Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Swo…
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Chapter 298 Table of contents
A military camp stood atop the snow-covered highlands.
It was one of the many such camps scattered across Winterer, established to ensure the White Armored Dragon Cavalry could efficiently conduct their operations.
Officially, these camps existed to aid in military strategies, but their true purpose was to monitor the activities of the northern families.
This particular camp, called Snowman’s Shoulder, was situated along the border between Ragnar’s and Narsio’s territories.
“The condition of the camp is satisfactory. We just need to pitch a few additional tents.”
Julius dismounted his wyvern and inspected the long-unused camp, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.
One by one, the other soldiers landed their wyverns and expertly guided them into the stables.

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