The Witch Hunter System
Chapter 641 Table of contents

The Shadow Witch Order founded by Eniwse served two main purposes. The first and foremost was to collect various information, regardless of their usefulness or not, for Vaan. It was the original intention behind the founding of the Shadow Witch Order.

However, the second main purpose was even more important than the first: learning about the various situations in Pangea.

Since the seven witch kingdoms had been isolated from the rest of the continent for many years, they knew very little about worldly affairs in the other parts of the Pangea continent. But now that they had gained access through the Holy Knight Empire, they were like butterflies breaking free from their cocoons. They had to spread their wings across Pangea and catch up on the state of affairs.

It was exceedingly important.

After all, there were still five Devil's Contractors hidden in Pangea.

Eniwse had learned how much trouble a single Devil's Contractor could cause. Even if she had no intention of dealing with the other five Devil's Contractors, she still had to keep them under her watchful eyes.

Nothing good would come from letting the Devil's Contractors freely act without restraint.

However, uncovering the identities of the Devil's Contractors was like searching for a needle in a haystack; it was extremely difficult, requiring a lot of time and effort. Even so, the Shadow Witch Order determined to achieve it, no matter where the Devil's Contractors were hiding.

To achieve their purpose, the shadow witches followed one motto – where there was a secret, the shadow witches' eyes and ears must be near.

Eniwse had worked tirelessly for her goal and spared little time for rest. A normal High Witch would have collapsed from exhaustion in her shoes, but she persevered. Her body and mind were weary, but her heart remained firm.

She wondered if her tenacious spirit was a benefit of recovering from berserk transformation.

Nevertheless, Vaan's timely yet surprising visit finally allowed Eniwse to unwind and relax. Alas, she could only enjoy three hours of intimate moments with Vaan before she was completely exhausted.

However, after thirty minutes of rest, since Vaan left, Eniwse's body and mind were restored to an even better state than before, as if she had taken some miraculous all-recovery drug.

When Eniwse came out of her main office, she immediately noticed the odd stares she received from her subordinates. Their faces were still feverish from the stimulation, and a unique womanly smell also permeated the air.

Realization quickly dawned on her, causing her cheeks to flush slightly red. Still, she maintained a cool and aloof look; even if she knew she forgot to use a sound-proof spell on her office, she couldn't reveal her embarrassed side in front of her subordinates.

Where would her face be if she did?

"Grand Mistress, who was that?" a shadow witch couldn't help but ask with strong curiosity, thinking a man who could reduce her leader to such a state of sheer bliss had to possess some ungodly skills in the art of pleasure.

"Besides Lord Vaan, who else do you think I would allow to touch this body of mine?" Eniwse calmly answered.

"Ah… Lord Vaan…"

Since Vaan entered and exited Eniwse's office with spatial shifts, not a single shadow witch had been able to identify him through the cover of the office wall.

However, once the shadow witches learned of his visit, they immediately wore regretful expressions as if they had missed a great opportunity to be graced by his noble presence.

The majority of the members of the Shadow Witch Orders were all Early-stage High Witches who had advanced with Vaan's assistance and swore their allegiance to him. They were also the main reason the Shadow Witch Order could expand its network to its current state so quickly.lightsnovel



"Alright, enough dilly-dallying and get back to work! We have a goal to achieve!" Eniwse dismissed the shadow witches sternly as she couldn't hide her embarrassment from them much longer.

The shadow witches quickly hurried back to their posts when they sensed a hint of annoyance in Eniwse's tone. They were aware they had overstepped their boundaries and were afraid of punishments.

What right did they have to inquire about their superior's personal business?

"Oh right, Grand Mistress. We received some alarming intel from our new branch in Divine Sword City," a shadow witch suddenly recalled her important business.

"From Divine Sword City?" Eniwse immediately furrowed her brows at the mention of the city's name as if just hearing it gave her a headache. "Spill it!" she demanded.

Divine Sword City was a city-state situated just south of the Holy Knight Empire.

It was also one of the twelve city-states that had entered an agreement and formed the Divine League in response to the Holy Knight Empire's potential invasion for territorial expansion.

When the Shadow Witch Order first infiltrated Divine Sword City to set up their new branch, they met with fierce resistance. As a result of their carelessness, their new branch was destroyed, and twenty-

seven High Witches lost their lives.

They had also failed a second operation and lost another twenty-five High Witches.

On the third attempt, they eventually succeeded in establishing their new branch in Divine Sword City, but its situation was not stable. The cost it took to reach this stage had been the Shadow Witch Order's biggest loss since its establishment.

There was something wrong with Divine Sword City.



"Yes, Grand Mistress," the shadow witch quickly complied with a solemn expression.


"According to our members in Divine Sword City, the locals appear to be extremely hostile toward witches. Any new witch awakened to their Specialized Magic would be caught and hanged in three days if found out. As a result of this custom, the city's development is affected, and the local women live in perpetual fear."

"Compared to its neighboring countries, Divine Sword City is considered quite underdeveloped, yet its strength does not fall behind at all. On the contrary, their sword masters are unexpectedly very strong," the shadow witch reported.

The city-state wasn't well-developed, but it had strong sword masters that could deal with the Shadow Witch Order's High Witches without leaving any survivors.

If someone said there was nothing wrong with Divine Sword City, Eniwse would certainly be the first to disagree.

There was definitely a great secret hidden within Divine Sword City.

"Investigate it! We must get to the bottom of this."

"Yes, Grand Mistress!"



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