the confirmed plan was to distribute profits equally among the four of them. Initially, if the emperor was willing to invest with his “status,” two shares of profit would be reserved for him. These two shares held significant value and acted as both support and a symbol. If it was less, it wouldn’t be presentable; if it was more, it wouldn’t be appropriate.


Then, Xiao An, Dongshan, Dongjiang, and Jing Yi would each receive two shares. Jing Yi tried to decline, but the others insisted, and so it was settled.


After some consideration, Jing Yi cautioned, “When it comes to the Wen family, the annual gifts must be substantial.”


It wasn’t appropriate to share profits with Wen Family. If news of it reached the emperor or political rivals, it could lead to trouble.


“Rest assured, big brother. We’ll handle it properly.”


At this point, Chuxia, sitting in the royal seat, spoke up, “Wait a moment. For Jing Yi’s two shares, one share goes to An An and Guoguo. When they grow up and get married, it can be considered your uncle’s betrothal gift. The remaining one share goes to our parents.”


The three younger brothers simultaneously responded, “Alright, Brother,” and then playfully glanced at Jing Yi, making odd expressions for some unknown reason.


Jing Yi quickly followed suit, stating, “Listen to Chuxia; this way is much more appropriate.” Seeing his three brothers acting strangely, he proudly stood up straight and said, “Now you know who’s in charge in our family, right?”


Xiao An/Dongshan/Dongjiang: “…”


Dongjiang: “Understood, big brother. Learned a lot.” He gave a thumbs up.


Jing Yi: “…”


After silently mocking Dongjiang in his mind, Jing Yi added, “Since it’s for our parents, let’s split it between both sets of parents, one share for each family.”


Chuxia smiled and nodded, saying, “Good.”


Dongjiang: Big brother is so capable, truly my role model!


After the discussion, Jing Yi arranged for them to draft a proposal on “Sales and Promotion of Cultivated Pearls” tonight. Tomorrow, he planned to present it to Dean Wen, asking for his help in submitting it to the emperor.


Then, with a mischievous smile, he ushered his suddenly shocked brothers away.


Chuxia couldn’t help but say, “Why are you scaring them?” Clearly, Jing Yi had already written half of this proposal.


Jing Yi, with a sense of righteousness, said, “A jade requires polishing to become a gem. Tomorrow, let’s see how they perform. I’ll prioritize using their plan, mine is just a backup.”


Chuxia laughed, “Well, thank you for your hard work, my lord.”


Jing Yi smirked, “Who thanks with words only?” Clearly implying that he would prefer some other form of gratitude.


Chuxia, unfazed, replied, “Oh, An An, Guoguo, your daddy wants to play with you.”


The two joyfully screamed and immediately rushed into Jing Yi’s arms, making a fuss.


Jing Yi: …Mischievous Chuxia.


The next day, everyone boarded the carriage and went to the Wen residence. On the way, Jing Yi reviewed the proposal drafted by his three brothers. It was mostly usable, with minor flaws that didn’t affect the overall content.


The three brothers were excited after hearing Jing Yi’s feedback. They had never imagined that one day their proposal would reach the emperor’s desk. Big brother was truly amazing!


Upon reaching the Wen residence, the two families hadn’t seen each other for many years, and the reunion was warm and joyous.


After the meal, Jing Yi took his three brothers to Wen Zhiqing’s study and explained the matter. Wen Zhiqing readily agreed to help and even took the initiative to investigate which families in the capital were engaged in such business. He promised to provide information in three days.


Jing Yi expressed his gratitude, saying, “Many thanks, Elder Wen.”


Hearing Jing Yi’s unchanged address, Wen Zhiqing’s smile broadened. “Why be so polite? After all, this can be considered helping the emperor with his affairs.”


Indeed, if they could secure a twenty percent profit that reached the emperor’s private treasury, many things could be achieved.


Now, they could only wait for good news from Wen Zhiqing.


On the third day, they were scheduled to visit Elder Brother Huang’s home.


Since the three men had agreed to visit the government office today, they had left early in the morning.


They weren’t very familiar with Elder Brother Huang, so there was no need for them to go for a visit.


“The power dynamics in the capital are intricate. If you accidentally drop a signboard, you might hit four people, and three of them could be officials with backgrounds. Don’t be afraid in facing challenges, but also don’t act recklessly.”


Before the three men left, Jing Yi gave them a half-day of advice, contemplating various emergency measures for unexpected situations. Only after Chuxia urged them did he watch them leave like an old father seeing off his children going to buy oranges.


Observing the three men leaving in haste, Jing Yi, with a black line on his forehead, accompanied his husband, brothers, and the two children, also leaving the house.

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