Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Swo…
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Chapter 362 Table of contents
In a strange and unfamiliar space, Theo slowly regained his senses. His entire body felt impossibly heavy, as though he had sunk into an inescapable quagmire.
He couldn’t move his lips or even flutter his eyelids. All he could do was sink endlessly into the abyss.
The only saving grace was the absence of pain and the fact that his thoughts were still intact.
What truly grated on his nerves, however, was the tiny window through which he could see the Nameless Sovereign—now in possession of his body—unfolding his plan.
Through this window, Theo witnessed the Nameless Sovereign casually spreading death with every step.
With no visible effort, ordinary humans devoid of magic were reduced to ash and scattered like dust in the wind.
The sight made Theo curse his own helplessness, trapped as he was in this powerless state.

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