I’m Not the Heroine (Light Novel)
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Chapter 81 Table of contents
In the past, the eastern part of the Empire was engulfed in turmoil.
Pirates and monsters constantly emerged from the eastern sea, tormenting the people. The dried-up sky and land made food production impossible, and in the chaos, bandits and fraudsters appeared, preying on the remaining wealth of the survivors.
At that time, a noble family stepped forward.
Count Yord successfully secured the central region of the East through his immense power, and in doing so, the Empire's territory was fully expanded to the eastern sea.
The mana that Count Yord wielded soon breathed life back into the land and sky, ensuring a sustained way of life.
To the people of the East, Count Yord was nothing less than a hero, and they began to hold festivals in his honor on the anniversary of his death.
"…And that’s the origin of the festival we’re going to."

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