The question reflected utter incomprehension. It was as if the idea of rejection had never crossed Namgung Myung's mind. Woo Hyuk responded with a sheepish smile.
"Even if you ask me why…"
[No matter how deeply I consider it, I still don’t understand. Why?]
Namgung Myung’s expression made it clear—he was baffled. To him, this must have seemed like an incredible opportunity.
But to explain it clearly—
"I’m not a member of the Namgung Clan."
It was a simple reason.
shouldn t it be white rankedand not crimson?
The plot thickens?! I’m confused now. The big scary dragon was downgraded to a white ranked beast? Also I believe that should be the Mount Hua Divine Sword? Thanks for the chapters :)
yeah translator gets confused quite often and will randomly directly contradict things written a page ago. they are discussing Dragon level demons, or White ranked demons.
Downgraded to crimson you mean, they should be white ranked/dragons