This is closer to oral tradition and folklore than history.
Such is the story.
In a very distant past.
When a goblin committed a sin out of longing for his home.
Because of his sin, the framework of the world was crushed, and dimensions became distorted.
From within that, beings that defied the laws began to pour out.
In an instant, a single act destroyed the rules.
The broken rules began to dismantle the laws set by the world.
As a result, countless lives perished.
I wonder.. since he has a horn he is more like an Oni, not a goblin.. is that a misstranslation or it's actually goblin in the original?
Maybe a dokaebi?
btw these 2 chapters were very important with a lot of info . especially this last paragraph , it was confirmed that cheonma is a piece of blood demon and not a literal daughter like he called the second waifu ages ago so seol wi is probably the same . we confirmed that the blood demon is still the minion of the world and he probably still want to reset the world and the gu family is prohibiting his objective to probably open up the gate but it doesn't make sense with the info we just got . if guarding the gate was an order from the world why the "dog of the world " is trying to open it ? wouldn't that go against his master ? did i misunderstand ?
Confirmation isn't really needed at this point as his it's been more than strongly hinted at who is his spirit, body, sense of sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. You have to go back and read the chapter where MC met with the blood demon, he indirectly says much doesn't want to play role as a calamity so he's just sitting around pretending to be 'sealed' waiting for an opportunity. The unanswered question so far was what is this opportunity he's waiting for and now we know, it involves opening the gate. My speculation is that he wants to escape to the divine realm because rn he is really isn't anything more than a slave to the world, hence granddad calling him a dog.
I'm not sure if the blood demon is acting on the behalf of the world.. although could be since that's a separate matter.. he is here because the tree fucked It up.. but since in Yangcheon's previous life he didn't do anything, I doubt anything is rushing him, I think he just found a way to "go home" or something else.. the story clearly goes into a future where the blood demon will be the final boss but I doubt the world has to do with anything what the blood demon wants
I've gone through all the comments and I'll be sure to take everything into account.
Yeah, censorship and spoiler tagging. No, full stop. If it isn't in the original we don't want to see it, if it is we want to see it as close to source as it gets.
thx boss
@solee_79 please i beg no censorship ... this is a story for adults where the mc even actually torture people ... censor the word fuck is illogical and break the fourth wall . please reconsider
thanks for the chapters as usual