Mr. Jing and His Little Husband
Chapter 116 Table of contents

Chapter 116


My name is Ah Qi, eighteen years old this year, and today is my wedding day.


I don’t remember much about the days before the age of five; perhaps it was too bitter and hungry. My brain, in order to protect myself, made me forget those times.


This was told to me by the person I respect and admire the most, my boss.


There’s another version that claims I was originally a virtuous child by the side of the Bodhisattva, and Guanyin Bodhisattva was moved by the three lifetimes of friendship between me and Ah Kun. So, at the age of nine, she sent me to his side, destined for this life.


“But why was I so thin and small back then? Can’t the Bodhisattva have enough to eat?”


“Naturally, when heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a person, it must first torment their mind, tire their muscles and bones, and starve their body. Ah Qi, you are destined to do great things!”


The above is what my husband, Ah Kun, plagiarized from Boss Jing’s works and adapted to tell me.


This work was written by Boss Jing himself, detailing the past and present of him and the boss. It has been widely circulated in our household.


But in my view, maybe my silly little brain and limited space couldn’t contain it all. Later, there were too many happy and blissful things, naturally squeezing out any unhappiness or discomfort.


For example, on this wedding day, I want to remember every detail and scene, maybe even push aside the unpleasant event when Ah Kun got injured and didn’t tell me last time, or when a wealthy family in the county wanted Ah Kun as a son-in-law.


Ah Kun: Darling, can we just let that go and start anew? I was wrong!


Ah Qi: Hmph (pouts)


“Here they come, the groom is here!”


Outside, the children ran over happily to deliver the news. My initially calm mood suddenly became nervous.


“Ah Qi, don’t be nervous. Nothing has changed, except that he can now openly love and protect you. You can also openly love and take care of him.”


Master Chuxia gently stroked my hair, half-holding me and patting my back, just like when I was a child.


My eyes felt a bit sour, inexplicably uneasy, leaning dependently against his chest.


For Ah Kun and me, Boss Jing and Master Chuxia are like fathers and brothers, not only guiding us in our studies and teaching us skills for a living.


Most importantly, they taught us the principles of being a good person, how to love, and how to live well.


“Ah Qi, think of something happy! After today, you can confidently check your post!”


This was Xiao Shu, my close friend and tormentor, the destroyer of sentimental moments.


“Knock, knock, knock.” There was a knocking sound on the door of the bridal chamber, and the most familiar voice had already started outside.


“Ah Qi! I’m here!”


Ah Kun is here!


Yes, what am I nervous about! Coming to pick me up is Ah Kun, who has been taking care of me since I was little!


Back in the Gao family, he secretly helped me with chores and prevented Auntie from scolding me!


On the run, he would hide half a steamed bun to give me, even if he had to eat tree bark himself!


In Qingzhou Prefecture, he would pretend to be sick rather than be sold alone, holding onto me tightly!


No more waiting! Even another second is unnecessary. I looked up, blushing and happy, at the boss, who nodded in understanding.


Then, I couldn’t wait to rush to the door. Forget about rules and traditions; we are already a married couple!


I entered his family’s door and married him when I was five!


Opening the door, I saw Ah Kun’s eyes go from surprise to extreme joy. I knew he was just as eager!


My body suddenly went airborne, rotating once, and I quickly hugged his neck. Hehe, after taking a wedding car ride around, it’s time to bow to the ceremony!




My name is Gao Kun, 23 years old. Today is nothing special, just an ordinary business trip.


Wait, no, since I got married last year, I can now apply for my spouse to accompany me on business trips.


However, the previous two business trips coincided with Ah Qi being busy, so I applied for a lonely trip. This time, I can finally bring my spouse to work together.


This should be what the adults call the second honeymoon.


Ah Qi peeks from the side: Honeymoon!


In the carriage, watching my little spouse next to me chattering incessantly about “I haven’t finished my own work, and I have to accompany you,” I blissfully closed my eyes, lying on his thigh. I responded with sincere and lazy “Hmm” sounds, but my mind had already drifted far away.


After arriving in Jixian, I first busied myself with work. Jixian is not big, but it’s not small either. I estimate I can get things done in about three days. Then, I’ll take Ah Qi to play. Jixian is not large, but there are plenty of interesting things to do.


Knowing that Ah Qi would accompany me this time, the adults specially approved three days of paid leave for us.


I plan to take Ah Qi to eat sugar-glazed crispy duck and candied sweet potatoes. I tasted them last time, and they were sweet; Ah Qi would definitely like them.


My thoughts drifted farther and farther.


Remembering when we first arrived at the Jing family, although we were young and didn’t do much work, the adults were kind, and our monthly wages were never reduced.


But people accustomed to hardships, even if they are children, are reluctant to spend money. Our only extravagance each month was me buying him a pack of sugar cakes, and he buying me a pack of braised pork. We would sit together and enjoy them.


Hehehe, even at such a young age, Ah Qi already had a place in his heart for me.


“Did you hear what I said to you?” A soft and slightly angry voice came from beside me.


“I heard. You said to go over there and buy some fruits for An An, Guoguo, Pan Pan, and Du Du to bring back. Buy some dried fruits, and pickled plums, they are famous here, and they can be stored for a long time.”


Sure enough, Ah Qi was happy, nodding repeatedly, and even gave me a grateful and encouraging kiss.


Looking at Ah Qi’s cute and soft face, I couldn’t help but counterattack, but I restrained myself; the carriage was definitely not the place for such nonsense. Still, I must get my fair share of kisses.


Watching the shopkeepers and subordinates of several stores behave nervously, my inner self remained unaffected.


Since I took on tasks alone from the adults when I was fifteen, people outside rarely had positive opinions of me.


At first, they bullied me for being young, less educated, and a servant, with mocking and scornful words constantly ringing in my ears. I didn’t care. If Ah Qi hadn’t secretly heard these gossips once and teared up, I wouldn’t hesitate to dirty my fists on them.


Later, with the help and guidance of the adults, I gradually became proficient in my work. Those who used to look down on me no longer dared to say anything. Even if they started nodding and bowing, groveling and kowtowing, I didn’t feel anything.


I truly didn’t care about them.


Nowadays, the opinions about me outside are still mixed, with most criticizing me as ruthless, cruel, and indifferent to human feelings.


There are even more extreme opinions, saying that the adults have raised a wolf cub, which will bite back sooner or later, and they can control me with a simple contract.


People in the family just sneer at this. The marriage contract between Ah Qi and me was in our hands on the day of our wedding.


If Master Chuxia hadn’t advised us to think about our future children, both Ah Qi and I planned to secretly return the marriage contract to him.




“Manager Gao, you see, the first half of the year has indeed been bad for business. We’ve done plenty of discount promotions, but due to the impact of the floods, people have no desire to buy things!”


“Ah, it’s all because of our incompetence!”


“Yes, Manager Gao, please forgive us.”


“Manager Gao is talented and promising. We hope you can understand our old and feeble selves.”


Gao Kun looked at these hypocritical and morally self-righteous old guys below, feeling nothing in his heart. He even found it ridiculous. What the adults said was true; this was about cultivating a taste for grandeur.


“Well, you guys are quite incompetent, and ignorant too.”


After saying that and seeing the old guys’ faces of anger and frustration, he continued, “The flood occurred in Jiangzhou on the sixth day of the fifth month. Relief efforts started in the middle of May. Moreover, only five villages in the jurisdiction of Jixian were affected. Are you telling me it had a significant impact?”


“Furthermore, even if the people in Jixian were greatly affected, our Jing family’s products have always followed both the mid-range and high-end lines. Even if the people around Jixian, especially the wealthy and influential, were affected, did it ruin their households?”


Gao Kun’s casual words made several managers resentful and fearful.


They hated that he didn’t know what was good for him. During inspections, shouldn’t they turn a blind eye and receive some benefits, a mutual “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” relationship? How could the Jing family make money without giving them their share?


They were also afraid that he might mention the wealthy and influential people in Jixian, and rumors would spread that they believed the local dignitaries had suffered financial losses. That would be detrimental to their reputation.


After Gao Kun finished speaking, he didn’t say much more. His methods were thunderous. Immediately, he dismissed five managers who were deceiving above and cheating below. Other less culpable individuals had the opportunity to redeem themselves.


Then came another round of recommendations. All employees within the Jing family’s shops could recommend themselves or others to fill these vacancies.


For a moment, the atmosphere within the Jing family became lively. Previously diligent but not articulate employees found their time to shine, and everything seemed to be moving in a positive direction.


“Manager Gao, I’ve come to pick you up. Can we go home now?” A round-faced and chubby cute ger poked his head in from outside and asked.


“Right away, Ah Qi.” Gao Kun hastened his communication with the subordinates, picked up the account book, and eagerly approached the adorable guy.


As he walked in, Ah Qi’s smile grew even wider, and his round eyes formed gentle crescents. Anyone who saw him would feel the urge to cherish him.


Perhaps Manager Gao felt the same as others. As soon as he approached, he half-protected his adorable guy, and his gaze stayed on him, never feeling enough no matter how long he looked.




In a moment, it felt like an eternity, ever since you stepped into my life.

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