The words from Cheonma made me frown.
“How the hell would I know that?”
What kind of conversation was this?
This felt like a complete waste of time.
‘What the hell am I even doing?’
Her name didn’t matter in the slightest.
In my past life, I didn’t know Cheonma’s name either.
She was simply Cheonma.
A devil descended from the heavens, the very source of calamity.
Her name meant nothing to me.
only one thing actually annoys me , the mc still don't see his master as a true one . in murim the figure of a master is comparable to a second father so our boy should really try to trust him a little more, maybe telling his story and get some help or at least he should ask counsel . even a generic one about this situation should help him a lot . in his mind instead he only think about elder noya without him he really seems lost...