She’s back!! Might just be me but I’m getting a little tired of seeing Yangcheon just getting beat down constantly LOL this dragon scene was a bit weird. Having his arm ripped off then being healed by his competitor??
facts. i mean for the last like two arcs of 100 chapters he’s been injured or no energy. i mean it’s kinda wild to introduce that Wudang Cheonma scene and then just have him be weaker than every person he’s going up against afterwards after a 3 year time skip/training arc. Can’t help but feel like this dragon guy should’ve been introduced later in the series. i’m lost on why another dragon was just chillin on this land in his past life and nothing happened, you’d think the fragments of the blood demon would’ve at least met them in the past cycle if they are here to gather them.
yeah it feels a bit like he isnt getting stronger at all All the time he does one two techniques and then is injured for months I thought he gotten better at Paejon art after three years but its still one punch = injured for months
So to recap
Sight - Peng Wujin
Hearing - Woo Hyuk
Smell - Namgung Bi-Ah
Touch - Seong Yul
Taste - ? Guessing it's the Divine Dragon.
Body - Cheonma(Yeona)
Soul - Wi Seol-Ah
???? - Dancer
Taste is So yeol
Touch is Cheol Ji Cheon
She’s back!!
Might just be me but I’m getting a little tired of seeing Yangcheon just getting beat down constantly LOL this dragon scene was a bit weird. Having his arm ripped off then being healed by his competitor??
facts. i mean for the last like two arcs of 100 chapters he’s been injured or no energy. i mean it’s kinda wild to introduce that Wudang Cheonma scene and then just have him be weaker than every person he’s going up against afterwards after a 3 year time skip/training arc. Can’t help but feel like this dragon guy should’ve been introduced later in the series. i’m lost on why another dragon was just chillin on this land in his past life and nothing happened, you’d think the fragments of the blood demon would’ve at least met them in the past cycle if they are here to gather them.
yeah it feels a bit like he isnt getting stronger at all
All the time he does one two techniques and then is injured for months
I thought he gotten better at Paejon art after three years but its still one punch = injured for months